Following are the instructions to install alpha-beta-crown. Clone the tool using the following command: git clone cd alpha-beta-CROWN git checkout 7b3d507caf40a5f42d99f6894373526c6fd615b7 Modify the following files: complete_verifier/ -- after line no. 425 and before line 236, insert the following line: arguments.Config["general"]["device"] = 'cpu' complete_verifier/ -- replace cuda() by cpu() #total 8 replacements complete_verifier/environment.yml -- delete the following lines: cudatoolkit=11.3.1=h2bc3f7f_2 pytorch=1.11.0=py3.7_cuda11.3_cudnn8.2.0_0 pytorch-mutex=1.0=cuda torchaudio=0.11.0=py37_cu113 torchvision=0.12.0=py37_cu113 Activate anaconda source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate Install the relevant packages using the following commands: conda env remove --name alpha-beta-crown conda env create -f complete_verifier/environment.yml --name alpha-beta-crown conda activate alpha-beta-crow conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cpuonly -c pytorch Example command to run: [One can find the onnx network and vnnlib files at] python complete_verifier/ --dataset MNIST --onnx_path netname(onnx) --vnnlib_path prop_file(prop_57_0.03.vnnlib) --config complete_verifier/exp_configs/vnncomp22/mnistfc.yaml --timeout 2000 --results_file res.txt Note: One needs to have a valid gurobi licence to run alpha-beta-crown. If you already had installed the licence while installing ERAN, you don't need to get the gurobi licence again.