We demonstrate our technique using three applications -- Lead Actor Detection in Motion Picture, Player of the Match Identification and Host Guest Detection. As applications go, Player of the Match Identification has not been well explored considering the enormous interest. In the other two applications, our technique detects lead stars faster than the state-of-art techniques, which makes our method practical and easy to use.

Lead Actor Detection in Motion Picture

In motion pictures, detecting the hero, heroine and villain has many interesting benefits. A person while reviewing a movie can skip the scenes where lead actors are not present. A profile of the lead actors can also be generated. Significant scenes containing many lead actors can be used for summarizing video.

In our method, the face dictionary formed contains the lead actors. These face dictionaries are good enough in most of the cases. However, for more accurate results, the algorithm scans through a few frames of every shot to determine the faces occurring in the shot. The actors who occur in a large number of shots is identified as the lead actor.

The result of lead actors for the movie Titanic after scanning through entire movie is shown in the Figure

Player of the Match Identification

In the sports, sports highlight and key frames [6] are the two main methods used for summarizing. We summarize sports using the player of the match capturing the star players.

Detecting and tracking players in the complete sports video does not yield player of the match. The star players can play for shorter time and score more as opposed to players who attempt many times and don’t. So analyzing the players when there is score leads to the identification of star players. This is easily achieved by our technique, as detecting highlights results in exciting scenes like scores.

The result of lead sports stars detected from a soccer match Liverpool vs Havant & Waterlooville is presented in the Figure. The key players of the match are detected.

Host Guest Detection

In TV interviews and other TV programs, detecting host and guest of the program is the key information used in video retrieval. Javed et. al. have proposed a method for the same which removes the commercials and then exploits the structure of the program to detect guest and host. The algorithm uses the inherent structure of the interview that the host occurs for shorter duration than guest. However, it is not always the case, especially when the hosts are equally popular like in the case of TV shows like Koffee With Karan. In the case of competition shows, the host is shown for longer duration than guests or judges.

Our algorithm detects hosts and guests as lead stars. To distinguish hosts and guests, we detect lead stars on multiple episodes and combine the result. As it is intuitive, the lead stars over multiple episodes are hosts and the other lead stars detected for specific episodes are guests.