
A System for Design and Optimization of Water Distribution Networks

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Local version for Windows: Local_JalTantra(
Detailed usage instructions: Link

JalTantra Video Tutorial:

Jaltantra IFORS Presentation:

Installation instructions for local version

Extract the zip file
Run the jaltantra_local.exe file and a console should popup showing the server startup
Now goto the browser and type in http://localhost:8080/jaltantra/ to access the local web version of JalTantra
JalTantra requires java 8 or later.
In case java is not installed, you will be taken to the download website

Sample Files

Sample Input: Sample.BRA or Sample.xml or Sample_input.xls
Sample Output: Sample_output.xls

Sample Input(With ESR option): Sample_ESR.xml or Sample_input_ESR.xls
Sample Output(With ESR option): Sample_output_ESR.xls

Sample Input(With ESR and Pump option): Sample_ESR_Pump.xml or Sample_input_ESR_Pump.xls
Sample Output(With ESR and Pump option): Sample_output_ESR_Pump.xls


Mokhada Tanker-Fed Villages

Above is a Google Earth image of tanker fed villages in the Mokhada taluka of Thane.
We would like to design a piped water network to alleviate their water problems.
A typical multi village design consists of the following components:
MBR (Mass Balancing Reservoir)
WTP (Water Treatment Plant)
ESR (Elevated Storage Reservoirs)
Demand points
Pipes connecting all of the above

Typical Network Design

Designing a particular scheme means locating and sizing each of the above components.
Which source do we use?
Where do we place our ESRs in terms of location as well as elevation.
What should be its capacity?
What should be the diameter of the pipes?
The aim of the design is to satisfy the water demand of each village and at the same time minimize capital and/or operational cost of the design.
Therefore the questions have to be answered in light of that objective.
In the first iteration of our system, we attempt to optimize the pipe diameters given the location and demand of the ESRs.
We have now also integrated ESR selection (location, height, capacity as well as which nodes it serves) into the optimization.


Linear program interface used: Google OR-Tools
Linear program solver used: COIN-OR Branch and Cut (CBC)


A Series of ILP Models for the Optimization of Water Distribution Networks - Nikhil Hooda, Ashutosh Mahajan and Om Damani. Sadhana 44.12 (2019): 239, Indian Academy of Sciences.

JalTantra: A System for Design and Optimization of Rural Piped Water Networks - Nikhil Hooda and Om Damani. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (2019).

Inclusion of Tank Configurations as a Variable in the Cost Optimization of Branched Piped Water Networks - Nikhil Hooda and Om Damani. Drinking Water Engineering and Science 10.1 (2017): 39-44. Preliminary version in 14th Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2016.

A System for Optimal Design of Pressure Constrained Branched Piped Water Networks - Nikhil Hooda and Om Damani. 18th Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis, WDSA (2016).


Contact jaltantra.iitb@gmail.com for any doubts or queries
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