Poll Creator vijayk Home
Voice and speech clarity (excluding last two lectures):
ok 18
bad 6
good 2
Board writing clarity:
good 17
ok 9
bad 0
fast 22
ok 4
slow 0
great 14
drowning 8
shallow 4
Content overlap with other courses:
small 24
large 2
Can use this fundae in my probable job
likely 21
unlikely 5
Like to learn the matter just for its own sake:
yes 20
no 6
Can see some connections between covered topics:
yes 19
no 7
Prescribed reading available:
yes 17
no 8
I do regular googling to find supporting material:
yes 16
no 9
Given another chance I'd register again:
yes 14
no 10
Wish I could get out now:
no 16
yes 3
This poll is meant to get feedback on the CS610 lectures.