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Assignments Upload form

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting. The amount of credit you will obtain for this assignment will also depend on how dutifully you follow these instructions.

Rules for submission

    Your filename should be YourRollno_assgn.tgz. To create this:
  • Create a directory named YourRollno_assgn/.
  • Inside this directory, create a directory for each question, with name Q<question number>. For example Q1, Q2
  • Copy ONLY the source files(.c,.cpp,.h etc.) for each question into the corresponding directory. Do not include the intermediate object files or final executable file in the directory.
  • Create a README file in the rollno_assgn/ directory. This README should contain, Name, Roll No. of all group members. The README MUST also contain instructions to compile and run your code for each assignment problem.
  • From the directory containing the YourRollno_assgn/ directory, run the command:
    tar -zcvf YourRollno_assgn.tgz YourRollno_assgn/
    For example: tar -zcvf 04305005_assgn.tgz 04305005_assgn/
    You can use the roll number of ONE of your team members.
    Note that only ONE submission per group is required/allowed.
  • Upload only the file YourRollno_assgn.tgz
  • This form is ONLY for uploading assignments. Please do NOT use this form to submit presentations. A separate form for uploading your presentations is here.

File Name:
Roll No: