The goal of the lab is to make students play (and make hands dirty :) ) with various tools and simulators, with a goal to understand and evaluate microarchitecture designs quantitatively. There will be five labs (one lab assignment worth 15 points) and a project worth 25 points.

Week Labs

July 26

Warmup-0: GDB [video] Valgrind [video] objdump [video] Linker and Loader [video] [video] Readings: P and H, Appendix: A.2 to A.4 Lab-0: [Lab-0]

August 15

Lab-1: Assembly programming [Lab-1]

September 6

Lab-2: Assembly programming-II [Lab-2]

September 27

Lab-3: Visualising Instruction Pipeline [Lab-3]

October 15

Lab-4: Intel VTune Profiler and performance analysis through ChampSim [Lab-4]

October 30

Lab-5: Microarchitectural exploration [Lab-5]