Book Chapters
  1. M. Cavaliere, S. Krishna, Gh. Paun, A. Paun. Membrane Computing with Objects on Membranes, in The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing, Oxford University Press, Dec 2009.
Publications in Refereed International Conference Proceedings
  1. Parosh Abdulla, Ashutosh Gupta, S. Krishna, Omkar Tuppe. Dynamic Partial Order Reduction for Transactional Programs on Serializable Platforms, to appear in Proceedings of ATVA'24, Kyoto, October 2024.

  2. D. Figueira, S. Krishna, O. S. Mishra, Anantha Padmanabha: Boundedness for Unions of Conjunctive Regular Path Queries over Simple Regular Expressions, to appear in Proceedings of KR'24, Hanoi, November 2024.

  3. L. Dartois, P.Gastin, Loïc Germerie Guizouarn, R. Govind, S. Krishna: Reversible Transducers over Infinite Words, to appear in Proceedings of CONCUR'24, Calgary, September 2024.

  4. C. Haase, S.Krishna, K. Madnani, O.S. Mishra, G.Zetzsche: An Efficient Quantifier Elimination Procedure for Presburger Arithmetic, in Proceedings of ICALP'24, Talinn, July 2024.

  5. David Hyland,Julian Gutierrez, S. Krishna, M. J. Wooldridge: Rational Verification with Quantitative Probabilistic Goals, in Proceedings of AAMAS'24, Auckland, May 2024.

  6. S. Krishna, A. Pavlogiannis, A. Lal and O. Tuppe. On-The-Fly Static Analysis via Dynamic Bidirected Dyck Reachability, in Proceedings of POPL'24, London, January 2024.

  7. S. Chakraborty, S. Krishna, A. Pavlogiannis and U. Mathur. How Hard is Weak-Memory Testing?, in Proceedings of POPL'24, London, January 2024.

  8. Alain Finkel, S. Krishna, Khushraj Madnani, Rupak Majumdar and Georg Zetzsche. Counter Machines With Infrequent Reversals, in Proceedings of FST&TCS'23, Hyderabad, December 2023.

  9. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Adwait Godbole, S. Krishna and Mihir Vahanwala. Overcoming Memory Weakness with Unified Fairness - Systematic Verification of Liveness in Weak Memory Models, in Proceedings of CAV'23, Paris, July 2023.

  10. H. Can Tunc, Parosh Abdulla, S. Chakraborty, S. Krishna, U. Mathur and A. Pavlogiannis. Optimal Reads-From Consistency Checking for C11-Style Memory Models, in Proceedings of PLDI'23, Orlando, June 2023.

  11. S. Krishna, Khushraj Madnani, Rupak Majumdar and P.K.Pandya. Satisfiability Checking of Multi-Variable TPTL with Unilateral Intervals is PSPACE-complete, in Proceedings of CONCUR'23, Antwerp, September 2023.

  12. Mohammad Afzal, Sankalp Gambhir, Ashutosh Gupta, S. Krishna, Ashutosh Trivedi and Alvaro Velasquez. LTL-Based Non-Markovian Inverse Reinforcement Learning, in Proceedings of AAMAS'23, London, Junme 2023.

  13. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Florian Furbach, Adwait Godbole, Yacoub Hendi, S. Krishna and Stephan Spengler. Paremeterized verification under TSO with Data Types, in Proceedings of TACAS'23, Paris, April 2023.

  14. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Ashutosh Gupta, S. Krishna and Omkar Tuppe. Optimal Stateless Model Checking for Causal Consistency, in Proceedings of TACAS'23 , Paris, April 2023.

  15. K. Dole, A. Gupta, J. Komp, S. Krishna and A. Trivedi. Correct-by-Construction Reinforcement Learning of Cardiac Pacemakers from Duration Calculus Requirements, in Proceedings of AAAI'23, Washington, USA, February 2023.

  16. V.Dave, S. Krishna, Vishnu Murali and A. Trivedi. Optimal Repair for Omega-Regular Properties, in Proceedings of ATVA'22, Beijing, China, October 2022.

  17. Adwait Godbole, S. Krishna, Roland Meyer and S. Chakraborty. Parameterized Verification of Release-Acquire is PSPACE-complete, in Proceedings of PODC'22, Salerno, Italy, July 2022.

  18. Luc Dartois, Paul Gastin, R. Govind and S. Krishna. Efficient Construction of Reversible Transducers from Regular Transducer Expressions, in Proceedings of LICS'22, Haifa, Israel, August 2022.

  19. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Raj Aryan Agrawal, Adwait Godbole and S. Krishna. Probabilistic Total Store Ordering, in Proceedings of ESOP'22, Munich, April 2022.

  20. Kalyani Dole, J.Komp, A. Gupta, S. Krishna and A.Trivedi, Event-Triggered and Time-Triggered Duration Calculus for Model-Free Reinforcement Learning, in Proceedings of RTSS'21, Hybrid from Dortmund, December 2021.

  21. S. Akshay, B. Genest, L. Helouet, S. Krishna and Sparsa Roychowdhury. Resilience of Timed Systems, in Proceedings of FSTTCS'21, Online, December 2021.

  22. S. Krishna, Khushraj Madnani, Manuel Mazo Jr. and P.K. Pandya. Logics meet 2-way 1-clock alternating timed automata, in Proceedings of FM'21, Beijing, November 2021.

  23. Vrunda Dave, Taylor Dohmen, S. Krishna and Ashutosh Trivedi. Regular Model Checking with Regular Relations, in Proceedings of FCT'21, Athens, September 2021.

  24. Aneesh K Shetty, S. Krishna and Georg Zetzsche. Scope-Bounded Reachability in Valence Systems, in Proceedings of CONCUR'21, Hybrid, Paris, August 2021.

  25. Luc Dartois, Paul Gastin and S. Krishna. SD-Regular Transducer Expressions for Aperiodic Transformations, in Proceedings of LICS'21, Online, June 2021.

  26. Sougata Bose, S. Krishna, Gabriele Puppis and Anca Muscholl.One-way resynchronizability of word transducers, in Proceedings of FOSSACS'21, Online, March 2021.

  27. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Adwait Godbole, S. Krishna and Viktor Vafeiadis. The Decidability of Verification under PS 2.0, in Proceedings of ESOP'21, Online, March 2021.

  28. Kalyani Dole, Ashutosh Gupta and S. Krishna. Robust Controller Synthesis for Duration Calculus, in Proceedings of ATVA'20, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2020.

  29. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Vrunda Dave and S. Krishna. On the Separability Problem of String Constraints, in Proceedings of CONCUR'20, Vienna, Austria, September 2020.

  30. Vrunda Dave, Emmanuel Filiot, Krishna S and Nathan Lhote. Synthesis of Computable Regular Functions of Infinite Words, in Proceedings of CONCUR'20, Vienna, Austria, September 2020.

  31. Diego Figueira, Adwait Godbole, S. Krishna, Wim Martens, Matthias Niewerth, Tina Trautner. Containment of Simple Regular Path Queries, in Proceedings of KR'20, Rhodes, September 2020.

  32. S. Akshay, P. Gastin, S. Krishna, S. Roychowdhury. Revisiting Underapproximate Reachability for Multipushdown Systems, in Proceedings of TACAS'20 , Dublin, April 2020.

  33. S. Bose, S. Krishna, A. Muscholl, V. Penelle, G. Puppis. On Synthesis of Resynchronizers for Transducers, in Proceedings of MFCS'19, Aachen, August 2019.

  34. D. Bhave, S. Krishna, R. Phawade and A. Trivedi. On Timed Scope Bounded Context-Sensitive Languages, in Proceedings of DLT'19, Warsaw, August 2019.

  35. P. A. Abdulla, J. Arora, M. Faouzi Atig, S. Krishna. Verification of Programs under the Release-Acquire Semantics, in Proceedings of PLDI'19, Phoenix, Arizona, June 2019.

  36. S. Akshay, P. Gastin, V. Juge, S. Krishna. Timed Systems through the Lens of Logic, in Proceedings of LICS'19, Vancouver, June 2019.

  37. P. A. Abdulla, M. Faouzi Atig, S. Krishna, Shaan Vaidya. Verification of Timed Asynchronous Programs, in Proceedings of FST&TCS'18, Ahmedabad, December 2018.

  38. S. Krishna, K. Madnani, P. K. Pandya. Logics meet 1-clock Alternating Automata, in Proceedings of CONCUR'18, Beijing, September 2018.

  39. P. A. Abdulla, M. Faouzi Atig, S. Krishna. Perfect Timed Communication is Hard, in Proceedings of FORMATS'18, Beijing, September 2018.

  40. L. Daviaud, M. Bojańczyk, S. Krishna. Regular and First-order List Functions, in Proceedings of LICS'18, Oxford, July 2018.

  41. V. Dave, P. Gastin, S. Krishna. Regular Transducer Expressions for Regular Transformations, in Proceedings of LICS'18, Oxford, July 2018.

  42. S. Krishna, Khushraj Madnani, Paritosh Pandya. Making Metric Temporal Logic Rational, in Proceedings of MFCS'17, Aalborg, August 2017.

  43. S. Krishna, Aviral Kumar, Fabio Somenzi, Behrouz Touri and Ashutosh Trivedi. The Reach-Avoid Problem in Constant Rate Multi-mode Systems, in Proceedings of ATVA'17, Pune, October 2017.

  44. S.Akshay, Paul Gastin, S. Krishna and Ilias Sarkar. Towards an Efficient Tree Automata based technique for Timed Systems, in Proceedings of CONCUR'17, Berlin, September 2017.

  45. V. Dave, S. Krishna, A. Trivedi. First-Order Definable Transformations of Infinite Strings, in Proceedings of FST&TCS'16, Chennai, December 2016.

  46. S. Guha, M. Jurdzinski, S. Krishna, A. Trivedi. Mean-PayOff Games on Timed Automata, in Proceedings of FST&TCS'16, Chennai, December 2016.

  47. D. Bhave, V. Dave, S. Krishna, R.Phawade, A. Trivedi. A Perfect Class of Timed Context-Sensitive Languages, in Proceedings of DLT'16, Montreal, July 2016.

  48. S. Akshay, P. Bouyer, S. Krishna, L. Manasa, A. Trivedi. Stochastic Timed Games Revisited, in Proceedings of MFCS'16, Krakow, August 2016.

  49. S. Akshay, P. Gastin, S. Krishna. Analyzing Timed Systems Using Tree Automata, in Proceedings of CONCUR'16, Quebec, August 2016.

  50. S. Krishna, K. Madnani, P. K. Pandya. Metric Temporal Logic with Counting, in Proceedings of FoSSACS'16, Eindhoven, March 2016.

  51. D. Bhave, V. Dave, S. Krishna, R. Phawade, A. Trivedi. A Logical Characterization for Dense-time Visibly Pushdown Automata, in Proceedings of LATA'16, Prague, March 2016.

  52. S. Guha, S. Krishna, L. Manasa, A. Trivedi. Revisiting Robustness in Priced Timed Games, in Proceedings of FST&TCS'15, Bengaluru, Dec 2015.

  53. S. Krishna, G. Narwane, S. Ramesh, A. Trivedi. Compositional modeling and analysis of automotive feature product lines, in Proceedings of DAC'15,San Francisco, June 2015.

  54. A. Das, S. Krishna, L. Manasa, A. Trivedi, D. Wojtczak. On Pure Nash Equilibria in Stochastic Games, in Proceedings of TAMC'15, Singapore, May 2015.

  55. S. Krishna, L. Manasa, A. Trivedi. What is Decidable about Recursive Hybrid Automata?, in Proceedings of HSCC'15, Seattle, April 2015.

  56. D. Bhave, S. Jha, S. Krishna, S. Schewe, A. Trivedi. Bounded-Rate Multi-Mode Systems Based Motion Planning, in Proceedings of HSCC'15, Seattle, April 2015.

  57. S. Krishna, L. Manasa, A. Trivedi. The Time-Bounded Reachability Problem for Recursive Timed Automata is Undecidable, in Proceedings of LATA'15, Nice, Mar 2015.

  58. S. Krishna, L. Manasa, A. Trivedi. Improved Undecidability Results for Reachability Games on Recursive Timed Automata, in Proceedings of GandALF'14, Verona, Sep 2014.

  59. E. Filiot, S. Krishna, A. Trivedi. First Order Definable Transformations, in Proceedings of FST&TCS'14, New Delhi, December 2014.

  60. K. Madnani, S. Krishna, P. K. Pandya. Partially Punctual Metric Temporal Logic is Decidable, in Proceedings of TIME'14, Verona, Sep 2014.

  61. S. Krishna, U. Mathur, A. Trivedi. Weak Singular Hybrid Automata, in Proceedings of FORMATS'14, Florence, Sep 2014.

  62. T. Brihaye, G. Geerarts, S. Krishna, L. Manasa, B. Monmenge, A. Trivedi. Adding Negative Prices to Priced Timed Games, in Proceedings of CONCUR'14, Rome, Sep 2014.

  63. K. Madnani, S. Krishna, P. K. Pandya. On Unary Fragments of MTL and TPTL over Timed Words, inProceedings of ICTAC'14, Bucharest, Sep 2014.

  64. S. Guha, S. Krishna, C. Narayan, S. Arun Kumar. A Unifying Approach to Decide Relations for Timed Automata and their Game Characterization, in Proceedings of EXPRESS/SOS 2013, EPTCS 120: 47-62, (2013).

  65. C. Dragomir, S. Krishna, M. Ghoerghe. Some Classes of Generalised Communicating P Systems and Simple Kernel P Systems, in Proceedings of CiE'13, LNCS ISBN 978-3-642-39052-4: 284-293, Springer (2013). Awarded Best Paper in Natural Computing

  66. S. Krishna, J. V. Millo, G. Narwane, S. Ramesh. Compositional Verification of Software Product Lines, in Proceedings of IFM'13 , LNCS ISBN 978-3-642-38612-1: 109-123, Springer (2013).

  67. S. Krishna, J. V. Millo, S. Mohalik, G. Narwane, S. Ramesh. Tracing SPLs Precisely and Efficiently, in Proceedings of SPLC'12, 186-195, ACM (2012).

  68. D. Kini, S. Krishna, P. K. Pandya. Construction of Safety Signal Automata for MTL[U,S], Proceedings of FORMATS'11, LNCS 6919: 225-239, Springer (2011).

  69. A. Chiplunkar, C. Jain, S. Krishna. Model Checking logic WCTL with Multiconstrained modalities on One Clock Priced Timed Automata, Proceedings of FORMATS'09, LNCS 5813: 88-102, Springer (2009).

  70. V. Suman, S. Krishna, L. Manasa, P. K. Pandya. Timed Automata with Integer Resets: Language Inclusion and Expressiveness, Proceedings of FORMATS'08, LNCS 5215: 78-92, Springer, (2008).

  71. S. Krishna, K. Loya, P. K. Pandya. On Sampling Abstraction of Continous Time Logic with Durations, Proceedings of TACAS'07, LNCS 4424: 246-260, Springer, (2007).

  72. S. Krishna, P. K. Pandya. Modal strength reduction in quantified discrete duration calculus, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, (FSTTCS), LNCS 3821: 444- 456, Springer, (2005).

Publications in Refereed Journals
  1. S. Krishna, Khushraj Madnani, Manuel Mazo Jr and P. K. Pandya. From Non-Punctuality to Non-Adjacency : A Quest for Decidability of Timed Temporal Logics with Quantifiers, in Formal Aspects of Computing, 9:1-9:50, (2023).

  2. V. Dave, E. Filiot, S. Krishna and N. Lhote. Synthesis of Computable Regular Functions of Infinite Words, in Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18(2), (2022).

  3. V. Dave, P. Gastin and S. Krishna. Regular Transducer Expressions for regular transfornations, in Information and Computation, 282: 104655, (2022).

  4. S. Akshay, P. Gastin and S. Krishna. Analyzing Timed Systems using Tree Automata, in Logical Methods in Computer Science, 14(2), (2018).

  5. M. Gheorghe, F. Ipate, S. Krishna, Ersebet Csuhaj-Varju and Ceterechi Rodica. Further Results on Generalised Communicating P Systems, in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 701, (2017).

  6. M. Gheorghe, S. Krishna, R. Rama, H. Ramesh. On Restricted Bio-Turing Machines, Fundamenta Informaticae, Volume 110, Number 1-4, (2011).

  7. C. Jain, S. Krishna, L. Manasa. Model Checking Weighted Integer Reset Timed Automata, Theory of Computing Systems (ToCS), 48(3) : 648-679 (2011).

  8. G. Ciobanu, S. Krishna. Enhanced Mobile Membranes: Computability Results, Theory of Computing Systems (ToCS), 48(3) : 715-729 (2011).

  9. S. Krishna. Membrane Computing with Transport and Embedded Proteins, Theoretical Computer Science, 410 : 355-375 (2009).

  10. S. Krishna. Universality Results for P Systems based on Brane Calculi Operations, Theoretical Computer Science, 371(1-2) : 83-105 (2007).

  11. S. Krishna, Gh. Paun. P Systems with Mobile Membranes, Natural Computing, 4(3) : 255-274 (2005).

  1. SPLANE (Software Product Line Analysis Engine)