Sridhar Iyer: Personal
In my student days, I enjoyed outdoor activities, and I was able to indulge myself in this respect, at IIT Bombay during most of 1985-1997.
I have done a fair amount of trekking, in India, Nepal and the US. (Mountaineering Club, Wildlife Club).
I have been part of the institute's volleyball and bridge teams. I also enjoyed middle-distance running, bicycling and swimming.
The HSS section of the institute's Central Library, Koldongri, and Vihar lake, were some of my favourite haunts during my student days.
For the philosophically inclined, check this site: Art of Living.

2 + 2 philosophy
One is Ignorant when one does not know what is 2 + 2.
One becomes Intelligent when one knows what is 2 + 2, and undertakes several "addition of small numbers" projects.
Wisdom comes when one realizes of the importance of knowing what is 2 + 2, in the general scheme of things.
Enlightenment happens when ...?? (one is no longer bothered by questions like what is 2 + 2...??)

Last Updated: June 2008