Department Of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT-Bombay
& presents

26th & 27th March 2011
in association with
Some Picture


One of the biggest factors behind the success of cloud computing is the Virtualization technology. Ability to Virtualize the Physical Machine gives immense benefits in terms of reliability, security, efficiency, scalability and makes computing available as an utility service. Virtualization, along with the migration capability, enables the data centers to consolidate their computing needs and make them more elastic and scalable.

In this workshop we will cover XEN, which is a very well known and powerful open source industry standard for Virtualization. We will also see how a Virtual Machine (based on XEN):

  • looks like
  • created and destroyed
  • Migrated

You can download the presentation from here.

For further details contact:
Ravinder Singh: +91-9930490534
Viraj Churi: +91-9829725337
Kunal Dudawat: +91-9594445860


Email ID
* You must be registered for Convergence before registering for the competition.