while ( !( succeed = try( ) ) )


about me

Hi! I am Sushant, originally from the mesmerising city of Dehradun (Uttarakhand). I have lived through the course of my education in Dehradun - where I did my schooling, Delhi - my second home :), Noida - where I attended college and currently in Mumbai - for my PG in computer science.

If the word passion has entered my life, it has been for one thing, Computers; or maybe because I don't have a girlfriend ;). Ever since I was introduced to computers, which was at age 12, I've been interested in them. From programming to graphics to games, you name it. I like working on small projects and trying on new programming languages.

Apart from being a tool which you might be thinking I'm also and avid viewer of movies preferebly comedy and almost any movie directed by Anurag Kashyap. I love watching hollywood movies and seasons - The big bang theory, Suits and The IT Crowd being my favorite in the latter case. Currently however, I'm not up-to-date with the movies because of the workload ;).

I'm also an aficionado of 70's rock music and die hard fan of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. I also enjoy music of A R Rehman, KK and Sufi Rock in general. Recently I've also picked up a taste for Radiohead.

I've worked in the IT industry for 2 years and realized that I still have it in me to study further and better my knowledge. So, I decided to appear for GATE and now I'm doing M Tech as a Research Assistant from IIT Bombay in Computer science and enjoying student life. I hope to relive the glory days of college and hostel once again.

Thats it I guess, I'll stop before you get bored and close this site. And yes the color theme of this website is inspired from Google Android OS. Also, the header statement is from a post that I read on facebook and liked it so much that I included it here.

You can contact me at