S. Sudarshan
Subrao M. Nilekani Chair Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
and Engineering, IIT Bombay
Research Areas
Professional Activities
Other Stuff
Research Areas
My main research area is database systems .
Current sub areas of interest include
- Holistic optimization spanning the programming language/SQL boundary.
This project addresses optimization of database applications where the bottleneck is
in the programming language -- database interface. We have developed techniques for
automated rewriting of database applications, which can replace iterative invocation
of queries by creating query batches, or asynchronous query invocation, and in other
cases replace blocks of code by equivalent SQL queries. This work spans the boundaries of
programming language static analysis and database query optimization.
For details see the home page of the
DBridge Project
at http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/dbms/dbridge.
- Query Optimization. The Pyro query optimization project, which is based on
the Volcano/Cascades framework, has run for many years,
with early work focusing on multiquery optimization and parametric query optimization.
More recently we have been working on handling query optimization for parallel databases,
including optimization of response time, or more generally multi-objective query
optimization, which add non-trivial complexity to the optimization problem.
For details see the home page of the
Pyro/PyroJ project
at http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/dbms/pyro.
- Testing Database Queries and Applications. The XData project focuses on how to test the
correctness of database queries, and more generally, database applications, by
generating datasets that are designed to catch errors. We have developed
techniques for data generation which can handle a wide variety of queries, and catch
a wide variety of common errors. We have also developed a tool
for checking correctness of student queries, which
can greatly help instructors of database courses. Earlier work in this area focused on
checking for serializablity of applications running under weak levels of consistency.
For more details, see the home page of the
XData project at
- Keyword Search on Databases
Soumen Chakrabarti and I lead the BANKS project
which aims at supporting keyword queries on structured and semi-structured databases.
Earlier work focused on keyword queries on structured data. More recently
we have worked on keyword queries on a mix of structured and unstructured data,
and on providing more expressive power, while retaining the ability to query data
without knowledge of the exact schema or entity indentifiers,
by using the Entity-Relationship querying model. Currently, we are focusing on
the above forms of queries, but on data represented using RDF.
For more details, see the home page of the
BANKS project at
- Earlier areas include:
- Main Memory Databases :
I was one of the founders of the DataBlitz main memory database
project in Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, and also worked on failure recovery
error checking and fault tolerance issues, in main memory databases while at Bell Labs.
- Indexing for Write-Intensive Workloads
- Deductive Databases: My PhD thesis was
on deductive databases, with a focus on query evaluation and
semantics for extensions of Datalog with
non-stratified negation, aggregation, and non-ground/structured data.
Professional Activities:
- Journal editorship
- Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), 2005-2012
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data (TKDE) 2010-2014
- Associate Editor, IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 2012-2014
- Committees
- Member Board of Trustees, VLDB Foundation (2010-2015)
- Member Advisory Committee of the Proceedings of the VLDB Foundation (2011-)
- Member of Executive Committee, CSI SIGDATA (2009-)
- Chair, CSI SIGDATA Executive Committee (2011-2015)
- General Chair, CSI COMAD 2010
- Organizing Committee Chair, COMAD 2008
- Program Committees Chair and Vice/Track-Chair
- Program Committee Co-Chair, IEEE International Conf. on
Data Engineering, 2020, Dallas TX.
- Associate Editor/Track Chair, PVLDB 2018
- Senior PC member (equivalent to vice-chair), SIGMOD 2017
- Program Committee Track-Chair, World Wide Web Conference, 2011
- Program Committee Vice-Chair, International Conference on Data
Engineering (ICDE) 2010
- Program committee chair, International Conference on
Management of Data (COMAD) 2005b, Hyderabad, Dec 2005.
- Tutorial chair, International Conference on Data Engineering
(ICDE) 2003
- International Conf. on Knowledge Management (CIKM) Senior PC 2013
- Program Committee Member
- SIGMOD International Conference on Data Management,
1996, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2020
- International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB),
1996, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008,2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2017
- International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011
- International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), Jerusalem
Israel (1999)
- International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD), 1998, 2000
- International Workshop on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2002, 2003
- DASFAA 2003
Other Links
- Email: sudarsha@cse.iitb.ac.in
- URL: http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~sudarsha
- Tel: +91.22 2576 7714 (Dept. Office: 2576 7700)
- Dept. Fax: +91.22 2572 0290 (Institute fax: 2572 3480)
- Office: Room KR-106, Rekhi building
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400076
Last updated: Jan 1, 2014.