
Here's a (non-exhaustive) list of projects I have worked on with a brief description of them.

Pairing Based Cryptography

Studied pairing based cryptography and implemented a few pairing based schemes using the PBC library in C++. The report can be reached through the link above.

Advanced Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Key Cryptosystems

Looked into advanced methods of cryptanalysis of symmetric key cryptosystems, focusing on those cryptosystems which are hardened against classic linear and differential cryptanalysis. Part of my research internship at the Laboratory of Security and Cryptography (LASEC) at EPFL.

Quantum Reinforcement Learning

Implemented a reinforcement learning model using temporal difference learning to convert a two-qubit initial quantum state to a two-qubit final quantum state using a given sequence of unitary quantum gates.

Dynamic Allocator Misuse / Heap Exploitation

Studied the glibc malloc and its functioning. Studied and developed proof of concepts of various attacks against the latest glibc dynamic memory allocator.


Studied and interpreted the paper on the HyperPLONK Polynomial Interactive Oracle Proof as part of my seminar on Zero-Knowledge Proofs. The report can be accessed via the link above.

Adversarial ML Models

Implemented adversarial models against convolutional neural networks using the FGSM and DeepFool algorithm.

SoS - Abstract Algebra

Studied Abstract Algebra as my Summer of Science project. The report is available at the link above.

Manifold Learning

Performed a survey of manifold learning techniques, and implemented some of them in code. The report is avaiable at the link above.

XSS-Injection Blocker Extension

Created a Chrome extension that blocks a request to a webpage upon detecting an XSS injection.

Lattice Algorithms

Developed a repository consisting of the implementations of lattice algorithms used extensively in cryptography and post-quantum cryptography. The repository can be accessed through the link above.


Developed an application to enable secure chatting and group chatting services with end-to-end encryption and secure authentication. Optimised load on servers to enable high latency and throughput.

RSA Poisoner

Developed a SageMath tool to attack common RSA vulnerabilities. The repository can be accessed through the link above.

SoS - Quantum Computing & Information

Studied Quantum Computing and Information as my Summer of Science project. The report is available at the link above.

The Stacks of Information

Made a Wordpress blog containing a few articles, especially the A Tour Through Some Curves series of articles. They can be perused through the link above.

Personal Website

Developed a personal website. It can be reached through the link above.