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S. Krishna, J. V. Millo, S. Mohalik, G. Narwane, S. Ramesh. Tracing SPLs Precisely and Efficiently, in Proceedings of SPLC'12, 186-195, ACM (2012).
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A. Chiplunkar, C. Jain, S. Krishna. Model Checking logic WCTL with Multiconstrained modalities on One Clock Priced Timed Automata, Proceedings of FORMATS'09, LNCS 5813: 88-102, Springer (2009).
V. Suman, S. Krishna, L. Manasa, P. K. Pandya. Timed Automata with Integer Resets: Language Inclusion and
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S. Krishna, K. Loya, P. K. Pandya. On Sampling Abstraction of Continous Time Logic with Durations, Proceedings of TACAS'07,
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S. Krishna, P. K. Pandya. Modal strength reduction in quantified
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