| district_code | district_code |
| taluka_code | taluka_code |
| census_2011code | census_2011code |
| ward | ward |
| area name | area_name |
| total/rural/urban | tru |
| no_of_houeholds | no_hh |
| total_population | tot_p |
| total_males | tot_m |
| total_females | tot_f |
| population_age_group_0-6 | p_06 |
| Males_0-6 | m_06 |
| Females_0-6 | f_06 |
| population_sc | p_sc |
| males_sc | m_sc |
| females_sc | f_sc |
| pop_st | p_st |
| males_st | m_st |
| famales_st | f_st |
| population_literate | p_lit |
| males_literate | m_lit |
| females_lierate | f_lit |
| pop_illiterate | p_ill |
| males_illiterate | m_ill |
| females_illiterate | f_ill |
| total_workers_pop | tot_work_p |
| total_workers_males | tot_work_m |
| total_workers_females | tot_work_f |
| mainworkers_population | mainwork_p |
| mainworkers_males | mainwork_m |
| mainworkers_females | mainwork_f |
| main_cultivators_population | main_cl_p |
| main_cultivators_males | main_cl_m |
| main_cultivators_females | main_cl_f |
| main_agricultural_leighbourers_population | main_al_p |
| main_agricultural_leighbourers_population_males | main_al_m |
| main_agricultural_leighbourers_population_females | main_al_f |
| main_household_industries_population | main_hh_p |
| main_household_industries_population_males | main_hh_m |
| main_household_industries_population_females | main_hh_f |
| main_other_workers_population | main_ot_p |
| main_other_workers_males | main_ot_m |
| main_other_workers_females | main_ot_f |
| marginal_workers_population | margwork_p |
| marginal_workers_males | margwork_m |
| marginal_workers_females | margwork_f |
| marginal_cultivators_pop | marg_cl_p |
| marginal_cultivators_males | marg_cl_m |
| marginal_cultivators_females | marg_cl_f |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_pop | marg_al_p |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_males | marg_al_m |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_females | marg_al_f |
| marginal_household_industries_pop | marg_hh_p |
| marginal_household_industries_males | marg_hh_m |
| marginal_household_industries_females | marg_hh_f |
| marginal_other_workers_population | marg_ot_p |
| marginal_other_workers_males | marg_ot_m |
| marginal_other_workers_females | marg_ot_f |
| marginal_workers_population_3-6 | margwork_3_6_p |
| marginal_workers_males_3-6 | margwork_3_6_m |
| marginal_workers_females_3-6 | margwork_3_6_f |
| marginal_cultivators_pop_3-6 | marg_cl_3_6_p |
| marginal_cultivators_males_3-6 | marg_cl_3_6_m |
| marginal_cultivators_females_3-6 | marg_cl_3_6_f |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_population_3-6 | marg_al_3_6_p |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_males_3-6 | marg_al_3_6_m |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_females_3-6 | marg_al_3_6_f |
| marginal_household_industries_3-6 | marg_hh_3_6_p |
| marginal_household_industries_males_3-6 | marg_hh_3_6_m |
| marginal_household_industries_females_3-6 | marg_hh_3_6_f |
| marginal_other_workers_population_3-6 | marg_ot_3_6_p |
| marginal_other_workers_males_3-6 | marg_ot_3_6_m |
| marginal_other_workers_females_3-6 | marg_ot_3_6_f |
| marginal_workers_population_0-3 | margwork_0_3_p |
| marginal_workers_males_0-3 | margwork_0_3_m |
| marginal_workers_females_0-3 | margwork_0_3_f |
| marginal_cultivators_pop_0-3 | marg_cl_0_3_p |
| marginal_cultivators_males_0-3 | marg_cl_0_3_m |
| marginal_cultivators_females_0-3 | marg_cl_0_3_f |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_population_0-3 | marg_al_0_3_p |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_population_0-3 | marg_al_0_3_m |
| marginal_agricult_leighbourers_population_0-3 | marg_al_0_3_f |
| marginal_household_industries_0-3 | marg_hh_0_3_p |
| marginal_household_industries_males_0-3 | marg_hh_0_3_m |
| marginal_household_industries_females_0-3 | marg_hh_0_3_f |
| marginal_other_workers_population_0-3 | marg_ot_0_3_p |
| marginal_other_workers_males_0-3 | marg_ot_0_3_m |
| marginal_other_workers_females_0-3 | marg_ot_0_3_f |
| non_workers_population | non_work_p |
| non_workers_males | non_work_m |
| non_workers_females | non_work_f |
| state code | state_code |
| state name | state_name |
| district name | district_name |
| tehsil code | taluka_code |
| tehsil name | taluka_name |
| town code/village code | census_2011code |
| ward no | ward_no |
| area name | area_name |
| rural/urban | area_type |
| number of households with condition of census house as total as total | hh_tot_tot |
| number of households with condition of census house as total as good | hh_tot_g |
| number of households with condition of census house as total as livable | hh_tot_l |
| number of households with condition of census house as total as dilapidated | hh_tot_d |
| residence total | hh_res_tot |
| residence is good | hh_res_g |
| residence is livable | hh_res_l |
| residence is dilapidated | hh_res_d |
| residence-cum-other use tota | hh_rcu_tot |
| residence-cum-other use is good | hh_rcu_g |
| residence-cum-other use is livable | hh_rcu_l |
| residence-cum-other use is dilapidated | hh_rcu_d |
| material of roof grass/ thatch/ bamboo/ wood/mud etc. | mroof_gra |
| material of roof plastic/ polythene | mroof_pla |
| material of roof hand made tiles | mroof_htil |
| material of roof machine made tiles | mroof_mtil |
| material of roof burnt brick | mroof_bri |
| material of roof stone/ slate | mroof_sto |
| material of roof g.i./metal/ asbestos sheets | mroof_met |
| material of roof concrete | mroof_con |
| material of roof any other material | mroof_else |
| material of wall grass/ thatch/ bamboo etc. | mwall_gra |
| material of wall plastic/ polythene | mwall_pla |
| material of wall mud/unburnt brick | mwall_mud |
| material of wall wood | mwall_wood |
| material of wall stone not packed with mortar | mwall_stnp |
| material of wall stone packed with mortar | mwall_stp |
| material of wall g.i./ metal/ asbestos sheets | mwall_met |
| material of wall burnt brick | mwall_brik |
| material of wall concrete | mwall_conc |
| material of wall any other material | mwall_else |
| material of floor mud | mflor_mud |
| material of floor wood/ bamboo | mflor_wood |
| material of floor burnt brick | mflor_brik |
| material of floor stone | mflor_ston |
| material of floor cement | mflor_cem |
| material of floor mosaic/ floor tiles | mflor_tile |
| material of floor any other material | mflor_else |
| number of dwelling rooms no exclusive room | dwell_no |
| number of dwelling rooms one room | dwell_one |
| number of dwelling rooms two rooms | dwell_two |
| number of dwelling rooms three rooms | dwell_three |
| number of dwelling rooms four rooms | dwell_four |
| number of dwelling rooms five rooms | dwell_five |
| number of dwelling rooms six rooms and above | dwell_else |
| household size '1 | hhsize_1 |
| household size '2 | hhsize_2 |
| household size '3 | hhsize_3 |
| household size '4 | hhsize_4 |
| household size '5 | hhsize_5 |
| household size '6-8 | hhsize_6 |
| household size '9+ | hhsize_els |
| ownership status owned | own_own |
| ownership status rented | own_rent |
| ownership status any others | own_else |
| married couple none | marrco_0 |
| married couple '1 | marrco_1 |
| married couple '2 | marrco_2 |
| married couple '3 | marrco_3 |
| married couple '4 | marrco_4 |
| married couple '5+ | marrco_els |
| main source of drinking water tapwater from treated source | msdw_tapt |
| main source of drinking water tapwater from un-treated source | msdw_taput |
| main source of drinking water covered well | msdw_cwel |
| main source of drinking water un-covered well | msdw_ucwel |
| main source of drinking water handpump | msdw_hpump |
| main source of drinking water tubewell/borehole | msdw_bore |
| main source of drinking water spring | msdw_sprin |
| main source of drinking water river/canal | msdw_river |
| main source of drinking water tank/pond/lake | msdw_lake |
| main source of drinking water other sources | msdw_else |
| location of drinking water source within premises | locdw_in |
| location of drinking water source near premises | locdw_near |
| location of drinking water source away | locdw_away |
| main source of lighting electricity | mslit_elec |
| main source of lighting kerosene | mslit_kero |
| main source of lighting solar energy | mslit_sol |
| main source of lighting other oil | mslit_oil |
| main source of lighting any other | mslit_else |
| main source of lighting no lighting | mslit_no |
| number of households having latrine facility within the premises | hh_hav_lat |
| flush/pour flush latrine connected to piped sewer system | flat_pipe |
| flush/pour flush latrine connected to septic tank | flat_sept |
| flush/pour flush latrine connected to other system | flat_else |
| pit latrine with slab/ventilated improved pit | plat_vent |
| pit latrine without slab/ open pit | plat_open |
| "night soil disposed into open drain | niso_open |
| service latrine night soil removed by human | serlat_hum |
| service latrine night soil serviced by animal | serlat_ani |
| number of households not having latrine facility within the premises | hh_no_lat |
| alternative source public latrine | alt_publat |
| alternative source open | alt_open |
| number of households having bathing facility within the premises yes bathroom | bath |
| number of households having bathing facility within the premises enclosure without roof | bathnoroof |
| number of households having bathing facility within the premises no | nobathroom |
| waste water outlet connected to closed drainage | ww_closed |
| waste water outlet connected to open drainage | ww_open |
| waste water outlet connected to no drainage | ww_no |
| type of fuel used for cooking fire-wood | food_wood |
| type of fuel used for cooking crop residue | food_crop |
| type of fuel used for cooking cowdung cake | food_dung |
| type of fuel used for cooking coal,lignite,charcoal | food_coal |
| type of fuel used for cooking kerosene | food_kero |
| type of fuel used for cooking lpg/png | food_lpg |
| type of fuel used for cooking electricity | food_elec |
| type of fuel used for cooking biogas | food_bio |
| type of fuel used for cooking any other | food_else |
| type of fuel used for cooking no cooking | food_no |
| kitchen facility total | kitch_tot |
| kitchen facility cooking inside house: | kitch_in |
| kitchen facility has kitchen | kitch_yesi |
| kitchen facility does not have kitchen | kitch_noi |
| kitchen facility cooking outside house: | kitch_out |
| kitchen facility has kitchen | kitch_yeso |
| kitchen facility does not have kitchen | kitch_noo |
| kitchen facility no cooking | kitch_noco |
| total number of households availing banking services Number use bank | hh_bank |
| availability of assets radio/transistor | ass_radio |
| availability of assets television | ass_tele |
| availability of assets computer/laptop with internet | ass_pc_net |
| availability of assets without internet | ass_pc_nnt |
| availability of assets telephone/mobile phone landline only | ass_mob_la |
| availability of assets mobile only | ass_mob_mo |
| availability of assets both | ass_mob_bo |
| availability of assets bicycle | ass_cycle |
| availability of assets scooter/ motorcycle/moped | ass_scoot |
| availability of assets car/ jeep/van | ass_car |
| availability of assets households with tv, computer/laptop, telephone/mobile phone and scooter/ car | ass_tv_pc |
| availability of assets none of the assets specified in col. 10 to 19 | ass_no_ass |
| households by type of structure of census houses permanent | hhst_perma |
| households by type of structure of census houses semi-permanent | hhst_sperm |
| households by type of structure of census houses total temporary | hhst_tempo |
| households by type of structure of census houses serviceable | hhst_serv |
| households by type of structure of census houses non-serviceable | hhst_nser |
| households by type of structure of census houses unclassifiable | hhst_else numeric |
| State Code | state_code |
| State Name | state_name |
| District Code | district_code |
| District Name | district_name |
| taluka Code | taluka_code |
| taluka Name | taluka name |
| Village Code | village_code |
| Village Name | village_name |
| CD Block Code | cd_blk_code |
| CD Block Name | cd_blk_name |
| Gram Panchayat Code | gp_code |
| Gram Panchayat Name | gp_name |
| Reference Year | ref_year |
| taluka Head Quarter (Name) | taluka_hq |
| taluka Head Quarter (Distance in km) | taluka_hq_distance |
| District Head Quarter (Name) | district_hq_name |
| District Head Quarter (Distance in km) | district_hq_distance |
| Nearest Statutory Town (Name) | near_stat_town |
| Nearest Statutory Town (Distance in km) | near_stat_town_distance |
| Within the State/UT (Name) | near_stat_town_within_name |
| Within the State/UT (Distance in km) | near_stat_town_within_distance |
| Outside the State/UT, if nearest one is not within the State/UT (Name) | near_stat_town_out_name |
| Outside the State/UT distance, if nearest one is not within the State/UT (Distance in km) | near_stat_town_out_distance |
| Total Geographical Area (in Hectares) | area_ha |
| Total Households | tot_hh |
| Total Population of Village | tot_popu |
| Total Male Population of Village | tot_popu_m |
| Total Female Population of Village | tot_popu_f |
| Total Scheduled Castes Population of Village | tot_popu_sc |
| Total Scheduled Castes Male Population of Village | tot_popu_sc_m |
| Total Scheduled Castes Female Population of Village | tot_popu_sc_f |
| Total Scheduled Tribes Population of Village | tot_popu_st |
| Total Scheduled Tribes Male Population of Village | tot_popu_st_m |
| Total Scheduled Tribes Female Population of Village | tot_popu_st_f |
| Govt Pre-Primary School (Nursery/LKG/UKG) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_pre_prim_status |
| Govt Pre - Primary School (Nursery/LKG/UKG) (Numbers) | govt_pre_prim_num |
| Private Pre - Primary School (Nursery/LKG/UKG) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_pre_prim_status |
| Private Pre - Primary School (Nursery/LKG/UKG) (Numbers) | priv_pre_prim_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_pre_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_pre_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_pre_facilty_dist_range |
| Govt Primary School (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_prim_status |
| Govt Primary School (Numbers) | govt_prim_num |
| Private Primary School (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_prim_status |
| Private Primary School (Numbers) | priv_prim_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_prim_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_prim_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_prim_facilty_dist_range |
| Govt Middle School (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_mid_status |
| Govt Middle School (Numbers) | govt_mid_num |
| Private Middle School (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_mid_status |
| Private Middle School (Numbers) | priv_mid_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_mid_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_mid_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_mid_vil_town_dist_range |
| Govt Secondary School (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_sec_status |
| Govt Secondary School (Numbers) | govt_sec_num |
| Private Secondary School (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_sec_status |
| Private Secondary School (Numbers) | priv_sec_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_sec_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_sec_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_sec_vil_town_dist_range |
| Govt Senior Secondary School (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_sen_status |
| Govt Senior Secondary School (Numbers) | govt_sen_num |
| Private Senior Secondary School (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_sen_status |
| Private Senior Secondary School (Numbers) | priv_sen_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_sen_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_sen_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_sen_vil_town_dist_range |
| Govt Arts and Science Degree College (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_artsc_status |
| Govt Arts and Science Degree College (Numbers) | govt_artsc_num |
| Private Arts and Science Degree College (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_artsc_status |
| Private Arts and Science Degree College (Numbers) | priv_artsc_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_artsc_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_artsc_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_artsc_vil_town_dist_range |
| Govt Engineering College (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_engg_status |
| Govt Engineering College (Numbers) | govt_engg_num |
| Private Engineering College (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_engg_status |
| Private Engineering College (Numbers) | priv_engg_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_engg_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_engg_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_engg_vil_town_dist_range |
| Govt Medicine College (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_medi_status |
| Govt Medicine College (Numbers) | govt_medi_num |
| Private Medicine College (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_medi_status |
| Private Medicine College (Numbers) | priv_medi_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_medi_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_medi_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_medi_vil_town_dist_range |
| Govt Management Institute (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_mgmt_status |
| Govt Management Institute (Numbers) | govt_mgmt_num |
| Private Management Institute (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_mgmt_status |
| Private Management Institute (Numbers) | priv_mgmt_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_mgmt_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_mgmt_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_mgmt_vil_town_dist_range |
| Govt Polytechnic (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_poly_status |
| Govt Polytechnic (Numbers) | govt_poly_num |
| Private Polytechnic (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_poly_status |
| Private Polytechnic (Numbers) | priv_poly_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_poly_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_poly_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_poly_vil_town_dist_range |
| Govt Vocational Training School/ITI (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_voc_status |
| Govt Vocational Training School/ITI (Numbers) | govt_voc_num |
| Private Vocational Training School/ITI (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_voc_status |
| Private Vocational Training School/ITI (Numbers) | priv_voc_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_voc_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_voc_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_voc_vil_town_dist_range |
| Government Non Formal Training Centre (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_nonf_status |
| Government Non Formal Training Centre (Numbers) | govt_nonf_num |
| Private Non Formal Training Centre (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_nonf_status |
| Private Non Formal Training Centre (Numbers) | priv_nonf_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_nonf_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_nonf_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_nonf_vil_town_dist_range |
| Government School For Disabled (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_divya_status |
| Government School For Disabled (Numbers) | govt_divya_num |
| Private School For Disabled ( Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_divya_status |
| Private School For Disabled (Numbers) | priv_divya_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_divya_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_divya_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_divya_vil_town_dist_range |
| Government Others (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | govt_oth_status |
| Government Others (Numbers) | govt_oth_num |
| Private Others (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_oth_status |
| Private Others (Numbers) | priv_oth_num |
| Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) | near_oth_facility_status |
| Nearest Village/Town Name | near_oth_vil_town_name |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | near_oth_vil_town_dist_range |
| Community Health Centre (Numbers) | chc_num |
| Community Health Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | chc_doc_num |
| Community Health Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers) | chc_doc_in_post |
| Community Health Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | chc_param_num |
| Community Health Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | chc_param_in_post |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | chc_distance_range |
| Primary Health Centre (Numbers) | phc_num |
| Primary Health Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | phc_doc_num |
| Primary Health Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers) | phc_doc_in_post |
| Primary Health Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | phc_param_num |
| Primary Health Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | phc_param_in_post |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | phc_distance_range |
| Primary Heallth Sub Centre (Numbers) | phsubc_num |
| Primary Heallth Sub Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | phsubc_doc_num |
| Primary Heallth Sub Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers) | phsubc_doc_in_post |
| Primary Heallth Sub Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | phsubc_param_num |
| Primary Heallth Sub Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | phsubc_param_in_post |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | phsubc_distance_range |
| Maternity And Child Welfare Centre (Numbers) | mch_num |
| Maternity And Child Welfare Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | mch_doc_num |
| Maternity And Child Welfare Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers) | mch_doc_in_post |
| Maternity And Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | mch_param_num |
| Maternity And Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | mch_param_in_post |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | mch_distance_range |
| TB Clinic (Numbers) | tbc_num |
| TB Clinic Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | tbc_doc_num |
| TB Clinic Doctors In Position (Numbers) | tbc_doc_in_post |
| TB Clinic Para Medical Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | tbc_param_num |
| TB Clinic Para Medical Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | tbc_param_in_post |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | tbc_distance_range |
| Hospital Allopathic (Numbers) | hosp_allo_num |
| Hospital Allopathic Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | hosp_allo_doc_num |
| Hospital Allopathic Doctors In Position (Numbers) | hosp_allo_doc_inpost_num |
| Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | hosp_allo_param_num |
| Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | hosp_allo_param_inpost_num |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | hosp_allo_dist_range |
| Hospiltal Alternative Medicine (Numbers) | hosp_alt_num |
| Hospiltal Alternative Medicine Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | hosp_alt_doc_num |
| Hospiltal Alternative Medicine Doctors In Position (Numbers) | hosp_alt_doc_inpost_num |
| Hospiltal Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | hosp_alt_param_num |
| Hospiltal Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | hosp_alt_param_inpost_num |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | hosp_all_dist_range |
| Dispensary (Numbers) | dispensary_num |
| Dispensary Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | dispensary_doc_num |
| Dispensary Doctors In Position (Numbers) | dispensary_doc_inpost_num |
| Dispensary Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | dispensary_param_num |
| Dispensary Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | dispensary_param_inpost_num |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | dispensary_dist_range |
| Veterinary Hospital (Numbers) | vet_num |
| Veterinary Hospital Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | vet_doc_num |
| Veterinary Hospital Doctors In Position (Numbers) | vet_doc_inpost_num |
| Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | vet_param_num |
| Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | vet_param_inpost_num |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | vet_dist_range |
| Mobile Health Clinic (Numbers) | mobile_h_num |
| Mobile Health Clinic Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | mobile_h_doc_num |
| Mobile Health Clinic Doctors In Position (Numbers) | mobile_h_doc_inpost_num |
| Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | mobile_h_param_num |
| Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff In Position(Numbers) | mobile_h_param_inpost_num |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | mobile_h_dist_range |
| Family Welfare Centre (Numbers) | fwc_num |
| Family Welfare Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers) | fwc_tot_num |
| Family Welfare Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers) | fwc_doc_in_pos |
| Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers) | fwc_para_tot_num |
| Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers) | fwc_para_in_pos |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | fwc_dist_range |
| Non Government Medical facilities Out Patient (Numbers) | ngmf_out |
| Non Government Medical facilities In And Out Patient (Numbers) | ngmf_in_and_out |
| Non Government Medical facilities Charitable (Numbers) | ngmf_char |
| Non Government Medical facilities Medical Prctitioner with MBBS Degree (Numbers) | ngmf_mbbs |
| Non Government Medical facilities Medical Prctitioner with other Degree (Numbers) | ngmf_other_degree |
| Non Government Medical facilities Medical Practitioner with no Degree (Numbers) | ngmf_no_degree |
| Non Government Medical facilities Traditional Practitioner and Faith Healer (Numbers) | ngmf_trad_faith |
| Non Government Medical facilities Medicine Shop (Numbers) | ngmf_shop |
| Non Government Medical facilities Others (Numbers) | nfmf_other |
| Tap Water-Treated (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tapwt |
| Tap Water-Treated Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tapwtf_year |
| Tap Water-Treated Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tapwtf_summer |
| Tap Water Untreated (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tapwu |
| Tap Water Untreated Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tapwuf_year |
| Tap Water Untreated Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tapwuf_summer |
| Covered Well (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | cov_well |
| Covered Well Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | cov_well_year |
| Covered Well Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | cov_well_summer |
| Uncovered Well (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | uncov_well |
| Uncovered Well Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | uncov_well_year |
| Uncovered Well Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | uncov_well_summer |
| Hand Pump (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | hp |
| Hand Pump Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | hp_year |
| Hand Pump Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | hp_summer |
| Tube Wells/Borehole (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | twbore |
| Tube Wells/Borehole Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | twbore_year |
| Tube Wells/Borehole Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | twbore_summer |
| Spring (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | spr |
| Spring Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | spr_year |
| Spring Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | spr_summer |
| River/Canal (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | rivcan |
| River/Canal Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | rivcan_year |
| River/Canal Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | rivcan_summer |
| Tank/Pond/Lake (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tanpon |
| Tank/Pond/Lake Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tanpon_year |
| Tank/Pond/Lake Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tanpon_summer |
| Others (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | other |
| Others Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | other_year |
| Others Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | other_summer |
| Closed Drainage (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | clos_drain |
| Open Drainage (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | ope_drain |
| No Drainage (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | no_drain |
| Open Pucca Drainage Covered with Tiles Slabs (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | op_pucca_cov |
| Open Pucca Drainage Uncovered (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | op_pucca_uncov |
| Open Kuccha Drainage (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | op_kucha |
| Whether Drain water is discharged directly into water bodies or to sewar plant (For Water Bodies-1/Sewar Plants-2) | drain_wat_or_sew |
| Is the Area Covered under Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)? (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | cov_tsc |
| Community Toilet Complex (including Bath) for General Public (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | ctc_bath_genpub |
| Community Toilet Complex (excluding Bath) for General Public (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | ctc_nobath_genpub |
| Rural Production Centres or Sanitary hardware outlet availability near the village (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | rural_cen_or_sani |
| Rural Production mart or Sanitary hardware outlet availability near the village (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | rural_mart_or_sani |
| Community waste disposal system after house to house collection (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | comm_waste_disp |
| Community Bio-gas or recycle of waste for production use (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | comm_bio_recy |
| No System (Garbage on road/street) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | no_syst |
| Post Office (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | post |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | |
| Sub Post Office (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | sub_post |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | |
| Post And Telegraph Office (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | post_tele |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | post_tele_dist_range |
| Village Pin Code (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | vil_pin |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | |
| PIN Code | pin |
| Telephone (landlines) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tele_land |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | tele_land_dist_range |
| Public Call Office /Mobile (PCO) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | pco_mob |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | pco_mob_dist_range |
| Mobile Phone Coverage (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | mob_cov |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | |
| Internet Cafes / Common Service Centre (CSC) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | net_cafe_csc |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | |
| Private Courier Facility (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | courier |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | courier_dist_range |
| Public Bus Service (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | pub_bus |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | pub_bus_dist_range |
| Private Bus Service (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | priv_bus |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | priv_bus_dist_range |
| Railway Station (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | rail_st |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | rail_st_dist_range |
| Auto/Modified Autos (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | auto |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | auto_dist_range |
| Taxi (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | taxi |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | taxi_dist_range |
| Vans (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | van |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | van_dist_range |
| Tractors (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | tract |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | tract_dist_range |
| Cycle-pulled Rickshaws (manual driven) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | pull_rick_man |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | pull_rick_dist_range |
| Cycle-pulled Rickshaws (machine driven) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | pull_rick_mach |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | pull_rick_mach_dist_range |
| Carts Drivens by Animals (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | cart_ani |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | cart_ani_dist_range |
| Sea/River/Ferry Service (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | sea_riv_ferry |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | sea_riv_ferry_dist_range |
| National Highway (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | nat_highw |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | nat_highw_dist_range |
| State Highway (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | st_highw |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | st_highw_dist_range |
| Major District Road (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | maj_dist_road |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | maj_dist_road_dist_range |
| Other District Road (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | oth_distt_road |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | oth_distt_road_dist_range |
| Black Topped (pucca) Road (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | black_top_road |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | black_top_road_dist_range |
| Gravel (kuchha) Roads (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | gravel_road |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | gravel_road_dist_range |
| Water Bounded Macadam (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | wat_bound_md |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | wat_bound_md_dist_range |
| All Weather Road (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | all_weath_road |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | all_weath_road_dist_range |
| Navigable Waterways (River/Canal) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | navi_ww |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | navi_ww_dist_range |
| Foothpath (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | footpath |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | footpath_dist_range |
| ATM (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | atm |
| Nearest Facility Distance (in Km) | nearest_ATM_dist |
| Commercial Bank (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | comm_bank |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | comm_bank_dist_range |
| Cooperative Bank (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | co_op_bank |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | co_op_bank_dist_range |
| Agricultural Credit Societies (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | agri_cred_soc |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | agri_cred_soc_dist_range |
| Self - Help Group (SHG) (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | self_help |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | self_help_dist_range |
| Public Distribution System (PDS) Shop (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | pub_distr_sys |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | pub_distr_sys_dist_range |
| Mandis/Regular Market (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | mndi_mkt |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | mndi_mkt_dist_range |
| Weekly Haat (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | haat |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | haat_dist_range |
| Agricultural Marketing Society (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | agri_mkt_soc |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | agri_mkt_soc_dist_range |
| Nutritional Centres-ICDS (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | nutri_cen_icds |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | nutri_cen_icds_dist_range |
| Nutritional Centres-Anganwadi Centre (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | angan |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | angan_dist_range |
| Nutritional Centres-Others (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | other_nutri_cen |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | other_nutri_cen_dist_range |
| ASHA (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | asha |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | asha_dist_range |
| Community Centre with/without TV (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | comm_cen_tv |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | comm_cen_tv_dist_range |
| Sports Field (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | sport_field |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | sport_field_dist_range |
| Sports Club/Recreation Centre (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | sport_club |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | sport_club_dist_range |
| Cinema/Video Hall (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | cine_vid |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | cine_vid_dist_range |
| Public Library (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | pub_lib |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | pub_lib_dist_range |
| Public Reading Room (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | pub_read_room |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | pub_read_room_dist_range |
| Daily Newspaper Supply (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | daily_news_supp |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | daily_news_supp_dist_range |
| Assembly Polling Station (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | ass_pol |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | ass_pol_dist_range |
| Birth and Death Registration Office (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | b_d_registration |
| (If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). | b_d_registration_dist_range |
| Power Supply For Domestic Use (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | ps_dom |
| Power Supply For Domestic Use Summer (April-Sept.) per day (in Hours) | ps_dom_summ |
| Power Supply For Domestic Use Winter (Oct.-March) per day (in Hours) | ps_dom_wint |
| Power Supply For Agriculture Use (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | ps_agri |
| Power Supply For Agriculture Use Summer (April-Sept.) per day (in Hours) | ps_agri_summ |
| Power Supply For Agriculture Use Winter (Oct.-March)per day (in Hours) | ps_agri_wint |
| Power Supply For Commercial Use (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | ps_comm |
| Power Supply For Commercial Use Summer (April-Sept.) per day (in Hours) | ps_comm_summ |
| Power Supply For Commercial Use Winter (Oct.-March) per day (in Hours) | ps_comm_wint |
| Power Supply For All Users (Status A(1)/NA(2)) | ps_all |
| Power Supply For All Users Summer (April-Sept.) per day (in Hours) | ps_all_summe |
| Power Supply For All Users Winter (Oct.-March) per day (in Hours) | ps_all_wint |
| Agricultural Commodities (First) | agr_com_1 |
| Manufacturers Commodities (First) | mfd_com_1 |
| Handicrafts Commodities (First) | hcarft_com_1 |
| Agricultural Commodities (Second) | agri_com_2 |
| Manufacturers Commodities (Second) | mfd_com_2 |
| Handicrafts Commodities (Second) | hcarft_com_2 |
| Agricultural Commodities (Third) | agri_com_3 |
| Manufacturers Commodities (Third) | mfd_com_3 |
| Handicrafts Commodities (Third) | hcraft_com_3 |
| Forest Area (in Hectares) | forest |
| Area under Non-Agricultural Uses (in Hectares) | area_non_agri |
| Barren & Un-cultivable Land Area (in Hectares) | barren_uncult |
| Permanent Pastures and Other Grazing Land Area (in Hectares) | perm_graze |
| Land Under Miscellaneous Tree Crops etc. Area (in Hectares) | misc_crop |
| Culturable Waste Land Area (in Hectares) | cult_waste_land |
| Fallows Land other than Current Fallows Area (in Hectares) | fallow |
| Current Fallows Area (in Hectares) | curr_fallow |
| Net Area Sown (in Hectares) | net_area |
| Total Unirrigated Land Area (in Hectares) | tot_unirri |
| Area Irrigated by Source (in Hectares) | area_irri |
| Canals Area (in Hectares) | canal_area |
| Wells/Tube Wells Area (in Hectares) | well_tube |
| Tanks/Lakes Area (in Hectares) | tank_lake |
| Waterfall Area (in Hectares) | water_fall |
| Other Source (specify) Area (in Hectares) | other_sorce |
| Nearest Town Name | near_town |
| Nearest Town Distance from Village (in Km.) | near_town_dist |