CS412 : Introduction to Program Analysis 2001-2002

Welcome to the course homepage. Your course instructor is Uday Khedker.

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This course is scheduled in slot 6 implying that we will have lectures as per the following schedule :
Monday 11:30
Thursday 08:30
Friday 11:30

Overall Plan

The course begins with the traditional data flow analysis done by compilers for imperative languages (something which usually does not get discussed in sufficient details in a compilers course). Then the course looks at other semantic analyses performed for declarative languages using constraint based analysis, abstract interpretations, and type based analysis. The upshot of the course is that though all these seemingly different methods of analysis differ in their strengths and their reach, they share the same foundation and one kind of analysis can often be modelled as another kind of analysis.

Course Contents

Reading Material


Abstractions and Paradigms for Programming (CS 152) and Programming Languages (CS-329 and CS-389). Note that Language Processors (CS324) is not a prerequisite for this since detailed knowledge of compilers is not necessary for this course.

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Last updated on 9 January 2002.