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  • Administrator Usage
  • Instructor Mode
  • Student Usage
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  • Administrator Usage

    1. The admin mode should be used when the XData grading tool is intended to be used with direct login of users without interfacing with a Learning Management System (LMS). The admin mode allows creation of courses and users. It also allows assigning roles(instructor or student) to users for one or more courses. If you are using XData through an LMS, the admin set-up is not required as courses are created and users are created automatically when interfacing with LMS.
    2. Connect to the XData server using the URL http://<host-url>/XDataWeb, and login with the username as admin and the password set during installation.
    3. The admin will be redirected to the welcome screen with administrator menu. The Admin should follow the following steps.

      1. Create a course in XData grading tool.
      2. Create the users with login information and emails using Create user link.
      3. Assign roles for a user providing user's login id using the Assign Roles link. For this provide the login id of the user and click the Submit button. Then select a course and a role for that user and assign the role by clicking the Assign button.

    4. The admin can edit the details of an existing course or delete courses using the View Courses link.
    5. Similarly, the admin can edit user information or delete the user using View Users link.
    6. The admin has to set-up the following Leraning Management System (LMS) details: Instance URL of LMS accessing Xdata, Consumer Key and Secret Key These information will be used for authenticating the LMS request when instructor uses LMS.