NetRank and HubRank
NetRank: Learning to rank nodes in a graph
- Papers:
- Talk slides and posters:
HubRank: Query optimization and index management for graphs
- Papers:
- Talk slides and posters:
Code and data
- To get an SVN account, send me email.
Your login ID will be your full email address.
- You will be mailed back a temporary password that you should
- Once you get an account, use
this SVN base
URL to check out and update.
- In case we change our external host name, you will need to svn
switch -relocate.
- Our code needs additional
libraries to build and run.
- Most of our experiments used CiteSeer data. If you want our
version of that data, please write to Professor C. Lee Giles, copying
me. I will send you a download URL.
Students, past and present
Alekh Agarwal, Manish Gupta, Amit Pathak, Kriti Puniyani,
Sujatha Das.
Supported by grants from IBM Research and Microsoft Research.