Nilabha Saha
I am into
I am into
Hey there! I am Nilabha Saha, presently a fourth-year student in the Computer Science and Engineering department with an Integrated Dual Degree with the Mathematics department at IIT Bombay. I possess interests in Computer Science and Cyber Security. I look forward to working on the intersection of Computer Science and Mathematics, inlcuding Cryptography , Algebraic Geometry, and Formal Verification. Furthermore, I am also interested in the fields of Operating Systems and Binary Exploitation. These are still just preconceived ideas of what might truly interest me and I look forward to exploring different fields and sectors to recognise any other areas of strong interest.
Let's get the basic information sorted out first. Here's the information about me you'll mostly never need.
Here are the positions of responsibility I presently hold or once held.
Other than my core courses, I am also pursuing: