Minimize this window

This window contains an applet. To run the BackLink browser applet, you must have Netscape Communicator version 4.07 or 4.5 installed. To run the applet, enable both Java and JavaScript using the Edit-Preferences-Advanced menu.

The applet will need security authorization, because it does things that applets are not normally allowed to do. (Trust us, we will not damage anything!) In order to guarantee to Netscape that the code has not been modified by a malicious third party, we need you to accept our code-signing certificate (alternative location).

Netscape will prompt you with a series of dialog boxes: in particular, be sure to check the box labeled Accept this Certificate Authority for Certifying software developers. Give the certificate some identifiable name, such as BackLink.

The first thing the applet will do is pop up security alerts, asking to access browser data, access computers over the network, and write to a file called browser.log. You should click Grant to allow the applet to do this, otherwise nothing will work! At this point, the applet starts a new browser window. Minimize this window but do not close it, so that the applet continues running. Browse away, and familiarize yourself with the applet's behavior.

The applet monitors the pages you browse, and shows the pages pointing into the current page. Click the buttons to the left of the page titles to display backlinks for other pages in the tree. Pages are displayed in a tree form, to aid your forward and backtracking as you explore. The Edit menu gives you a few simple controls to edit the tree, if you want to. Click the blue rectangles to collapse and expand tree nodes.