August 31, 2014
29th September, 2014
NotificationSeptember 19, 2014
15 October 2014
Early registrationDecember 20, 2014
ConferenceJanuary 5-8, 2015

ALC 2015
The 14th Asian Logic Conference will be held
at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,
from January 5 to 8, 2015. ALC 2015 will be co-located with
ICLA 2015, the 6th Indian Conference on Logic and Its Applications
to be held during January 8-10, 2015.
The Asian Logic Conference series is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic, and the meetings are major international events in mathematical logic. The series features the latest scientific developments in the fields in mathematical logic and its applications, logic in computer science, and philosophical logic. It also aims to promote mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and to bring logicians together both from within Asia and elsewhere to exchange information and ideas.
From 1981 to 2008, the Asian Logic Conference has been held triennially and rotated among countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The previous meetings took place in Singapore (1981), Bangkok (1984), Beijing (1987), Tokyo (1990), Singapore (1993) , Beijing (1996), Hsi-Tou (1999), Chongqing (2002), Novosibirsk (2005), Kobe (2008), Singapore (2009), Wellington (2011) and Guangzhou (2013).
Details of the last ALC (2013) may be found at The ASL East Asia Committee website is here.