Programming Languages
(CS-329 and CS-389, Autumn 2001)
- Instructor: Soumen Chakrabarti
- TA's: Ajay Kumar Singh (aksingh),
Rupesh Krantikumar Nasre (rupesh) and
V V Raja Rao (raja).
Time and place
- Lectures: Slot 6 (Room A2, Mon 11:30, Thu 8:30, Fri 11:30)
Ask your friendly CR about last-moment rescheduling and check my homepage
about sudden travel plans.
- Lab (CS-389): Slot L2, OSW Lab, Tue afternoon (but we wish to
make this flex-time)
- Office hours: Fri afternoons. Any other meetings by prior
email appointment only.
Do not use my regular email for matter related to the course.
A new email cs329 @ will
be set up for this purpose. There will also be a newsgroup which you should actively read.
Evaluation for CS-329
You can do these in groups of 2--3 students. All students in a group
will submit ONE writeup and get the same credit.
Lab assignments
You can do these in groups of 2--3 students. All students in a group
will submit ONE program and get the same credit. The TAs are responsible
for specifying precisely what is to be printed, and in what format,
because part of the evaluation on test cases will be done by scripts.
Students are responsible for adhering to these specs.
Supplementary readings