Photorealistic Rendering in Blender


In this assignment you recreate your own photograph in Blender.


  1. Begin by accepting the assignment invitation.

Part 1 To Do : Take a photograph.

  1. Take a photograph of any scene that intrigues you - it can be an indoor or outdoor scene of your choice.
  2. You are free to take the picture with any camera and image settings you want, but you have to take the picture yourself. Be mindful of the scene and make short notes about what your eyes can see in the scene.
  3. Write a small report on what interesting light transport/illumination phenomena you can observe in the image. Observe the reflections, shadows, refractions, light bleeding, colour and other phenomena you can see in the photo of the scene. Distinguish between what your eyes could see in the real world, and what you can now see in the image of the same scene. Do you observe more or less things, or different things? Try to reason what these differences are, how or why do they appear?
  4. Name the image file as photo_your_roll-number.jpg.
  5. Name the report as observations_your_roll-number.jpg.
  6. Put both these files in your repository. This part must be completed by *23:59 IST, February 5, 2023.

Part 2 To Do : Recreate the scene in Blender using the Cycles renderer.

  1. At least render a 1920x1080 image with anti-aliasing. Save the output as render_your_roll-number.jpg.
  2. Write a report describing what all did you have to do in Blender to recreate your photograph - describe both the modelling and rendering (texturing included, if used). Describe what shaders and rendering settings did you use. Discuss how close to the original photo does your render look, and what phenomena could you successfully recreate and what your could not. Discuss what would it take to recreate the scene in the photo exactly.
  3. Name the report as rendering_report_your_roll-number.jpg.
  4. Save the .blend file of your scene as render_your_roll-number.blend
  5. Upload the rendered image, the rendering report and the .blend file to your repository.
  6. This part must be completed by *23:59 IST, February 17, 2023.


  1. Photo uploaded in time (will be checked and approved): 50 marks
  2. Observations report: 50 marks
  3. Final rendered image: 50 marks
  4. Rendering report: 50 marks
  5. Blend file: 50 marks
  6. Total: 250 marks
  7. Late submission policy: There will be 25% degradation in total marks out of which you will be graded for every late day beyond the deadline. If you are more than three days late, then no marks will be given.
    The late submission policy only applies to the second part (the rendering) of the assignment. The first part must be submitted in time.

To Submit

Submissions are handled via Github Classroom.
