CS 335: Lab Assignment 5

(TAs in charge: Rishabh Shah, Vishwajeet Singh)

In this assignment, you will perform Ridge and Lasso Regression using the old school method of gradient descent.

Standard Gradient Descent Algorithm
(Image source: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*HrFZV7pKPcc5dzLaWvngtQ.png)

Data Set

You are given the standard House Price Prediction Dataset. With 79 explanatory variables describing (almost) every aspect of residential homes in Ames, Iowa, the challenge is to predict the final price of each home. There are 1461 number of data points available that have been segregated to training data containing 1200 points and test data containing 261 points.

One part of this assignment entails coding up the gradient descent algorithm from scratch and applying it to ridge regression. In second part, we learn a new type of gradient descent to be applied to Lasso regression.

House Pricing Dataset
(Image source: https://storage.googleapis.com/kaggle-competitions/kaggle/5407/media/housesbanner.png)


The base code for this assignment is available in this compressed file. Below is the list of files present in the Lab5_base directory.

File Name Description
tasks.py This file contains all the required functions that you need to complete.
utils.py This file contains all helper functions that you can use.
autograder.py This is used for testing your tasks 1,2,3,4.

The data set is provided in the dataset directory.

Methods you need to implement

You will only have to write code inside the following functions.

Differences between Ridge and Lasso regression
(Image source: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2a88e2acc009fa4de3edeb51e683ca02.)

Task 1: Preprocessing (1 Mark)

In this task, you will complete the preprocess function in task.py file. To test your code, run the following command.

python3 autograder.py 1

Task 2: Ridge regression (2 Marks)

In this task, you will complete the ridge_grad_descent and grad_ridge function in task.py file. You are free to change the default parameters like learning rate, epsilon, max_iter as you wish (as long as it passes autograder). To test your code, run the following command.

python3 autograder.py 2

Task 3: K Fold Cross validation (1 + 1.5 Marks)

In this task, you will complete the k_fold_cross_validation function in task.py file. To test your code, run the following command.

python3 autograder.py 3

Note: This is just sanity check test (1 Mark). You will get full marks for tuning the lambda appropriately for both ridge and lasso regression. Report the hyperparameters used in observations.txt. Also, report the final SSE obtained on Test data (261 points). Make use of plot_kfold function to plot the SSE v/s lambda plot for ridge and lasso parts. Save them as ridge_kfoldcv.png and lasso_kfoldcv.png. Also, explain in observations.txt how does this plot help you tune the lambda

Task 4: Lasso Regression (2.5 Marks)

In this task, you will complete the coord_grad_descent function in task.py file. Make sure to write efficient code for this task (i.e 2000 iterations should take less than a min) for doing a fast cross validation. You are free to change the default parameter max_iter as you wish (as long as it passes autograder). To test your code, run the following command.

python3 autograder.py 4

Task 5: Observations (2 Marks)

In this task, answer the following question.
Is there something unusual with the solution of Lasso compared to the Ridge? Explain why such a thing would happen? Is using lasso advantageous compared to ridge. How?


You are expected to work on this assignment by yourself. You may not consult with your classmates or anybody else about their solutions. You are also not to look at solutions to this assignment or related ones on the Internet. You are allowed to use resources on the Internet for programming (say to understand a particular command or a data structure), and also to understand concepts (so a Wikipedia page or someone's lecture notes or a textbook can certainly be consulted). However, you must list every resource you have consulted or used in a file named references.txt, explaining exactly how the resource was used. Failure to list all your sources will be considered an academic violation.

In task.py, you will have to fill out functions for all the tasks specified.
In observations.txt, you will report the parameters (learning rate, max_iteration, lambda used) for both lasso and ridge that was used to obtain your min SSE on test data. Also, explain the plots and make sure to answer the Task 5 completely here.
Also, submit the kfold cross validation plots ridge_kfoldcv.png and lasso_kfoldcv.png.

Remember to test your solution before submission using the autograder provided.

python3 autograder.py [task_num]

where task_num can be one of {1,2,3,4, all}.

Place these four files (and additionally references.txt) in a directory (la-5-rollno), and compress it to be la5-rollno.tar.gz where rollno is your roll number (say 12345678, then Final compressed file would be la5-12345678.tar.gz) and upload it on Moodle under Lab Assignment 5.