GCC 4.0.2 - The Implementation

Short Contents

Table of Contents

GCC 4.0.2 – The Implementation

The implementation details of the GCC compiler generation framework is described in relation to the separately proposed model of compilation. The details are exposed to the extent required to bring out the features of the proposed compilation model.

1 Introduction

In this document we note the details of the GCC 4.0.2 implementation given the background of the model in The Conceptual Structure of GCC and are succinctly captured in fig-cgf which is taken from that description. The model also identifies three useful time periods and introduces the notation for each. Thus, the view of GCC during it's development defines a time period denoted by tdevelop. The view of GCC during build is denoted by tbuild, and the view seen by a user of GCC, i.e. GCC in operation to compile user programs, is denoted by trun. We also take support from the GCC Internals documentation (GCC Internals (by Richard Stallman)) available for a few versions of GCC which describe in detail the uses of various macros and RTL objects in detail. This document bridges the gap between a conceptual view of GCC in The Conceptual Structure of GCC and the “programmer's manual” view in GCC Internals (by Richard Stallman). It uses the source layout structure described in GCC – An Introduction.


Figure 1.1: The GCC Compiler Generation Framework (CGF) and it's use to generate the target specific compiler (cc1/gcc) components. Some components of the compiler (cc1/gcc) are selected from the CGF, some are copied from the CGF and some are generated from the framework.

In general, the GCC source base makes a intensive use of source code level abstractions at tdevelop. Most data structure manipulations are expressed via preprocessor macros. Repetitive coding is addressed by extracting the common patterns of code and data into single source objects that are then used when required. For example, the tree AST has node types common to both C and C++, node types of C, and a set of node types that augment these when C++ is supported. Thus repetitive node typing for C++ given that they already exist for C, has been avoided. To support retargetability, or multiple source languages, the central core of the compiler makes extensive use of function pointers at tdevelop that are “initialized” to the required function either at tbuild or trun. For instance, the central core merely makes a call to the “parser” function pointer. Before this call the function pointer is initialized to the parse function of the source language at input.

We avoid source code listings as it is available on the GNU web site. We recommend reading the source code along with this document to see the contexts clearly.

1.1 Document Scope

GCC is an industry strength implementation. It complies to a number of standards since it aims to support a few HLLs. Extensive error detection and reporting is implemented. As a useful compiler it also has code to support features useful for programming like debugging support (in various formats), timing of internal operations etc. All such aspects of GCC code are not detailed here. We focus on the Gimple and RTL IRs and in particular, retargetability of the back end machines. Most of the ignored part is handled conceptually when needed. A distinction must be made between a concept and the variety of ways in which it can be implemented. Thus, for example, although we conceptually describe the “selection” of the HLL specific parts, the implementation is actually in terms of defining HLL specific data structures (lang_hooks) that contain the HLL specific data. The actual “selection” then occurs by chasing the information in these data structures.

1.2 Document Layout

In GCC Source Organization we refresh some of the terms introduced in GCC – An Introduction and connect the compiler generation framework in Figure 1.1 to the source code structure. The Compilation Phases in GCC Source Code gives a conceptual overview of the implementation structure of each part of the GCC phase sequence in Figure 1.1. The detailed description then begins. We have focused mainly on the Gimple and RTL phases of the GCC system and the other components are described in less detail and some have been skipped altogether as mentioned in scope. However, the basic overall structure of the compiler is briefly described in The Compilation Phases in GCC Source Code. The next three chapters give the implementation details of the three IRs of GCC: AST/Generic, Gimple and the RTL, at tdevelop. Since most of Gimple is identical to the AST/Generic, we focus on the processing required at tbuild time for Gimple in Gimple Implementation. The RTL is used at tdevelop as well as at trun. We detail out the implementation issues of RTL for use at tdevelop and trun including the transformations needed at tbuild in RTL Implementation. The appendices provide some additional details like the phase sequence based file groups and the list of implemented targets as of GCC 4.0.2.

The AST/Generic is independent of the target machine but depends on the HLL selected at tbuild. The Gimple is independent of the HLL as well the target. Hence, for Gimple, the views at tdevelop and trun match except for the Gimple –> RTL translation. Further, in GCC 4.0.2 the Gimple is almost identical to the AST/Generic. Hence the Gimple details in Gimple Implementation focus only on the differences relative to the AST.

2 GCC Source Organization


Figure 2.1: The source organization of the GCC Compiler Generation Framework (CGF). The arrows denote the points of insertion at tbuild.

Given that a build system that adapts the GCC sources at tdevelop for the specific source language and the target system is required, we describe the organization of the source tree. This again, is a conceptual description that strives to build the intuition behind the structure that one obtains on unpacking the distribution. We emphasize that this is GCC 4.0.2 specific, and some variations exist across versions of GCC. We refer to the directory within which the GCC sources are unpacked as $GCCHOME.

Figure 2.1 describes the needs of the source organization at development time, tdevelop. The HLL specific components (box labeled “Language Specific Code” in Figure 2.1), the back end components (box labeled “Machine dependent Generator Code” in Figure 2.1) and the actual compiler logic (box labeled “Language and Machine Independent Generic Code” in Figure 2.1) are separated into distinct directories. A set of generator programs operate on parts of these at build time, tbuild to collect the components (e.g. parser, target specific RTL IR generator and the target specific code generator) for the chosen HLL and target pair. The the final HLL and target specific compiler sources (the lower half of Figure 1.1, labeled “cc1/gcc”) are thus obtained and are subsequently compiled to obtain the binary that compiles programs in the chosen HLL to the chosen target at run time trun. This strategy allows creating various kinds of compilers like native, cross or canadian cross.

The source and target independent parts of the compiler are within the $GCCHOME/gcc subdirectory of the main source trunk. It is in this directory that we find the code that

  1. implements the complete generic compiler, and
  2. implements all the HLL and target independent manipulations, e.g. the optimization passes.
The HLL specific routines are housed in a separate sub directory in $GCCHOME/gcc/<HLL> for each supported HLL. The back end specific routines are housed in a separate sub directory structure $GCCHOME/gcc/config/<backend>.

In addition to C, the other currently supported front ends are: C++, Ada, Java, Fortran, Objective C and Treelang. Corresponding to each HLL, except C1, is a subdirectory in $GCCHOME/gcc which all the code for processing that language exists. In particular this involves scanning the tokens of that language and creating the ASTs, i.e. the parser. If necessary, the basic AST tree node types are augmented with the extra nodes for a given language. The main compiler calls these routines to handle input of that language. To isolate itself from the details of the source language, the main compiler uses a table of function pointers that are to be used to perform each required task. Such function pointers are collected into a data structure that is set up to point to the actual functions of the given language when selected. A language implementation needs to fill in such data structures of the main compiler code and build the front end language specific processing chain until the AST is obtained.

The back end specific code is organized as a list of directories corresponding to each supported back end system. This list of supported back ends is separately housed in $GCCHOME/gcc/config directory of the main trunk. The details of describing the back end target systems are in section RTL Implementation. Systematic development of these machine descriptions is in Systematic Development of GCC Machine Descriptions.

Parts of the compiler that are common and find frequent usage have also been separated into a separate library called the libiberty and placed in a distinct subdirectory of $GCCHOME. This facilitates a one-time build of these common routines. We emphasize that these routines are common to the main compiler, the front end code and the back end code (e.g. regular expressions handling); the routines common to only the main compiler still reside in the main compiler directory, i.e. $GCCHOME/gcc. GCC also implements a garbage collection based memory management system for it's use during a run. This code is placed in the subdirectory $GCCHOME/boehm-gc. The main directory structure that results is shown in GCC – An Introduction.

The details of the build process are in The GCC Build System Architecture and the generated files are listed in The Phase wise File Groups of GCC.

3 The Compilation Phases in GCC Source Code

The implementation of the compiler proper – cc1 for C – can be divided into the following operation time (trun) phases:

  1. Initialization.
  2. Parsing and AST/Generic generation.
  3. Gimplification, Gimple operations and Gimple –> RTL conversion.
  4. RTL expansion, RTL operations – in particular, operations that yield a strict RTL2.
  5. Assembly code generation.

Of the five phases above, the fourth and the fifth are target specific. The conversion to RTL part of the third phase is also target specific. For these parts and phases, the views at tdevelop, tbuild and trun may differ and are so described in the rest of the document.

Start gcc/main.c, gcc/toplev.c
Source Parser gcc/c-parse.y
Parser–AST interface gcc/tree.def, gcc/c-tree.def, gcc/tree.h and gcc/tree.c
AST –> Gimple gimplify.c
Gimple Optimizations gcc/tree-optimize.c
Gimple –> RTL stmt.c, expr.c
RTL rtl.def, rtl.h, rtl.c, read-rtl.c, print-rtl.c, print-rtl1.c, optabs.c
RTL Optimizations gcc/passes.c
RTL –> Target ASM gcc/final.c

Table 3.1: Main GCC source files that implement main phases (all paths relative to $GCCHOME).

Table 3.1 lists out the main source files corresponding to the passes listed above3. In the following sections we describe the essential techniques used by GCC to implement each phase.

3.1 Initializations

The GCC implementation starts by initializing it's various subsystems. In particular the internationalization support and error reporting subsystems are initialized before processing the command line options. Initializations of the front end and the back end are done at this point. One particular initialization is the initialization of the garbage collector used by GCC in operation4. The initialization phase may be considered to be over when the compiler calls the parser that starts accepting the input program for compilation.

3.1.1 The “Initializations” Call Graph

The essential call graph is shown below along with the source file(s) that implement the functionality. The call graph is partial in that it shows the essential structure rather than the detail of every possible operation that needs to be done. Such detail is always available in the source file itself.

main ()                                    main.c
 toplev_main ()                            toplev.c
  general_init ()                          toplev.c
  decode_options ()                        toplev.c
  do_compile ()                            toplev.c
   compile_file()                          toplev.c
/* TO: Parsing */

3.1.2 Example – An Input Source

Occassionally we illustrate some aspects of the internals using the example C program below. The “meaning” of this program is ignored since the more relevant aspect is exercising some parts of the compiler to illustrate it's operation.

int f(char *a)
  int n = 10; int i, g;

  i = 0;
  while (i < n) {
    a[i] = g * i + 3;
    i = i + 1;
  return i;

Example – An Input Source Program

3.2 The Parser

The bulk of the parsing code for C is in $GCCHOME/gcc/c-parse.in that gives $GCCHOME/gcc/c-parse.y This is a specification that bison reads in and generates the parser for C. The actions in some rules interface with the rest of the compiler. For instance, the action for a complete tree of a valid C function calls code to compile the generated tree based representation5. Thus for the example program we use, the action is triggered when the entire function int f(char *a) is read in. This action creates the AST/Generic representation of the function at input. Since the program contains only one function in our case, this action creates the AST/Generic representation of the input program. For other supported HLLs the parsers are in $GCCHOME/gcc/<lang>/<lang-parse>.y6.

3.3 The AST/Generic

The AST/Generic is mainly composed of the passive data structure which is populated by the parser and consumed by the later compilation phases. The actual AST that will be formed at compilation time trun is composed of tree nodes defined at tdevelop

that are common across all the languages, and the front end HLL specific tree nodes. The gcc/tree.def file defines the node types common to all languages. The gcc/c-common.def file is one component that collects nodes common to C and C++ into it. Any language specific addition to tree node types for languages other than C are added into the gcc/<lang-dir>/<lang>-tree.def file.

Having defined the various node types, organizing them (and other information) into tree structures is found in gcc/tree.h, while gcc/tree.c contains routines to use these data structures. The parser, for instance, uses routines or macros to instantiate tree nodes and populate them with the information extracted from the input. AST Implementation describes all the details of the AST/Generic implementation.

3.3.1 The Parser + AST/Generic Call Graph

This continues from the initializations phase. Since the parse phase creates the AST representation we include that as a part of this call graph. This phase generates the AST/Generic representation of the input program. Parts of the AST/Generic for our example program are also shown below.

/* FROM: Initialisations */
  compile_file()                          toplev.c
   lang_hooks.parse_file ()               toplev.c
    c_parse_file ()                     c-parser.c
     c_parser_translation_unit ()       c-parser.c
      c_parser_external_declaration ()  c-parser.c
       c_parser_declaration_or_fndef () c-parser.c
        finish_function ()                c-decl.c
/* TO: Gimplification */

Figure 3.1: The AST of the Example Input

3.4 The Gimple

In GCC 4.0.2 the Gimple IR is a subset of the AST/Generic tree nodes. The difference is that the Gimple uses only the sequencing and branching control flow constructs. All other control flow constructs are reduced to these two. Thus, a Gimple node is an instance of the struct tree_common (and other specialized tree structures) defined in gcc/tree.h (The Conceptual Structure of GCC), except that the code field of any instance of that structure can have only the codes (in gcc/tree.def) for sequence and branch for control flow. Gimple in this form is said to be unstructured. Additionally, the Gimple phase also reduces complex expressions to simple ones by introducing any temporaries if required. This form of Gimple is said to be structured. The code that reduces the control flow is mainly in gcc/gimplify.c. The Gimple phase has three parts: conversion from AST/Generic to Gimple, Gimple based optimizations, and Gimple to RTL conversion. The interesting part is the Gimple to RTL conversion. This is because while the Gimple part is target independent that RTL part is target specific. The problem is that while the compilation target will be known later at build time tbuild the conversion has to be implemented now at development time tdevelop.

The technique used to implement this translation is described in The Conceptual Structure of GCC, and we recall the essential concepts here. The conversion table for Gimple to RTL has two parts: the target independent part and the target specific part. The target specific part is not available at tdevelop and must be constructed at tbuild. Since the target specific part will be available at tbuild, the Gimple to RTL conversion table must be created at tbuild. At development time tdevelop, the target independent and target specific parts are separated into two distinct data structures. One data structure, struct optab, defines the target independent part of the conversion table, and the other, struct insn_data, describes the target specific part. Conceptually, the target specific part is created for every supported target at tdevelop. At tbuild, the target specific data structure corresponding to the selected target is “glued” to the target independent data structure. This glueing is done by indexing both the data structures and associating the indices. These indices are generated at tbuild from a system of Pattern Names (PN) (some pattern names are “standard”, and will be abbreviated as SPNs). The PNs are simple text strings that semantically connect these two parts of the conversion table. Thus the Gimple to RTL conversion table is implemented at tdevelop in two parts: the target independent part corresponds to associating the Gimple nodes (to be converted to target specific RTL) to corresponding PNs, and the target specific part corresponding to associating PNs to target specific RTL. Since the Gimple to PN part is target independent, it's implementation has been hard coded into the conversion phase. The conversion code in gcc/gimplify.c (and the associated files), hence, implements the target independent part of the conversion table through a case analysis over Gimple nodes and arranges for invocation of the corresponding RTL routine indexed by the known PN. The code need not contain direct references to the PNs since using the index suffices. Thus, conceptually although the PNs serve to separate the target specific and target independent parts of the conversion table, the implementation of the target independent parts is not required to directly refer to the PNs. Finally, the PN to RTL part is listed at tdevelop in the target specific machine description. To understand this phase clearly, rather than viewing the RTL as a whole (as has been traditional in the GCC community) we need to distinguish between MD-RTL and IR-RTL as two distinct languages.

3.4.1 The Gimple Call Graph

This continues from the AST/Generic phase. We also show the partial Gimple representation of our example program below. The final call to execute_pass_list runs the pass manager (see Optimizations over Gimple below). One of the passes in the pass manager is the IR-RTL expander that converts the Gimple representation to target specific RTL and the RTL passes sequencer that runs passes over the IR-RTL representation.

/* FROM: Parsing */
c_genericize()                       c-gimplify.c
   gimplify_function_tree()            gimplify.c
      gimplify_body()                  gimplify.c
         gimplify_stmt()               gimplify.c
            gimplify_expr()            gimplify.c
 tree_rest_of_compilation()       tree-optimize.c
  tree_register_cfg_hooks()            cfghooks.c
   execute_pass_list()                   passes.c
/* TO: Gimple Optimizations passes */

3.4.2 Example – The Gimple Representation

f (a)
  unsigned int i.0;  char * i.1;
  char * D.1140;     int D.1141;
  goto <D1136>;
  <D1135>: ...
  D.1140 = a + i.1;
  D.1141 = g * i;
  if (i < n) {goto <D1135>;}

The Gimple representation of the example input.

3.5 Optimizations over Gimple

GCC implements a large number of optimizations that are found in the literature. They are implemented at suitable places in the phase sequence. The nature of the optimization, e.g. control flow optimization, instruction scheduling etc., determines it's placement in the phase sequence. Since Gimple lowers control flow (see The Conceptual Structure of GCC), once a compilation is represented in Gimple form, control flow optimizations can be implemented. Thus we find SSA being implemented after gimplification and instruction scheduling implemented after IR-RTL based representation of the compilation. Almost every optimization requires some analysis and corresponding computations before implementation. The GCC phase sequence thus has optimizing passes following the representation in a suitable IR.

GCC 4.0.2 implements a “pass manager” partially7. The pass manager resides in $GCCHOME/gcc/tree-optimize.c. Each pass is an instance of the struct tree_opt_pass (in $GCCHOME/gcc/tree-pass.h). One of the fields of this structure is the pass entry point function pointer. The instances of the implemented passes, i.e. the variables of type struct tree_opt_pass, are organized into a linear list in $GCCHOME/gcc/tree-optimize.c. Sub passes of a given pass in this list are organized as sub lists. The current implementation in GCC 4.0.2 organizes the Gimple based optimizations and IR-RTL conversion as a list of passes in a pass manager and the later versions also include the IR-RTL based passes. This list thus also represents the call structure. The complete pass list, with the sub passes indented and shown using the actual 72 struct tree_opt_pass variables, is:

pass_remove_useless_stmts  /* Remove useless statements */
pass_mudflap_1  /* Mudflap pass 1 */
pass_lower_cf  /* Control flow lowering */
pass_lower_eh  /* Exception handling lowering */
pass_build_cfg  /* Build control flow graph */
pass_pre_expand  /* Vector and Complex number expander */
pass_tree_profile  /* Tree profiler */
pass_init_datastructures  /* Initialize data structures */
pass_all_optimizations  /* List of all optimizations */
  pass_dce  /* Dead code elimination */
  pass_forwprop  /* Forward propagation */
  pass_ch  /* Loop header copying */
  pass_dse  /* Dead store elimination */
  pass_ccp  /* Conditional constant propagation */
  pass_pre  /* Partial redundancy elimination */
    pass_lim  /* Loop invariant motion */
    pass_iv_canon  /* Canonical induction variable creation */
  pass_nrv  /* HLL independent return value optimization */
pass_expand  /* Expand to (incomplete) IR-RTL IR */
pass_rest_of_compilation  /* Do IR-RTL passes */

3.5.1 Example – An Optimization over Gimple IR

f (a)
  ... int D.1144; ...
<bb 0>: n_2 = 10;   i_3 = 0;   
  goto <bb 2> (<L1>);
<L0>: ...
  D.1140_9 = a_8 + i.1_7;
  D.1141_11 = g_10 * i_1;
  if (i_1 < n_2) goto <L0>; 
  else ...;

The Gimple representation of the example input after an optimization.

3.6 The RTL

The RTL is used for two purposes in GCC: specifying target properties at tdevelop and representing a compilation internally at trun. The RTL IR used at trun is created during the build phase (tbuild) by gleaning out information from the target MD files. At tbuild the target specific part of the Gimple to RTL conversion table is created, as indicated in The Conceptual Structure of GCC. C data structures for RTL are created in the build phase. To “join” the Gimple –> RTL translation table separated at development time two main actions need to be taken at build time. First, the target independent part of the table must be “informed” of the exact “location” of the corresponding RTL pattern within the selected MD. This information is recorded in the struct optab data structure. Second, the target dependent part of the translation table must be created from the selected MD. Thus the actual RTL patterns must be recorded into a data structure, struct insn_data, that represents the target specific part of the translation table. Each pattern is recorded at that “location” in struct insn_data which corresponds to the information in struct optab. Thus struct optab supplies the index of the RTL pattern from struct insn_data that is to be used to represent the Gimple node in RTL. Note that the pattern names in the MD thus serve to identify the correspondences of the “locations” within the optab and insn_data arrays to be established. The optab table already “knows” the pattern names to seek. It merely records the occurrence within the MD.

Conceptually, the GCC build process lists out the patterns available in the target MD into a header file insn-flags.h by enumerating them via preprocessor defines that are non-zero if the pattern exists8. It then indexes the expansion patterns into an enum in insn-codes.h. These indexes are used to initialize the array of operations supported by the target – the optabs array, initialized in the insn-opinit.c file. The optabs structure is defined in optabs.h as:

struct optab 
  enum rtx_code code;            /* enumerated from rtl.def */
  struct optab_handlers {
    enum insn_code insn_code;    /* in insn-codes.h */
    rtx libfunc;
  } handlers [NUM_MACHINE_MODES];

typedef struct optab * optab;

RTL Implementation describes all the details of implementing the MD-RTL and IR-RTL languages – usually referred to as simply “RTL” in the GCC source code.

3.6.1 The IR-RTL Call Graph

The call sequence for expanding Gimple IR to IR-RTL based IR is shown below. It is initiated by the handler of the pass_expand and is duplicated here for clarity.

/* FROM: Gimple optimization passes */
/* non strict RTL expander pass */
pass_expand_cfg                      cfgexpand.c
 expand_gimple_basic_block ()        cfgexpand.c
  expand_expr_stmt ()                     stmt.c
   expand_expr ()                         stmt.c
/* TO: non strict RTL passes: pass_rest_of_compilation */

3.6.2 Example – The IR-RTL Representation

(insn 21 20 22 2 (parallel [
  (set (reg:SI 61 [ D.1141 ])
    (mult:SI (reg:SI 66)
           (reg/f:SI 54 ...)
           (const_int -8 ...)))))
  (clobber (reg:CC 17 flags))
  ]) -1 (nil)

Example – The IR-RTL Representation.

3.7 Optimizations over IR-RTL

Once the compilation is in the IR-RTL based IR, the following functions may make passes over the IR depending on the conditionals that control the flow, and not shown here. Most of these functions are in $GCCHOME/gcc/passes.c and are entry points into the actual passes. The entire list is just the function calls in the body of the pass function of the pass_rest_of_compilation pass – the last pass – in the pass manager above.

remove_unnecessary_notes ()
init_function_for_compilation ()
rest_of_handle_jump ()
rest_of_handle_eh ()
emit_initial_value_sets ()
unshare_all_rtl ()
instantiate_virtual_regs ()
rest_of_handle_jump2 ()
rest_of_handle_cse ()
rest_of_handle_gcse ()
rest_of_handle_loop_optimize ()
rest_of_handle_jump_bypass ()
rest_of_handle_cfg ()
rtl_register_profile_hooks ()
rtl_register_value_prof_hooks ()
rest_of_handle_branch_prob ()
rest_of_handle_value_profile_transformations ()
count_or_remove_death_notes (NULL, 1)
rest_of_handle_if_conversion ()
rest_of_handle_tracer ()
rest_of_handle_loop2 ()
rest_of_handle_web ()
rest_of_handle_cse2 ()
rest_of_handle_life ()
rest_of_handle_combine ()
rest_of_handle_if_after_combine ()
rest_of_handle_partition_blocks ()
rest_of_handle_regmove ()
split_all_insns (1)
rest_of_handle_mode_switching ()
recompute_reg_usage ()
rest_of_handle_sms ()
rest_of_handle_sched ()
rest_of_handle_old_regalloc ()
rest_of_handle_postreload ()
rest_of_handle_gcse2 ()
rest_of_handle_flow2 ()
rest_of_handle_peephole2 ()
rest_of_handle_if_after_reload ()
rest_of_handle_regrename ()
rest_of_handle_reorder_blocks ()
rest_of_handle_branch_target_load_optimize ()
rest_of_handle_sched2 ()
rest_of_handle_stack_regs ()
compute_alignments ()
duplicate_computed_gotos ()
rest_of_handle_variable_tracking ()
free_bb_for_insn ()
rest_of_handle_machine_reorg ()
purge_line_number_notes (get_insns ())
cleanup_barriers ()
rest_of_handle_delay_slots ()
split_all_insns_noflow ()
convert_to_eh_region_ranges ()
rest_of_handle_shorten_branches ()
set_nothrow_function_flags ()
rest_of_handle_final ()
rest_of_clean_state ()

Perhaps the most critical and hairy function in this sequence is the register allocation pass. This pass computes the target specific hard registers to be used for the pseudo registers in the IR-RTL IR. The purpose of this pass is essentially to ensure that the IR-RTL representation of the compilation is complete enough so that each RTX corresponds to a unique target assembly string in the MD. It uses the so called reload pass that introduces the necessary load and store operations for instruction patterns that require hard registers. These register reloads are performed while satisfying the allocation constraints specified in the MD. This pass depends critically on sufficiently detailed specification of the data movement operations supported by the target.

3.8 Target assembly code emission

At this point each RTX in the IR-RTL representation is required to contain all the information necessary for emitting the target specific assembly code. One can say that at this point the IR-RTL IR is to the assembly code as the AST is to the HLL code. We can regard the RTXs at this point as the “abstract syntax” of the final assembly code. The assembly code generation by the rest_of_handle_final () function is thus a conceptually simple affair of substituting the concrete assembly syntax for the RTXs. The list of RTXs that represents the compilation as IR-RTL IR is simply traversed. For each RTX pattern encountered, the assembly string to be output is determined and emitted. The insn-recog.c file is generated from the machine description and contains a decision tree that compares a given instruction pattern in the IR-RTL IR of a program to the pattern specifications in the MD and determines the matching pattern, if any. If a match is found, then the corresponding assembly string is emitted. The basic algorithm is:

preprocess the MD to obtain the recognizer
for each instruction pattern in the IR-RTL IR of input program
   obtain the index from the recognizer
   use it to locate the assembly output in insn_data[]

Preprocessing the MD: At tbuild the genrecog process scans the selected MD for occurrences of instruction patterns. The occurrence of the pattern expression in the MD file serves as the indexing integer into target specific arrays like insn_data that hold the actual detailed information. A given pattern is scanned for the various pieces of information that can be used for matching purposes. For instance, the machine mode of the operators and operands, or the “nature” of the operand (register, memory etc.). Corresponding match predicate expressions in C are constructed and emitted into the insn-recog.c file. This file yields the recognizer on compilation and contains the main entry point, recog(), of the recognizer.

3.8.1 The Assembly Emission Call Graph

The call sequence for emitting the assembly code from completed IR-RTL representation is shown below. It is initiated by the rest_of_handle_final () function from the RTL passes in handler of the pass_rest_of_compilation.

/* FROM: RTL passes */
assemble_start_function ();       varasm.c
final_start_function ();           final.c
final ();                          final.c
final_end_function ();             final.c
assemble_end_function ();         varasm.c

3.8.2 Example – Target Assembly Code

    .file   "sample.c"
    pushl   %ebp
    movl    -4(%ebp), %eax
    imull   -8(%ebp), %eax
    addb    $3, %al

Final Target Assembly Code

4 AST Implementation

We describe the implementation of the AST IR in GCC. We first give the AST data structure that GCC actually uses. A list all the AST objects into their classes as defined by the GCC sources then follows. Conceptually, the AST/Generic views at development time and operation time are identical. Hence the trun view is presented in terms of a partial call graph of the compiler.

4.1 The AST/Generic Data Structures

The AST is composed of a set of nodes. Some information is common to all nodes, and is collected in the struct tree_common structure in tree.h. The flags in this structure are documented in detail in tree.h. The “code” of the node, i.e. the kind of information that it contains, is expressed through a set of codes (documented in tree.def), is a field of the structure that is masked behind an accessor macro TREE_CODE(NODE) which simply returns this field. The TREE_SET_CODE(NODE) macro is the assignment macro that sets this field. This structure is included as a field of all nodes. The various tree nodes are:

Data Structure Information that the node contains
struct tree_int_cst integer constants.
struct tree_real_cst real constants.
struct tree_string string constants.
struct tree_complex complex constants.
struct tree_vector vector constants.
struct tree_identifier Identifiers.
struct tree_list Lists of tree nodes.
struct tree_vec Vectors of tree nodes.
struct tree_exp Expression node.
struct tree_block Block definition node.
struct tree_type Data type nodes.
struct tree_decl Function Declaration.

The overall tree node is a union of all the various kinds of node structures listed above. It is given by the data structure (in tree.h) as:

union tree_node
  struct tree_common          common;
  struct tree_int_cst         int_cst;
  struct tree_real_cst        real_cst;
  struct tree_vector          vector;
  struct tree_string          string;
  struct tree_complex         complex;
  struct tree_identifier      identifier;
  struct tree_decl            decl;
  struct tree_type            type;
  struct tree_list            list;
  struct tree_vec             vec;
  struct tree_exp             exp;
  struct tree_block           block;

Every member of this structure, except the tree_common structure has a field that points to the IR-RTL representation whose structure is presented in section, The RTX Data Structure. The compiler enumerates a number of data types corresponding explicitly to the source language types (for C, in our examples), and implicitly for internal purposes (e.g. mark errors, identify the main entry point etc.). The varieties of integers that the source (C) can represent and the corresponding integer type codes are exhaustively enumerated.

A retargetable architecture implies the possibility of a Canadian cross (see The GCC Build System Architecture). The differences in the characteristics of the build system, the host system and the target system have a few unusual consequences. Consider the situation when the word sizes on these three systems differ. The build system compiler has to build the compiler using the host system word size. The host system, further, has to build the target code using the target word size. Calculations involving word sizes, for instance pointer increment values, have to be calculated in the compiler sources depending on the run time faced by the object being built. A tree object is built on the host system while producing code for the target system, i.e. when the compiler runs to compile a file.

The tree.def file contains various node names defined using a C preprocessor macro – DEFTREECODE. The macro is used in different ways depending on the information required. We illustrate the use with an example. Consider the following macro that is represents the C void type:

DEFTREECODE (VOID_TYPE, "void_type", 't', 0)

Defining the DEFTREECODE macro as:

#define DEFTREECODE(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) arg2

yields the second argument which gives the name as a string. The definitions of the DEFTREECODE are changed as needed in the GCC sources. For instance, the various nodes are enumerated simply as:

#define DEFTREECODE(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)          arg1
enum tree_node_list {
#include "tree.def"

The technique is used at many places in the source, for example for the RTL definitions too.

The first argument of the DEFTREECODE macro is the symbolic name of the node typically used to create an enumerated data type of nodes. The second argument is the identifier used to refer to that node. The nodes in the GCC AST are of different kinds as listed in kinds of AST nodes in GCC. These kinds are encoded via a set of character codes which are listed in tree.def. These codes are the third argument of the DEFTREECODE macro. The fourth argument in most node definitions is the number of operands of that node. For other nodes, the use of the fourth argument is dependent on the node being described. The collection of the DEFTREECODE macros define the database of nodes that GCC uses for it's AST.

4.2 AST/Generic Node types

tab-c-tree-node-type-cmptab-c-tree-node-type-exc list out all the node types for any C program. The list has been obtained by the common GCC tree node definitions data base in tree.def, and the node definitions for languages of the C family (C, objective C) in c-common.def. As is evident, the nodes listed below are a superset of the nodes required to represent any C program. Nodes for objects in other languages like Pascal or C++ also are a part of the tree.def file. The GCC code base classifies them into types as given by the `code' value in the GCC tree node definition data bases. Codes have been defined for the following9:

  1. Comparison expressions:
  2. Unary arithmetic expressions:
  3. Binary arithmetic expressions:
  4. Lexical block:

    A symbol binding block. This captures the scoping rules into the intermediate representation of the program.

  5. Constants:

    These node types represent constants of various types that can occur in the input program.

  6. Declarations:

    All references to names are represented by nodes of this type.

  7. Other kinds of expressions:
  8. Storage referencing:

    Memory may be referenced in many ways in the source. It may be directly named, or may be referenced via a pointer, or an “offset” from a base of arrays or structures or unions, or bit fields

  9. Expressions with inherent side effects:
  10. Object types:

    These node types are used to represent each data type in the source language. Most C data types are represented. The integer_type also includes char in C. The char_type node denotes Pascal character type.

  11. Miscellaneous:

lt_expr < operation, 2 operand
le_expr <= operation, 2 operand
gt_expr > operation, 2 operand
ge_expr >= operation, 2 operand
eq_expr = operation, 2 operand
ne_expr != operation, 2 operand
unordered_expr Floating point unordered operations, 2 operand
ordered_expr Floating point ordered operations, 2 operand
unlt_expr Unordered < operation, 2 operand
unle_expr Unordered <= operation, 2 operand
ungt_expr Unordered > operation, 2 operand
unge_expr Unordered >= operation, 2 operand
uneq_expr Unordered = operation, 2 operand

Table 4.1: GCC tree node types – Comparison operators.

fix_trunc_expr Conversion of real to fixed point – truncate
fix_ceil_expr Conversion of real to fixed point – ceil
fix_floor_expr Conversion of real to fixed point – floor
fix_round_expr Conversion of real to fixed point – round
float_expr Conversion of integer to real
negate_expr Unary negation
abs_expr Absolute value
ffs_expr ?
bit_not_expr Bit wise NOT
convert_expr Conversion of a type of a value
nop_expr Conversion does not require code to be generated
non_lvalue_expr Guaranteed not an lvalue
view_convert_expr View a thing of one type as being of other type
sizeof_expr C sizeof operation
alignof_expr ?

Table 4.2: GCC tree node types – Unary arithmetic operators.

plus_expr Addition
minus_expr Subtraction
mult_expr Multiplication
trunc_div_expr Integer division (quotient rounded towards zero)
ceil_div_expr Integer division (quotient rounded towards +INF )
floor_div_expr Integer division (quotient rounded towards -INF )
round_div_expr Integer division (quotient rounded towards nearest int)
trunc_mod_expr Remainder – truncate
ceil_mod_expr Remainder – ceil
floor_mod_expr Remainder – floor
round_mod_expr Remainder – round
rdiv_expr Division for real result
exact_div_expr Division not supposed to need rounding (C pointers)
min_expr Minimum
max_expr Maximum
lshift_expr Shift left (logical on unsigned, arithmetic on signed)
rshift_expr Shift right (logical on unsigned, arithmetic on signed)
lrotate_expr Rotate left
rrotate_expr Rotate right
bit_ior_expr Bit wise inclusive OR
bit_xor_expr Bit wise exclusive OR
bit_and_expr Bit wise AND
bit_andtc_expr Bit wise AND ? TC ?

Table 4.3: GCC tree node types – Binary arithmetic operators.

block Symbol binding Lexical Block

Table 4.4: GCC tree node types – Lexical Block.

integer_cst Integer constants
real_cst Real constants
string_cst String constants

Table 4.5: GCC tree node types – Constants.

function_decl Function declaration
label_decl Label declaration
const_decl Constant declaration
type_decl Type declaration
var_decl Variable declaration
parm_decl Parameters declaration
result_decl Return value declaration
field_decl Structure/Union field declaration

Table 4.6: GCC tree node types – Declarations.

compound_expr Compute two expressions
modify_expr Assignment expression
init_expr Initialization expression (2 operand)
target_expr Initialization (4 operand, with cleanup)
cond_expr C ternary expression (_ ? _ : _)
bind_expr Local variables (See GCC source code)
call_expr Function call
with_cleanup_expr Specify a value to compute, & it's cleanup
cleanup_point_expr Specify a cleanup point
with_record_expr Provide an expression referencing a record
truth_andif_expr Logical short circuited AND
truth_orif_expr Logical short circuited OR
truth_and_expr Logical AND
truth_or_expr Logical OR
truth_xor_expr Logical XOR
truth_not_expr Logical NOT
save_expr Flag compute-once-use-many expressions
unsave_expr Permit future re-evaluations of argument
rtl_expr RTL already expanded expressions
addr_expr C address-of operation
reference_expr Non lvalue reference or pointer
entry_value_expr ?
fdesc_expr ?
predecrement_expr Node type for -- in C
preincrement_expr Node type for ++ in C
postdecrement_expr Node type for -- in C
postincrement_expr Node type for ++ in C
va_arg_expr Used to implement va_arg
goto_subroutine Used internally for cleanups
labeled_block_expr A labeled block
exit_block_expr Exit a labeled block
expr_with_file_location Annotate node with source location info
switch_expr Switch expression
exc_ptr_expr Exception object from the run time

Table 4.7: GCC tree node types – Statements I.

arrow_expr Arrow expression ?
expr_stmt An expression statement
compound_stmt A brace enclosed block
decl_stmt Local declaration
if_stmt `if' statement
for_stmt `for' statement
while_stmt `while' statement
do_stmt `do' statement
return_stmt `return' statement
break_stmt `break' statement
continue_stmt `continue' statement
switch_stmt `switch' statement
goto_stmt `goto' statement
label_stmt `label' statement
asm_stmt `asm' (inline assembly) statement
scope_stmt Mark the beginning or end of a scope
file_stmt Mark where a function changes files
case_label `case' labels
stmt_expr Statement expression
compound_literal_expr C99 compound literal
cleanup_stmt Mark the full construction of a declaration

Table 4.8: GCC tree node types – Statements II.

component_ref Node is a structure or union component
bit_field_ref Reference to a group of bits
indirect_ref C unary `*'
array_ref Array indexing, single index
array_range_ref Array slicing, range of indices

Table 4.9: GCC tree node types – References to storage.

label_expr Label definition encapsulated as a statement
goto_expr GOTO expression
return_expr RETURN expression
exit_expr Conditional exit from innermost loop
loop_expr A loop

Table 4.10: GCC tree node types – Expressions with inherent side effects.

void_type C `void' type
integer_type Integer types (includes C `char' type)
real_type `float' and `double' in C
enumeral_type C `enum'
pointer_type Pointer type
offset_type Pointer relative to an object
reference_type Pointer automatically coerced to the type of pointed object
method_type Function that takes extra 'self' argument
array_type Types of arrays
record_type `struct' in C or `record' in Pascal
union_type `union' in C
qual_union_type Similar to `union' (See GCC source code)
function_type Type of functions
lang_type Language specific type, determined by front end

Table 4.11: GCC tree node types – Type Object code.

error_mark Mark an erroneous construct
identifier_node Represent a name
tree_list List of tree nodes
tree_vec Array of tree nodes
placeholder_expr Record to be supplied later
srcloc Remember source position

Table 4.12: GCC tree node types – Exceptional code.

4.3 Program Representation in AST/Generic

At trun the AST/Generic representation of some sample C program is shown in AST/Generic representation figure.


Figure 4.1: A simplified and partial AST/Generic representation of a C program.

5 Gimple Implementation

In GCC 4.0.2, the Gimple representation uses the same tree data structure as the AST/Generic. The only difference is that the AST/Generic control flow nodes listed in AST/Generic nodes forbidden in Gimple must not exist in Gimple representation since Gimple lowers control flow. Following the creation of a Gimple representation, the pass manager (see Optimizations) runs a series of passes that eventually convert the Gimple representation to IR-RTL and run the IR-RTL passes. The Gimple –> IR-RTL conversion is tricky to implement. With the concepts from The Conceptual Structure of GCC and implementation ideas of The Gimple the details of are discussed below in Implementing the Gimple to IR-RTL Conversion.

5.1 GIMPLE Node types

do_stmt while_stmt for_stmt
break_stmt switch_stmt continue_stmt

Table 5.1: AST/Generic node types for C that are lowered during gimplification and hence cannot occur in a Gimple representation.

The AST/Generic node types listed above in Table 5.1 are lowered during the gimplification process and will not occur in a Gimple representation of a program being compiled. These nodes represent complex control flow constructs.

The nodes do, while, for, break, switch, continue from the AST/Generic representation are re-expressed using the if and goto statements during gimplification. Thus the Gimple node types are the same as AST/Generic node types (see Table 4.1Table 4.12) except for those listed above in Table 5.1.

5.2 Implementing the Gimple –> IR-RTL Conversion

5.2.1 Gimple –> IR-RTL at tdevelop

The Gimple –> IR-RTL expander routine, expand_expr() in expr.c, contains a huge switch-case code. Corresponding to every Gimple node type case, the code switches to expand the standard pattern. In this way, the Gimple –> IR-RTL conversion hard codes the standard names into the compiler. The IR-RTL expansion starts from the function declaration node at the top. A depth first (post order) traversal of the tree expands the child nodes (which contain operands, for example) before the root node of a given subtree. To “implement” expansion to IR-RTL of the root node, we use the following pseudo code:

INPUT: Gimple node type
switch (Gimple node type) {
case NODE_TYPE_X: {
   get node operands, if any, from the tree structure
   use relevant information from the node, e.g. byte operation
   invoke RTX generator code for node and any sub nodes
It is possible that a given Gimple node expands to a sequence of IR-RTL expressions (RTXs). This depends on the RTX generator code, which in turn results from the specifications in the MD. If any child nodes, e.g. operands, are to be expanded, they are expanded in place, or via a recursive call to the main expander routine with the new node argument.

The “invoke RTX generator code” part of the expansion algorithm at tdevelop can only be realized at tbuild since the actual target specific IR-RTL to use is determined at that time. Hence the idea of separating the Gimple and IR-RTL parts of the translation table is implemented at tdevelop. The pattern names that can occur are enumerated in $GCCHOME/gcc/optabs.h and are used as indices into the array of optab structures defined in the same file. The contents of the array will conceptually be the occurrence of the corresponding pattern in the MD. The integer value of this occurrence will be generated at tbuild by processing the MD. The program to scan the MD for occurrences of patterns and generate the indices is gencodes.c and is implemented at tdevelop. This completes the implementation of the Gimple part of the translation table at development time. The IR-RTL part of the translation table is constructed at build time. However, the required processing of the MD is implemented at development time. The program genoutput.c implements this processing. Assuming that the build time processing and generation of the complete table is correct, the “invoke RTX generator code” can be implemented at tdevelop as:

INPUT: Gimple node type
KNOWN: pattern name corresponding to each node type
use the pattern name to index into the ``optab'' array
get the contents at the index, which is another integer
use the integer obtained to index the ``insn_data'' array
the ``genfun'' field of the information stored in 
   ``insn_data'' is the RTX generator

5.2.2 Gimple –> IR-RTL at tbuild

The program genoutput.c extracts the patterns from the MD at tbuild and stores them in a data structure, insn_data array. Each pattern is stored in the sequence it occurs in the MD. As a result, the occurrence index stored corresponding to the pattern name in the optabs array can be used to locate the RTX generator code for the pattern that is stored in the insn_data array.

fig-join-tab captures the separation of the Gimple –> IR-RTL translation table at tdevelop and joining it back at tbuild. The “movsi” pattern name is the semantic glue that connects the two separated tables at tdevelop. Machine descriptions specify their own patterns for each pattern name (shown for the “movsi” pattern in the figure) at tdevelop. At tbuild the gencodes and genoutput programs operate on the selected MD and populate the optab and insn_data arrays respectively.


Figure 5.1: Joining the Gimple to IR-RTL translation finite function target independent LHS (optab[]) and target dependent RHS (insn_data[]) at build time, tbuild. The contents of insn_data[] are from the selected machine description. Above the dashed line we have the GCC system as developed during tdevelop. Below the dashed lines we have the situation at tbuild.

5.2.3 Gimple –> IR-RTL at trun

Consider a concrete example of expanding a PLUS_EXPR (“+” expression) Gimple node to IR-RTL at trun. Given that the expression tree in the input is located using a variable called exp, we extract the first operand using the macro call TREE_OPERAND(exp, 0) and the second operand using TREE_OPERAND(exp, 1) call. We need to analyze if the operands are pure constants or variables. In case they are variables, they are available either locally or globally, and either as pointers or actual variables. An activation record has been (at least conceptually) created since an expression is expected to occur within the context of some function, and the current PLUS_EXPR has been reached while expanding a FUNCTION_EXPR! Therefore, RTXs that locate the operand object are available. If the operands are not constants, the code recursively calls the main expansion routine to expand the operand node at hand. Eventually, we have an IR-RTL expansion that locates the memory area to be used for the addition operation. Skipping the details, we find that the actual RTX corresponding to the PLUS_EXPR Gimple node is done by a routine called gen_rtx_PLUS(). This expander of the “+” operation is constructed at build time from the target machine description as detailed in RTL at build time.

5.2.4 A Few Remarks About Pattern Names

Conventions have been evolved regarding the syntactic structure of pattern names. A pattern name may be an empty string “""” or may be a string of alphanumeric characters, or may begin with the “*” character followed by an alphanumeric string. If the name is non empty and does not begin with the * character, then it is used during the Gimple –> IR-RTL translation. The pattern name encodes two, and an optional third, pieces of information: the first substring denotes the actual operation, the second denotes the machine mode and the third optional one may be used to denote the number of operands or other purposes. Thus the “movsi” pattern name denotes the “mov” operation in “si” (Single Integer – SI) machine mode and there is no other information.

Some operations denoted by pattern names are designated as “standard” and include the machine mode. The optab array is actually a two dimensional array indexed using the operation part and the machine mode part of the pattern name. The “standard” operations are enumerated in $GCCHOME/gcc/optabs.h. The 37 “standard pattern names” are listed below. Giving one of the following names to an insn specification in the MD tells the IR-RTL generation pass that it can use the pattern to accomplish a certain task GCC Internals (by Richard Stallman).

movm moves data from operand 1 to operand 0, m is the machine mode.
reload_inm Like movm, but used when a scratch register is required to move the data from operand 0 to operand 1. Operand 2 describes the scratch register to be used.
reload_outm Like movm, but used when a scratch register is required to move the data from operand 0 to operand 1. Operand 2 describes the scratch register to be used.
movstrictm Like movm, but if the size of the destination of the assignment (i.e. operand 0) is smaller, i.e. it uses a part of the destination register, then this RTL instruction guarantees that the part of the register that is “outside” the destination is not altered.
load_multiple Load consecutive memory locations starting from ope-rand 1 to a set of consecutive registers starting from operand 0, with operand 2 giving the number of consecutive registers – a constant.
store_multiple Store to consecutive memory locations starting from ope-rand 0 a set of consecutive registers starting from operand 1, with operand 2 giving the number of consecutive registers – a constant.
pushm Output a push instruction. Operand 0 is the value to push.
addm3 Add operand 2 and operand 1 and store the result in operand 0; all operands of mode m.
subm3 Subtract; rest similar to add.
mulm3 Multiply; rest similar to add.
divm3 Divide; rest similar to add.
modm3 Modulo; rest similar to add.
andm3 Logical AND; rest similar to add.
iorm3 Logical Inclusive OR; rest similar to add.
xorm3 Logical Exclusive OR; rest similar to add.
udivm3 unsigned Division; rest similar to add.
umodm3 Unsigned Modulo; rest similar to add.
minm3 Floating point minimum_of operation. If either both the ope-rands are zero or at least one of the operands is NaN, then which of them will be returned is unspecified.
maxm3 Floating point maximum_of operation. If either both the ope-rands are zero or at least one of the operands is NaN, then which of them will be returned is unspecified.
mulhisi3 Multiplication of two HI (Half Integer) mode operands, operands 1 and 2. The SI mode result is in operand 0. Since the HI (Half Integer) mode operands become SI (Single Integer) mode operands after the operation, the multiplication is characterized as widening.
mulqihi3 Similar to mulhisi3 except that two QI mode (Quarter Integer) mode operands yield a HI mode product.
mulsidi3 Similar to mulhisi3 except that two SI mode (Single Integer) mode operands yield a DI mode (Double Integer) product.
umulhisi3 Unsigned Multiplication of two HI (Half Integer) mode ope-rands, operands 1 and 2. The SI mode result is in operand 0. Since the HI (Half Integer) mode operands become SI (Single Integer) mode operands after the operation, the multiplication is characterized as widening.
umulqihi3 Similar to umulhisi3 except that two QI mode (Quarter Integer) mode operands yield a HI mode product.
umulsidi3 Similar to umulhisi3 except that two SI mode (Single Integer) mode operands yield a DI mode (Double Integer) product.
smulm3_highpart Perform a signed multiplication of operands 1 and 2, which are of mode m, store the most significant half in operand 0, and discard the least significant half.
umulm3_highpart Perform an unsigned multiplication of operands 1 and 2, which are of mode m, store the most significant half in operand 0, and discard the least significant half.
divmodm4 Signed division that produces the quotient and the remainder. Operand 1 is divided by operand 2 and the quotient is stored in operand 0 while the remainder goes in operand 3.
udivmodm4 Unsigned division that produces the quotient and the remainder. Operand 1 is divided by operand 2 and the quotient is stored in operand 0 while the remainder goes in operand 3.
ashlm3 Arithmetic Shift Left of operand 1 by the number of bits specified in operand 2 and store the result in operand 0.
ashrm3 Arithmetic Shift Right of operand 1 by the number of bits specified in operand 2 and store the result in operand 0.
lshlm3 Logical Shift Left of operand 1 by the number of bits specified in operand 2 and store the result in operand 0.
lshrm3 Logical Shift Right of operand 1 by the number of bits specified in operand 2 and store the result in operand 0.
rotlm3 Rotate Left of operand 1 by the number of bits specified in operand 2 and store the result in operand 0.
rotrm3 Rotate Right of operand 1 by the number of bits specified in operand 2 and store the result in operand 0.
negm2 Negate operand 1 and store the result in operand 0.
absm2 Store the absolute value of operand 1 in operand 0.

6 RTL Implementation

RTL is used for two purposes in GCC: to specify target instruction semantics in MD at tdevelop and as an IR to represent a program being compiled. As pointed out in The Conceptual Structure of GCC, these two uses of RTL are better described as two distinct languages: MD-RTL is a language used to specify target instruction semantics and IR-RTL is a language used to represent a program being compiled. The MD-RTL language is made up of MD constructs and (RTL) operators. The IR-RTL language is made up of IR constructs and (RTL) operators. The three objects – MD constructs, (RTL) operators and IR constructs – are together referred to as RTL objects. Thinking in terms of two distinct languages each suited for it's purpose helps in a more clear description of the processes that occur at tdevelop, tbuild and trun. By definition, MD-RTL would be used at tdevelop, and IR-RTL would be used at trun! At tbuild, we would “generate” the IR-RTL version of the MD-RTL based specifications of the chosen target.

We first give the RTL data structure that GCC actually uses to represent any RTL object. We follow the GCC source code convention and list all the RTL objects according to their kinds and then further into their classes as defined by the GCC sources. The GCC code and documentation (see GCC Internals (by Richard Stallman)) does not distinguish between MD-RTL and IR-RTL. Every RTL object is simply referred to as “RTL”. As an aid to understand those documents, we have at times used the GCC terminology when the context makes it clear about which RTL language – MD-RTL or IR-RTL – is being discussed.

6.1 The RTX Data Structure

The rtl.h file contains the main data structure used to internally represent an RTL object. The file also contains preprocessor macros that access various fields for reading or writing values, and conditionally check the contents.

/* RTL expression ("rtx").  */
struct rtx_def
  ENUM_BITFIELD(rtx_code)     code           : 16;
  ENUM_BITFIELD(machine_mode) mode           : 8;
  unsigned int                jump           : 1;
  unsigned int                call           : 1;
  unsigned int                unchanging     : 1;
  unsigned int                volatil        : 1;
  unsigned int                in_struct      : 1;
  unsigned int                used           : 1;
  unsigned                    integrated     : 1;
  unsigned                    frame_related  : 1;
  rtunion                     fld[1];
The generated file config.h defines rtx object as\\ typedef struct rtx_def *rtx;.

The rtunion is a union as below.

/* Common union for an element of an rtx.  */
union rtunion_def
  HOST_WIDE_INT              rtwint;
  int                        rtint;
  unsigned int               rtuint;
  const char                *rtstr;
  rtx                        rtx;
  rtvec                      rtvec;
  enum machine_mode          rttype;
  addr_diff_vec_flags        rt_addr_diff_vec_flags;
  struct cselib_val_struct  *rt_cselib; /* in cselib.h */
  struct bitmap_head_def    *rtbit;     /* in bitmap.h */
  tree                       rttree;
  struct basic_block_def    *bb;        /* in basic-block.h */
  mem_attrs                 *rtmem;
typedef union rtunion_def rtunion;
The rtunion union contains two typedef'd structures addr_diff_vec_flags and mem_attrs which are also defined in rtl.h as below:
typedef struct
  unsigned  min_align        : 8;
  unsigned  base_after_vec   : 1; 
  unsigned  min_after_vec    : 1;  
  unsigned  max_after_vec    : 1;  
  unsigned  min_after_base   : 1; 
  unsigned  max_after_base   : 1; 
  unsigned  offset_unsigned  : 1;
  unsigned                   : 2;
  unsigned  scale            : 8;
} addr_diff_vec_flags;
typedef struct mem_attrs
  HOST_WIDE_INT   alias;
  tree            expr;		
  rtx             offset;		
  rtx             size;		
  unsigned int    align;	
} mem_attrs;

The rtx is the data structure into which the information from machine descriptions is scanned into.

6.2 Lists of all RTL objects

RTL Objects
const_int const_double const_string const
pc value reg scratch
concat mem label_ref symbol_ref
cc addressof high lo_sum
Comparison operators
ne eq ge gt
le lt geu gtu
leu ltu unordered ordered
uneq unge ungt unle
unlt ltgt
Unary arithmetic
neg not sign_extend zero_extend
truncate float_extend float_truncate float
fix unsigned_float unsigned_fix abs
sqrt ffs vec_duplicate ss_truncate
Commutative binary operation
plus mult and ior
xor smin smax umin
umax ss_plus us_plus
Non-bitfield three input operation
if_then_else vec_merge
Non-commutative binary operation
compare minus div mod
udiv umod ashift rotate
ashiftrt lshiftrt rotatert vec_select
vec_concat ss_minus us_minus
Bit-field operation
sign_extract zero_extract
Autoincrement addressing modes
pre_dec pre_inc post_dec post_inc
pre_modify post_modify

Table 6.1: RTL Operators I (with finer classification).

Side effects and misc.
parallel asm_input asm_operands addr_vec
addr_diff_vec prefetch set use
clobber call return trap_if
resx const_vector subreg strict_low_part
queued cond range_info range_reg
range_var range_live constant_p_rtx call_placeholder
phi nil UnKnown

Table 6.2: RTL Operators II (with finer classification).

insn jump_insn call_insn
code_label barrier note

Table 6.3: IR RTL types.

Pattern specification
define_insn define_peephole define_split
define_insn_and_split define_peephole define_combine
define_expand define_asm_attributes define_cond_exec
Pipeline specification
define_function_unit define_delay define_cpu_unit
define_query_cpu_unit define_bypass define_automaton
define_reservation define_insn_reservation
Match specification
match_operand match_scratch match_dup
match_operator match_parallel match_op_dup
match_par_dup match_insn
Attribute specification
define_attr attr set_attr
set_attr_alternative eq_attr attr_flag
include expr_list insn_list
automata_option exclusion_set presence_set
absence_set cond_exec sequence
unspec unspec_volatile

Table 6.4: MD RTL with finer classification.

Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 list the (RTL) operators from the set of all RTL objects listed in the rtl.def database. Table 6.3 lists the IR constructs and Table 6.4 lists the MD constructs. The MD constructs have further been separated according to functionality. For some RTL objects this corresponds to the class as given by the fourth argument of the DEF_RTL_EXPR macro.

All RTL objects have a Lisp like external syntax. We will refer to an expression made up of (RTL) operators as an RTX. Expressions that specify target semantics will be referred to as MD-RTXs.10 Expressions that represent program (fragments) during a compilation will be referred to as IR-RTXs.11 GCC refers to any RTL expression as “RTX” which we use when the context makes it clear as to which kind of expression is being referred to.

6.3 RTL at development time: Specifying MD (using MD-RTL)

Specifying target properties in GCC is extensive enough and two separate document Writing GCC Machine Descriptions and Systematic Development of GCC Machine Descriptions are fully devoted to their writing and systematic development. In this section we pose the basic problem and illustrate the technique of capturing target instruction semantics into an instruction pattern in MD. The example is demonstration oriented than being factual and continues to serve the illustrations for RTL operations at tbuild and trun.

Target CPUs for which assembly code is to be emitted vary in the number, complexity and detail semantics of instruction sets. RISC style architectures have lesser and simpler instructions than CISC style CPUs. Details can vary depending on a number of factors, some arbitrary. For instance, an architecture may insist on a certain constant value for an instruction and another architecture may insist on a quite different constant value for it's corresponding instruction12.

There are three main kinds of information within a MD. The first kind concerns the introduction and various manipulations of instructions, the second concerns the specification of other details of the semantics like the modes for the operands, and lastly the template of the concrete assembly code for the instruction. Other information like processor pipeline structure, instruction attributes like length may additionally be needed and specified.

Every instruction of the target that GCC may emit must be introduced to the compiler through an entry in the corresponding machine description. Additionally, a target may have more instructions that can be used to substitute an instruction for a sequence of instructions, or a expand an instruction into a sequence. The define family of MD constructs are used for such purposes. Target instructions may impose constraints of various kinds, size being a typical one, on the operands. MD constructs of the match family are used to suggest such constraints to GCC. Additional information about target properties is dependent on the target. Hence a given implementation may need an ability to define a target specific property, specify a range of it's values and then characterize each instruction in terms of the defined attribute. MD constructs like define_attr and set_attr are used to define target instruction attributes. Finally, there are MD constructs that help implementation of the MD itself (e.g. include or define_unspec).

Armed with these MD structuring concepts, a new target machine is supported by implementing it's MD. The basic approach is to specify instruction semantics using the RTL operators in tables Table 6.1 and Table 6.2. As described in Implementing the Gimple to IR-RTL Conversion and illustrated in Figure 5.1, although the table columns are physically separated they are semantically connected by pattern names. A MD then uses pattern names and describes the target instruction that can implement the semantics of the pattern name using the MD-RTL language. The RTL operators are used to construct the expression (RTX) that captures the semantics and the MD constructs are used to give various specification details – introduction of a new pattern, the operand matching criteria etc.

The $GCCHOME/gcc/config/<target>/<target>.md file implements the specification of instruction set semantics for the target “<target>”. It is a collection of specification definitions of each target instruction that GCC supports (i.e. can emit) with optional constructs that ease the implementation.

6.3.1 Illustrative Example of RTL at tdevelop:

Let a fictitious machine have a data movement operation which moves an integer argument into a register. The target syntax of the instruction is “fictmove <source integer> <destination register>”. We use the “movsi” pattern to introduce this instruction to GCC via a MD-RTX as follows:

(define_insn "movsi"
   (set  (match_operand 0 "register_operand" "")
         (match_operand 1 "const_int_operand" ""))
   "fictmove  %1, %0"
The define_insn MD construct is used to introduce a new pattern to GCC. The first argument is the pattern name. It's second argument is the RTL expression (RTX) that captures the target instruction semantics. Here the RTL operator “set” captures the operational part of the target instruction – an assignment operation. The arguments of the “set” operator describe the nature of the operands. The first operand, operand 0, is the destination of the set and is required to be a register for this particular target. The second operand, operand 1, is the source of the set operation and is required to be a constant integer. Notice that the specification of the operand matching criteria are target specific, and the RTX captures the semantics of the target. Finally, the fourth argument of define_insn is the concrete assembly syntax of the target instruction with %0 and %1 being the place holders for the actual values of the operands during compilation.

The requirements of the operands that this particular target demands are specified as a match criteria using the match_operand MD construct. The match_operand expressions are the operands of the set operator. The third argument of match_operand is the name of a C boolean function that must be satisfied by the operand instance during compilation. This function implements the test. There are two functions, register_operand () and const_int_operand (), that are used here. The first one checks of the operand is a register and the second checks if the operand is a constant integer. Some test functions are provided by GCC, and the MD author may also write target specific ones (usually in $GCCHOME/gcc/config/<target>/<target>.c).

The RTX, i.e. the second operand of the define_insn, is written in a Lisp like form in the MD system. At build time, it is converted to C functions and data structures that would yield the internal representation at trun. The rtx data structure in The RTX Data Structure is used to represent RTL objects in internal form.

6.4 RTL at build time: Build Time Processing of MD

The program gengenrtl.c is the generator of the file genrtl.c. genrtl.c is a set of C functions that create IR-RTXs. These functions are invoked when the compiler is running to compile an input program. C preprocessor macros that are used in genrtl.c are found in rtl.h. The central data structure for RTL expressions is struct rtx_def in rtl.h that gets typedef'd to the pointer named rtx. The code field of this structure contains the RTX operation code. RTX emission code involves the following generic steps:

INPUT: RTX operation code to be instantiated

allocate compiler memory to instantiate an RTX
initialise it
set the `code' field of the rtx struct to the input RTX code
set other fields if required
return the instantiated rtx
The available RTX codes are created by enumerating the RTL objects in $GCCHOME/gcc/rtl.def.

6.4.1 Illustrative Example of RTL at tbuild:

The MD-RTX at tdevelop

(define_insn "movsi"
   (set  (match_operand 0 "register_operand" "")
         (match_operand 1 "const_int_operand" ""))
   "fictmove  %1, %0"
is converted to a C function at tbuild
gen_movsi  (rtx operand0, rtx operand1)
   emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (VOIDmode, op0, op1));
The pattern name string “movsi” in the specification forms the suffix of the function name that starts with “gen_”. The C function that implements the pattern is thus named “gen_movsi”. Suppose this specification is the 23rd MD-RTX in the MD file. Then the function gen_movsi() is stored as the 23rd entry in the insn_data array. The “gen_rtx_SET ()” function will instantiate an instance at run time, trun, of the rtx data structure (see The RTX Data Structure) whose “code” field has the integer code of the “SET” RTL operator and whose operand pointers will be set to “op0” and “op1”. The operands would already be instantiated at run time since the Gimple –> IR-RTL conversion would be performed by a depth first traversal at run time. The “emit_insn” function will chain the generated rtx into the linked list of RTXs at trun that will represent the program being compiled as the RTL IR. It thus creates the IR-RTX by “embedding” the generated RTX in suitable IR constructs. The ellipses denote the rest of the steps of the RTX emission algorithm.

6.5 RTL at trun: Representing Programs (using IR-RTL)

Once the IR-RTX emission code generated at tbuild is compiled, it can be used to emit IR-RTL representation at run time. Assuming that the input program requires a data movement operation that corresponds to the “movsi” pattern, we illustrate the instantiation of the RTL specification. The program in IR-RTL is a linear list of IR-RTXs. The RTL operators are used to construct the instance of the RTX that captures the instruction semantics in the MD at tdevelop. The IR constructs usually encapsulate this particular instance with other information. Some such information is structural; for example the previous and the next IR-RTXs. Some other information is computed at various passes and propagated to later passes.

6.5.1 Illustrative Example of RTL at trun:

The run time instance of the RTX in the illustrative example of sections RTL at development time and RTL at build time looks as:

(insn 24 22 25 1
  (set (reg:SI 58 [D.1283])
       (const_int 0 [0x0])
The IR construct “insn” has many operands. The fifth operand in the above example is the RTX that is an instance of the RTX specified in the MD. Note that the first operand of the instantiated RTX is a register (number 58, in the example) and will satisfy the corresponding match criteria specified in the MD. Similarly the second operand is a constant integer 0 and will also satisfy the corresponding match criteria. The first three operands of the insn IR constrcut are mandatory. The complete syntax details may be ignored at the moment.13

The register number 58 in the run time instance of the RTX is a pseudoregister and the RTX as given is an incomplete (i.e. non strict) RTL. It cannot be used to generate the assembly code since the hardware register to be used is unknown! In general, an IR-RTX is incomplete if it lacks some information that is needed to emit the assembly code. The register allocator RTL pass would compute the actual hardware register to use for this pseudoregister. Suppose the register allocator determines that the pseudoregister 58 should correspond to hardware register named “eax” (a very i386 like name, but illustrative). Then the IR-RTX representing the program looks like:

(insn 24 22 25 1
  (set (reg:SI eax [D.1283])
       (const_int 0 [0x0])
The IR representation can now be converted to assembly code. The string to be used is specified in the corresponding MD-RTX (at tdevelop) to be: “fictmove %1, %0”. The value of “(reg:SI eax ...)” is “eax” and is used for “%0”. The value of “(const_int 0 ...)” is “0” and is used for “%1”. Hence the generated assembly instruction is:
   fictmove 0, eax

7 The GCC Build System Architecture

GCC is a generative architecture in the sense that the build process first generates the source code of the target compiler and then builds this generated source into the target compilation system. This is a consequence of the retargetability feature of GCC. The motivations of such an architecture are discussed in Writing GCC Machine Descriptions. Retargetability means the decision of target to be used to generate the assembly code for is decided at tbuild. This means that at development time the target specific issues are specified for every target to be supported, and at build time a target from these set of specified targets is chosen and the information is incorporated into the compiler. Retargetabilty also facilitates generating various types of cross compilation systems Cross Compilation and GCC.

A cross compiler runs on a computer system but generates code for another system. In general, a cross compiler would be built on a build system, be hosted and run on a host system, and would generate code for a target system. These systems may have their own particular needs for proper operation; a target system may need to use it's own particular tools for correct operation of the compiler. These particulars must be known at build time tbuild. However they must be specified on a per target basis at development time tdevelop! The GCC build system must be designed so that these target specific fragments of information is collected at build time and used. Since the make program is used to build gcc, the Makefile to be used must be composed at tbuild from Makefile fragments that contain such system specific information. Target specific files like t-TARGET and x-HOST contain such information, and are used by the configure script to create a complete Makefile.

7.1 GCC Build Overview

To generate the target compiler, GCC uses a number of C programs typically prefixed by “gen”. These programs scan the target machine descriptions (RTL at development time) and emit the data structures and code fragments that are required to obtain a complete target compilation system. The output files are collected into the build directory (see GCC – An Introduction). Most of the source language specific parts are directly handled via suitable Makefiles or shell scripts. The build of the compiler is thus spread over source files generated in the build directory and the rest of the compiler in the original sources directory.


Figure 7.1: Generating target specific parts of the compiler. The solid horizontal line separates the conceptual view above from the implementation details below. The dashed vertical line separates the generators from the generated code.

Figure 7.1 details the generation part of Figure 1.1 (boxes labeled “Machine dependent Generator Code” and “Set of Machine Descriptions”) of the target specific instance of the GCC sources. The figure re-orients the top-down view of Figure 1.1 to a left-right view and presents the operational details. The desired target is specified via the configure command (see GCC – An Introduction). Once the desired target is known, a set of generators14 operate on the chosen machine description and generate the target specific components of the compiler. The common functionalities like those required to read and print RTL code in machine descriptions, are compiled and archived into libiberty.a. Each generator uses these files and it's own main code to extract information from the target specific machine description. The figure shows a few generators and the target specific files they generate. The GCC sources at tdevelop are parametrised with “place holders” for target specific information (Figure 2.1). We emphasise that at this point we have generated a target specific version of the GCC sources which are yet to be compiled into a binary.


Figure 7.2: Target specific information in the generated files

The leftmost part of Figure 7.2 shows the target specific information contained in the generated files. This consists of the data structures used to represent target specific information.

The basic target specific source code generators are:

gensupport.c Support routines for the various generation passes.
genconditions.c Calculate constant conditions.
genconstants.c Generate a series of #define statements, one for each constant named in a (define_constants ...) pattern.
genflags.c Generate flags HAVE_... saying which instructions are available for this machine.
genconfig.c Generate some #define configuration flags.
gencodes.c Generate CODE_FOR_... macros giving the index value for each of the defined standard insn names.
genpreds.c Generate prototype declarations for operand preds, and process new style predicate definitions15
genattr.c Generate attribute information (insn-attr.h).
genattrtab.c Generate code to compute values of attributes.
genemit.c Generate code to emit insns as IR-RTL IR.
genextract.c Generate code to operands extractor.
genopinit.c Generate optab initializer code.
genoutput.c Generate code to output assembler insns as recognized from IR-RTL.
genpeep.c Generate code to perform peephole optimizations.
genrecog.c Generate code to recognize rtl as insns.
gencheck.c Generate check macros for tree codes.
gengenrtl.c Generate code to allocate RTL structures.
genrtl.c Generated automatically by gengenrtl from rtl.def.
gengtype.c Process source files and output type information.
genautomata.c Pipeline hazard description translator.
gengtype-lex.c A lexical scanner generated by flex
gengtype-yacc.c A Bison parser, made from gengtype-yacc.y.
gen-protos.c Massages a list of prototypes, for use by fixproto.

The exact sequence of the generation and build of the target compiler can be obtained by looking at the sequence of the commands that are executed by a make on the sources after their configuration. The commands can be redirected to a file for such a study. An examination of these commands permits us to assign concpetual boundaries in the build process so that one can identify the initially the support routines are built and collected into the libiberty.a library, the generators are converted into process that extract the information from the machine descriptions and finally the compiler for the desired language is built. This technique captures the build for a given version of the compiler and cannot insulate us from architectural variations in future build techniques of the compiler. However, the idea is to try identifying the various logical components of a compiler build to create a foundation for understanding any future variations in the architecture.

A study of the make of the compiler roughly gives the following structure of compilations:

1. libiberty/ Generates libiberty.a.
2. libiberty/testsuite/ Nothing occurs here by default!
3. zlib/ Generates libz.a.
4. fastjar/ Generates a few JAR tools.
5. gcc/ Generate some target files
6. gcc/intl/ Internationalisation, if requested
7. gcc/ Generate remaining target files
8. gcc/fixinc/ Fix vendor include files, if needed.
9. gcc/ Compiler compilation

The libiberty library contains general, multipurpose routines which are used in the other programs that build the final compiler. The common tasks handled are regular expressions manipulations, reading and printing RTLs, error handling and garbage collection used internally by GCC during operation.

The “gen*.c” files are compiled using the native compiler on the build system. This binary operates on the machine description, if necessary, to obtain the corresponding target compiler component source code. Once the target specific parts are generated, the build process continues to build the actual compiler. This is done in two phases. First, the front end independent parts are compiled and archived into the libbackend.a library. This is common to every front end, and multiple front ends may be requested by the user. The build system then builds a separate compiler for each desired front end.

A compiler for a given language, say C, is built using the front end processor files in the respective directories, a few common routines from libiberty.a and the backend library libbackend.a.

Source File Use
c-parse.c A bison parser made from c-parse.y
c-lang.c Language Specific Hook implementations for C
c-pretty-print.c Common C/C++ pretty printing routines
attribs.c Functions dealing with attribute handling
c-errors.c Various diagnostic routines
c-lex.c Mainly the interface between cpplib and the C front ends
c-pragma.c Handle #pragma SVR4 style
c-decl.c Processes declarations and variables for C
c-typeck.c Build expresions with type checking for C
c-convert.c Language level data type conversion for C
c-aux-info.c Generate information regarding function declarations
and definitions based on information stored in GCC's tree structure
c-common.c Routines common to all C variants
c-opts.c C/C++/ObjC command line options processing
c-format.c Check calls to formatted I/O functions (?)
c-semantics.c Definitions and documentation for the common tree codes
c-objc-common.c Some common code to C and ObjC front ends
c-dump.c Tree dumping functionality for the C family
main.c Defines main() for cc1, cc1plus etc.
libbackend.a GNU CC internal collection of backend code
libiberty.a GNU CC internal collection of useful routines

Table 7.1: Compiler files and their contents for cc1

For C, the files used are shown in table Table 7.1 and are used to generate the compiler cc1.

Finally, the compiler driver gcc can be, and is built (The Compilation Driver – gcc). This is actually built as xgcc to avoid possible name clash if gcc is available on the build system. This insulation from the possible availability of a gcc command is required during the boot strapping phases. For a native compiler, the build is performed in at least three boot strap stages. In the first stages the native gcc or the vendor C compiler is used to generate the compiler. The compiler xgcc generated in this stage is then used to build the complete compiler again in stage 2. To check the success of the second stage build, the xgcc from stage 2 is used to build the compiler again into stage 3. It is then expected that stages 2 and 3 give identical results. GCC, therefore, always builds the driver as xgcc and renames it as gcc during compiler installation time. This driver can be built once the compiler proper, namely cc1 is built.

7.2 The gcc Compilation Driver

Conceptually, when a user requests the compilation of a file, say myprog.c, the system does the following:

The structure of the gcc driver code is as follows:

The central idea of the gcc driver architecture is a table driven approach to looking up the “compiler” binary based on the input file name extension and an associated standard command line which can be augmented with user specified command line. The architecture simply creates a sequence of intermediate file names that are the output of the current stage and then input of the next stage, and iterates through them. For each input file, the “compiler” is looked up, the actual command line created (this involves some parsing and instantiation of the corresponding specification from the specs file), and then a fork () is issued. At the point of fork (), the activation stack looks like (the stack grows upwards in the figure below):

  1. fork()
  2. pexecute("cc1 path", "parent proc (gcc)", "input file", ...)
  3. execute()
  4. a sequence of calls to do_spec_1() which ultimately instantiate the specification from the specs file
  5. do_spec(): A point that is reached when the driver has found all the necessary information to initiate the execution sequence. That is the driver has found that an input file exists, it's “compiler” exists and the “standard” command line for the “compilation” exists
  6. main()

8 Conclusion

We have described some of the implementation details of GCC 4.0.2 with the conceptual background of The Conceptual Structure of GCC. The focus has been the implementation of the compilation concepts and not on the work required to extend it to being an industry strength compiler. Details like the implementation of standards adherence, error detection and reporting etc. have been omitted in this work. However, these details are necessary to help understanding the GCC source code. Some details were voluminous enough to merit a separate document. For instance the development of a machine description is separated and can be found in Systematic Development of GCC Machine Descriptions. The syntactic details of almost all the concepts discussed can be found in GCC Internals (by Richard Stallman) and we include only the necessary parts (see, for example, RTL at run time).

The RTL is an interesting feature of GCC. It is a language that can capture the semantics of target instructions as well as represent the program internally during compilation. The use of RTL as an IR can be viewed as a “abstract syntax representation” of target assembly language; i.e. the concrete assembly syntax has been discarded and only the semantics captured. The (implicit, unstated) rule in GCC RTL phase is to ensure that the RTL IR is complete enough so that every RTX in the IR (ideally) maps to a unique assembly string. This suggests an attempt to perform compilation as much independent of the target syntax but with target as much target semantics as possible. This enables some traditionally target specific techniques like peephole optimization to be generically implemented.

8.1 Future Work

A number of possibilities exist for future work. The conceptual directions are already explored in The Conceptual Structure of GCC. As far as implementation needs go, the official GCC site (http://gcc.gnu.org/projects) lists a number of projects that may be pursued, better documentation being one of them. Here we present our own additions/changes to that list.


  1. Richard. M. Stallman.
    GCC Internals.
  2. Abhijat Vichare.
    GCC – An Introduction.
  3. Abhijat Vichare.
    Cross Compilation and GCC.
  4. Abhijat Vichare.
    Writing GCC Machine Descriptions.
  5. Abhijat Vichare.
    The Conceptual Structure of GCC.
  6. Abhijat Vichare.
    The Phasewise File Groups of GCC.
  7. Uday Khedker and Sameera Deshpande.
    Systematic Development of GCC Machine Descriptions.

List of Figures

List of Tables

Appendix A Copyright

This is edition 1.0 of “GCC 4.0.2 – The Implementation”, last updated on April 7, 2008.

Copyright © 2004-2008 Abhijat Vichare and Sameera Deshpande , I.I.T. Bombay.

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    You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

    1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
    2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
    3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher.
    4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
    5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.
    6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
    7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
    8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
    9. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence.
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    You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

    You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

    The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.


    You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

    The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

    In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”


    You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

    You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


    A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document.

    If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate.


    Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

    If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title.


    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.


    The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/.

    Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page:

       Copyright (C)  year  your name.
       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
       under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
       or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
       with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
       Texts.  A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
       Free Documentation License''.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with...Texts.” line with this:

         with the Invariant Sections being list their titles, with
         the Front-Cover Texts being list, and with the Back-Cover Texts
         being list.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software.


[1] GCC was originally aimed at being just a C compiler. Hence the C specific code is not well separated from the rest of the compiler.

[2] The RTL representation, when created from Gimple does not contain sufficient information to obtain the assembly code. Such RTL is called as non strict or incomplete. When the RTL passes finish computing all such information, the RTL can be converted to assembly code. Such RTL is called as strict or complete RTL.

[3] The passes are in currently gcc/tree-optimize.c and gcc/passes.c. In later versions, a full fledged passes manager has been implemented that includes the compilation and optimization phase sequence after parsing.

[4] Memory allocation is, therefore, separately done using xmalloc() allocator functions and no explicit free operations. Instead the garbage collector is used.

[5] Later versions of GCC also support the “(compilation-)unit-at-time” mode in which the parser consumes the entire unit of compilation, i.e. a file, before calling the functions to perform the compilation.

[6] Later versions of GCC have hand coded recursive descent parsers, e.g. $GCCHOME/gcc/c-parser.c is the C parser code.

[7] It has been completed in the later versions.

[8] C condition of patterns, if they exist, are used as the non-zero initializers, else the initialization value is 1.

[9] The GCC sources (tree.def etc.) describe each node type in great detail. We summarize.

[10] MD-RTXs are made up of MD constructs and RTXs.

[11] IR-RTXs are made up of IR constructs and RTXs.

[12] The trap operation takes a constant value “5” on the i386 and a constant value “0” on the mips!

[13] The exact syntax details of each RTL construct – MD RTL, RTL operators and IR RTL – are described in GCC Internals (by Richard Stallman)

[14] The generator programs are obtained from the corresponding C source files at tbuild.

[15] This file changed in response to the introduction of new predicate definition syntax.

[16] The syntactic details of the spec file are detailed in the header comment of the gcc.c file.

[17] Some descriptions are available on the Internet.