NEW! DPGC is evolving more detailed MTP evaluation forms. These will most likely be used by both the guide and the student (for self-appraisal). The purpose of posting this here is to give you an impression of the evaluation process through which many guides arrive at your MTP grades.
NEW! Ms. Victor and several Mtech students have put together a very useful if rough-cut survival guide that will help you complete the formalities.
Please remember that your MTP is worth 90 credits, while the total coursework you do is worth only 74--78 credits. There is increasing concern among a subset of faculty members that the volume or depth of MTP work has no sense of proportion with this manner of credit allocation. A 6-credit graduate course is a pretty heavy load around here, and a vast majority of MTPs come nowhere near 15 heavy graduate courses!
If I were you, I'd be somewhat concerned about this posting, and make sure I was doing well even if MTP credits are interpreted at par with course credits. It is only a matter of time before they are interpreted at par, unless MTP is made optional, about which I have absolutely no information. In any case that won't apply to you.
A note about vacation and leaves: While you are drawing TA or RA salary, the institute grants you 30 days of paid leave per year. Typically, students take of about 10-15 days in summer and 10 days in winter, leaving a few days for emergencies. However you plan it, your advisor must know with comfortable time to spare when and for how long you will be away, and have your contact number.
The first milestone in this semester is the MTP2 viva. This spreadsheet (see sheet named "MTP2-2008-01") shows the latest allocation of examiners and chairpersons and the schedule.
The department is setting out a set of guidelines for TAs: what are their duties, how many hours should they be prepared to work per week, who are they answerable to, etc. Please read Prof. Sahoo's report and and an earlier report carefully to understand your responsibilities. If anything is unclear ask me. Remember, you will have to adhere to these standards.
The main activity in summer is to work on your MTech projects (stage 2) and present a seminar/viva at the end of the semester.
The main activity in summer is to work on your MTech projects (stage 1) and present a seminar/viva. Here are the deadlines:
MTP guide assignments, MTP1 viva examiner assignments, and schedules will appear here around mid-July.
We will try to use Google Groups and Google Spreadsheets to manage the assignment and scheduling in a decentralized way.
Another chore is to get your TA assignment for Fall 2007 fixed. Watch this spreadsheet and make your preferences known to Ms. Victor.
TA assignment for Spring 2007.
Some links to help you prepare the seminar report and slides: Strunk and White, CSEA notes, Prof. Ranade's notes.
2006/12/01 Friday has been set as the day for Mtech1 seminars. A tentative viva schedule can be found in the batch roster.
Seminar topics have been assigned.
Schedule update 2006/07/30:
Autumn 2006 Timetable; some slots and many locations may be unreliable!
Further registration tips from Prof. Biswas:
Tentative course loading for Fall 2006 and Spring 2007.
Course layout for CSE programs.
Prof. Biswas's facad site from the batch one year senior to you. If it's not here, it's there.
Student roster for your batch.
Facad welcome and intro slides, 2006/07/20.
Welcome slides from Varsha, 2006/07/20.
Slides about CS101 from Prof. Sohoni, 2006/07/20.