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      Once the deadline for the assignment is over, the instructor can graded the student queries if the assignment was not set to interactive mode. The instructor can follow the steps given below to grade student queries.
    1. In the instructor menu go to View Assignments link and select the assignment to be evaluated. In the assignment details page use the Grade Questions link to view the list of questions. With each question, answers for the question and links for Status of Question and Evaluate Question.

    2. The Evaluate Question link evaluates students queries for the question against the instructor queries. For evaluation, each student query is compared with the instructor query on the generated datasets. The student is awarded full marks if the student query passes all datasets . If the student query fails one or more datasets, partial marks are awarded based on a heuristic that determines how close the student query is to the instructor query.
      In case the instructor has provided multiple answers, the student query must pass datasets for all queries or any one query as set by the instructor. If the student query does not pass the test cases, partial marks are evaluated with each instructor query and the highest marks are awarded.

    3. When the evaluation starts, Evaluating student answers status is shown for the question. This goes away once the evaluation is over. and the status of evaluation can be viewed by the instructor.
    4. This Status of Question link allows the instructor to see whether the student queries were marked correct or not and the marks obtained by the students. If a student query is incorrect, the instructor can view details to check how marks were allocated to the student query using Partial Marker. If the student has not attempted the question, Not Answered status is shown.

      View Results

    1. After the evaluation, the instructor can go back to the assignment menu in the Assignment Details page. This View Results link gives the result of evaluation per question. It gives status on how many students answered the questions correctly and how many answered incorrectly and the correct answer for each assignment question.

      View Scores

    1. After evaluation of all questions in the assignment, the View Scores link can be used to see the total score of each student for that assignment across all questions.