while ( !( succeed = try( ) ) )



I declare that this site is entirely my own effort, down to the last closing tag of html and semicolon in css. No code completion/WYSWYG tools were used in the making of this website.

I have however taken help of various internet sources for making the design better and simpler. These are listed below for those who are interested.

internet resources used

URL Used For Code used
dynamicdrive.com Used for learning CSS and techniques for creating 2 column (fixed+fluid) design. No code has been used directly from the site
w3schools.com Used for relearning and recalling HTML 5 tags, which have ben used in this site. No code has been used directly from the site
ferringtonpost.com Used for finding out the hex codes used in the Android mobile OS, which for the color theme of this site. No images have been used from the site

desktop tools used

Name Purpose License
Emacs IDE/Text Editor used to create this website. GPL
Google Chrome Viewing/Debugging the web pages. Google Proprietary

This website was developed on Ubuntu (Precise Pangolin, 12.4.02 LTS), Linux distribution.