Graduate Software Lab
Autumn 1999


Soumen Chakrabarti (In cooperation with Sridhar Iyer, SIT)

Teaching assistants

Grades are out!

Total marks and grades have been posted. Details will be available later.

Schedule and assignments

Currently jump to this link.


This course is designed to be a foundation that will bring all students in the entering batch to a common standard of familiarity and expertise in the tools they will commonly use during their Masters program. This is a 4-credit lab course.

Preliminary course redesign notes are available. Your comments are welcome. We started the class with a survey of students' skills to fine-tune the course.

The standard contact hour is 2-5pm Friday.  However, we won't meet every Friday.  There will be a notice here if we hold a lecture.  Otherwise, assignments will be handed out online (from here).

Apart from lectures and teach-yourself sessions, there will be assignments and a project.  Each assignment will have ten points; there will be six assignments. The project will be worth thirty points. We expect the project to take at most three weeks of lab. work. Ten points will be set apart for viva.

The project will be done in groups of 2 to 3.  The assignments are to be done individually.  You can cooperate on assignments, but be sure to mention (in your code or report) who you worked with. This won't in itself reduce credit.  Assignments will be handed out on Fridays.  They are due the following Friday. The projects will be handed out as soon as possible. They are due two weeks before finals.  Feel free to suggest projects.

Tentative assignments (10 points each)

Project topics (30 points)

Topics with immediate in-house application are marked with *
Somewhat challenging projects are marked c
Of course, these are subjective judgements.  Every one will give a lot of experience.

Project grades are divided as follows:

Note that until all projects are completed, all grades are tentative. All students in a group will get the same marks for project.
* BibTeX server and client for department-wide publication reference sharing 99305002 pavan, 99305004 mitra, 99305034 neerajb (old 99305807) Report pending 6+5+4+6+5=26
Auction server for seminars, projects, used CD's, books,... D. S. Khot (99305402, dskhot), Takshak Chahande (99305602, takshak), Shrikant Ghare (98305020, ghare) Completed 6+6+5+6+6=29
*Scripts for automatic incremental backup and recovery of Unix and Windows machines Amlan Haldar(99305026), Uma Abhyankar(99305015) Completed 6+5+5+6+6=28
* Boolean expression keyword search Yusuf Batterywala + Amit Kotwal (amitk) P. SheshMurthy (shesh) Completed 5+4+5+6+5=25
* Campus phone directory with approx search abhay, ravis, nagender Completed 4+3+4+6+3=20
Similarly, library search Rashmi Kulkarni (99305016), Maureen Mascarenhas (99305405), Aruna L (99305037) Completed 5+4+3+6+3=21
c* ISP qos monitoring and reporting achint (99305901), sharry (99305902), mamata (99305903) Report pending 4+2+4+5+3=18
LAN performance monitoring and reporting Ameya P. Usgaonkar "ameya", Shailesh Marathe "shailesh", Ram Dayal Goyal "rdgoyal" Completed 5+5+4+6+4=24
* On-line reserving of lecture halls, seminar rooms etc. Deepashree U Galgali (99305401, deepu), Akhilesh K Shah (99305408, shah), Pradeep K Jaswani (99305406, pradeep) Completed 6+5+5+6+4=26
Distributed rendering tool for HTML slide presentations Prajakta Ganu (99305032), Sonal Bhagat (99305811), Archana Kale (99305801) Completed 5+5+4+6+4=24
Audio for slide presentation Amit jain (amitjain), Kiran Kulkarni (kiranrk), Santosh Cheler(csk), Jain Chandraprakash (jaincp) Completed 4+4+4+6+4=22
cTeX to HTML converter written in TeX sunil 99305005, avanish 99305006, nikhil 99305028 Completed 6+4+4+6+5=25
c*Apache (HTTPD) module for proxying to departmental machines based on ~/public_html/.forward Gigo Varghese (99305301, gijo), Vishvambhar Dayal (99305014, visdayal), S.Prasanna Kumar (99305029, prasanna) Completed 5+1+3+6+3=18
Squid log analysis Pooja 99305036, Manisha 99305033, Asha 99305302 Completed 3+4+3+5+5=20
Hyperlinked UNIX man pages Raj Narayan and Sobhan Babu and Rajat Behra Completed 3+2+2+2+2=11
Apache regexp for ProxyRemote J.D.Sujaya 99305303 Report pending 2+2+1+0+1=6
Email update to personal information Chandrasekhar Completed 2+4+3+5+3=17

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