Ashwin Abraham

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay

+91 6379 877 648

About Me

I'm Ashwin Abraham, and you've reached my website!

I am currently a second year undergraduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in IIT Bombay.

I am interested in various topics in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Programming (especially in languages such as C and C++), and I enjoy and have experience in taking part in coding competitions and participating in Projects.

I was a Class Representative for the CSE Department in my Freshman Year, and this year I've joined UGAC (the Undergraduate Academic Council) as an Academic Coordinator in Student Support Services.

I also post resources that I have made for courses that I have taken over here. Most of these resources are also present in my GitHub. If you've come for these, this is probably the link you're looking for.


I have worked on many projects in IIT Bombay, some individually and others as part of a team.
In fact, one of the reasons this website was created was as a project for the course CS 251 (Software Systems Lab), in order to learn more HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
Some of these projects are:

Nubians - Chess

Our team is called Nubians, comprised of Ashwin Abraham and Kartik Nair. We have developed a game of Chess using JavaScript and HTML, which can be played on any Web Browser.
We have implemented three variations of chess - the standard variant, Fischer Random Chess (aka Chess 960), and Glinski's variant of Chess (which takes place on a Hexagonal Board).

There is also an experimental version of the game which supports single player gaming (Link to the Repository)

Link to the Game Link to the Repository


Our team is called The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch comprised of Kartik Sreekumar Nair, Josyula Venkata Aditya, Arnav Aditya Singh and Ashwin Abraham.
We participated in CodeWars v1 (Virus Wars) coding contest conducted by WnCC IIT Bombay in 2021-22 and the bots programmed by us came second overall.

Link to the Repository

Sudoku Solver

I wrote a C++ program, that solves a puzzle of Sudoku that is given to it as input and prints out the solution.

Link to the Repository

CS 154 - Snake

As a part of our CS 154 course (Programming Paradigms Laboratory), I implemented a game of Snake in C++ using the FLTK graphics library.
Previously I had made another game in C++ known as "Bubble Trouble" as a project for the CS 101 course (Computer Programming and Utilization) using the simplecpp graphics library developed by Professor Abhiram Ranade.

Link to the Repository

Machine Learning - Summer of Science, 2022

I participated in the Summer of Science, 2022 conducted by the Maths and Physics Club, IIT Bombay. My chosen topic was Machine Learning and my assigned mentor was Garweet Sresht, a third year student in the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Endterm Report

Miscellaneous Programs

In my free time I sometimes think of some problems and write small programs to solve them, such as:

  1. Readbits - This program prints out the binary representation of a C++ object - the way it is stored in memory
  2. C++ Implementations - In these set of files, I wrote my own implementations for many sorting algorithms and C++ STL classes such as std::string and std::vector
  3. Assembly Programming - In order to better understand the internal working of C/C++ programs and inspired by a challenge from the Cybersecurity Club, IIT Bombay (the Year of Security/YOS) I learnt assembly language (NASM, Intel Syntax) and wrote a few programs in it.

Link to the Repository


These resources mainly consist of notes I've made/Programs I've written during a particular course/while self-learning a particular topic.

If you are looking for past year question papers, please have a look at ResoBin, developed by SSS and DevCom IIT-B, which aims to collect reviews and resources for courses and Programmes conducted by IIT Bombay.
The following Google Drives (Freshie Resources 2021, Freshie Resources 2022) also contain resources that you may find useful.
These resources have been uploaded to ResoBin also (if not, they shall be uploaded soon).

  1. CS 101 Resources - This is a collection of lab problems that were given to me when I took the CS 101 (Computer Programming and Utilization) course, along with my solutions to them. It also contains the Project I wrote for this course.

  2. CS 154 Resources - This is a collection of lab problems that were given to me when I took the CS 154 (Programming Paradigms Laboratory) course, along with my solutions to them.

  3. CSES Problem Set - This is a collection of solutions I have written to the problems given in the CSES Competitive Programming Problem Set. Note that all solutions haven't been added yet.

  4. Assembly Programming Resources - This is a collection of resources I used while learning Assembly Programming, along with some files I have written.

  5. PH 107 Resources - These mainly comprise of the answers I wrote for the in-video Quizzes that were a part of our PH 107 (Quantum Physics and Application) course.

  6. CH 107 Resources - These mainly comprise of the summaries I wrote on the topics taught during each week of the CH 107 (Quantum Chemistry) course.


Institute Duration CPI/Percentage
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 2021 - Present 10.0
Narayana e-Techno School, Chennai 2019 - 2021 97%
Maharishi Vidya Mandir Sr Sec School, Chennai 2017 - 2019 93.6%
DAV Sr Sec School, Chennai 2009 - 2017 N/A


Some of my hobbies are:
(Select the Hobbies you want to read about)

Reach Me

My email ids are (in order of frequency at which they are checked):


My phone number is +91 6379 877 648.
If I don't know your number and you call me, I am unlikely to pick up.
However, messaging me on WhatsApp on this number will almost definitely elicit a response.

Here are the links to my LinkedIn and Instagram pages.