There will be no exam(s). Bonus +5 points for the best review/presentation/project/assignment. Excellent project(s) will lead to an "AA" grade. If all do well then all will get AA grades. Grading wont be based on the famous "curve".
Paper Reviews/Presentations Programming assignments Project Chai Pe Charcha (Ttime discussions)

One (Group of two):
25 points, 15 points for review/presentation, 10 points for participation (last week of month)

Three (Individual/group):
30 points, first assignment is an individual assignment, rest will be a group (group of two) assignments

One (Group of two): 35 points, one checkpoint per three weeks after the programming assignments

One (Group of two): 10 points for Ttime discussions.

Just Say NO to this course if
1. You love writing exams.
2. You are not a team player.
3. You love reading text books.
4. You do not like open discussions on technical topics.
5. You do not like coding.
6. You do not like open-ended projects and discussions.
7. You do not like failure;some of the projects will be on failing successfully.
8. You love your comfort-zone.
9. You are planning to take the course just because your friend/buddy also is planning to take it.
10. Finally, you love free grades.