+5 bonus points for scribing (in groups) lectures, +5 bonus for the best project, and +5 bonus for the best assignment, +5 for memes@CS683
Programming assignments Quizzes Project (performance or security related topics)

Two Programming Assignments (group of two/three members):
15 X 2, total 30 points

Two quizzes (best of two: essentially one quiz :) ):
30 X 1, total 30 points, 10 points for lecture scribes

Project (group of two/three members):
5 points for project proposal
20 points for presentation-1, 35 points for final report, insights, and presentations

Just Say NO to this course if
1. You are not a team player.
2. You do not like open discussions on technical topics.
3. You do not like coding.
4. You do not like projects and discussions.
5. You love your comfort-zone.
6. You are planning to take the course just because your friend/buddy also is planning to take it.