Maharashtra Census

Maharashtra Census Map

Attributes for each Village

Serial NumberDescriptionShortForm
area namearea_name
state codestate_code
state namestate_name
district namedistrict_name
tehsil codetaluka_code
tehsil nametaluka_name
town code/village codecensus_2011code
ward noward_no
area namearea_name
number of households with condition of census house as total as totalhh_tot_tot
number of households with condition of census house as total as goodhh_tot_g
number of households with condition of census house as total as livablehh_tot_l
number of households with condition of census house as total as dilapidatedhh_tot_d
residence totalhh_res_tot
residence is goodhh_res_g
residence is livablehh_res_l
residence is dilapidatedhh_res_d
residence-cum-other use totahh_rcu_tot
residence-cum-other use is goodhh_rcu_g
residence-cum-other use is livablehh_rcu_l
residence-cum-other use is dilapidatedhh_rcu_d
material of roof grass/ thatch/ bamboo/ wood/mud etc.mroof_gra
material of roof plastic/ polythenemroof_pla
material of roof hand made tilesmroof_htil
material of roof machine made tilesmroof_mtil
material of roof burnt brickmroof_bri
material of roof stone/ slatemroof_sto
material of roof g.i./metal/ asbestos sheetsmroof_met
material of roof concretemroof_con
material of roof any other materialmroof_else
material of wall grass/ thatch/ bamboo etc.mwall_gra
material of wall plastic/ polythenemwall_pla
material of wall mud/unburnt brickmwall_mud
material of wall woodmwall_wood
material of wall stone not packed with mortarmwall_stnp
material of wall stone packed with mortarmwall_stp
material of wall g.i./ metal/ asbestos sheetsmwall_met
material of wall burnt brickmwall_brik
material of wall concretemwall_conc
material of wall any other materialmwall_else
material of floor mudmflor_mud
material of floor wood/ bamboomflor_wood
material of floor burnt brickmflor_brik
material of floor stonemflor_ston
material of floor cementmflor_cem
material of floor mosaic/ floor tilesmflor_tile
material of floor any other materialmflor_else
number of dwelling rooms no exclusive roomdwell_no
number of dwelling rooms one roomdwell_one
number of dwelling rooms two roomsdwell_two
number of dwelling rooms three roomsdwell_three
number of dwelling rooms four roomsdwell_four
number of dwelling rooms five roomsdwell_five
number of dwelling rooms six rooms and abovedwell_else
household size '1hhsize_1
household size '2hhsize_2
household size '3hhsize_3
household size '4hhsize_4
household size '5hhsize_5
household size '6-8hhsize_6
household size '9+hhsize_els
ownership status owned own_own
ownership status rentedown_rent
ownership status any othersown_else
married couple nonemarrco_0
married couple '1marrco_1
married couple '2marrco_2
married couple '3marrco_3
married couple '4marrco_4
married couple '5+marrco_els
main source of drinking water tapwater from treated sourcemsdw_tapt
main source of drinking water tapwater from un-treated sourcemsdw_taput
main source of drinking water covered wellmsdw_cwel
main source of drinking water un-covered wellmsdw_ucwel
main source of drinking water handpumpmsdw_hpump
main source of drinking water tubewell/boreholemsdw_bore
main source of drinking water springmsdw_sprin
main source of drinking water river/canalmsdw_river
main source of drinking water tank/pond/lakemsdw_lake
main source of drinking water other sourcesmsdw_else
location of drinking water source within premiseslocdw_in
location of drinking water source near premiseslocdw_near
location of drinking water source awaylocdw_away
main source of lighting electricitymslit_elec
main source of lighting kerosenemslit_kero
main source of lighting solar energymslit_sol
main source of lighting other oilmslit_oil
main source of lighting any othermslit_else
main source of lighting no lightingmslit_no
number of households having latrine facility within the premiseshh_hav_lat
flush/pour flush latrine connected to piped sewer systemflat_pipe
flush/pour flush latrine connected to septic tankflat_sept
flush/pour flush latrine connected to other systemflat_else
pit latrine with slab/ventilated improved pitplat_vent
pit latrine without slab/ open pitplat_open
"night soil disposed into open drainniso_open
service latrine night soil removed by humanserlat_hum
service latrine night soil serviced by animalserlat_ani
number of households not having latrine facility within the premiseshh_no_lat
alternative source public latrinealt_publat
alternative source openalt_open
number of households having bathing facility within the premises yes bathroombath
number of households having bathing facility within the premises enclosure without roofbathnoroof
number of households having bathing facility within the premises nonobathroom
waste water outlet connected to closed drainageww_closed
waste water outlet connected to open drainageww_open
waste water outlet connected to no drainageww_no
type of fuel used for cooking fire-woodfood_wood
type of fuel used for cooking crop residuefood_crop
type of fuel used for cooking cowdung cakefood_dung
type of fuel used for cooking coal,lignite,charcoalfood_coal
type of fuel used for cooking kerosenefood_kero
type of fuel used for cooking lpg/pngfood_lpg
type of fuel used for cooking electricityfood_elec
type of fuel used for cooking biogasfood_bio
type of fuel used for cooking any otherfood_else
type of fuel used for cooking no cookingfood_no
kitchen facility totalkitch_tot
kitchen facility cooking inside house:kitch_in
kitchen facility has kitchenkitch_yesi
kitchen facility does not have kitchenkitch_noi
kitchen facility cooking outside house:kitch_out
kitchen facility has kitchenkitch_yeso
kitchen facility does not have kitchenkitch_noo
kitchen facility no cookingkitch_noco
total number of households availing banking services Number use bankhh_bank
availability of assets radio/transistorass_radio
availability of assets televisionass_tele
availability of assets computer/laptop with internetass_pc_net
availability of assets without internetass_pc_nnt
availability of assets telephone/mobile phone landline onlyass_mob_la
availability of assets mobile onlyass_mob_mo
availability of assets bothass_mob_bo
availability of assets bicycleass_cycle
availability of assets scooter/ motorcycle/mopedass_scoot
availability of assets car/ jeep/vanass_car
availability of assets households with tv, computer/laptop, telephone/mobile phone and scooter/ carass_tv_pc
availability of assets none of the assets specified in col. 10 to 19ass_no_ass
households by type of structure of census houses permanenthhst_perma
households by type of structure of census houses semi-permanenthhst_sperm
households by type of structure of census houses total temporaryhhst_tempo
households by type of structure of census houses serviceablehhst_serv
households by type of structure of census houses non-serviceablehhst_nser
households by type of structure of census houses unclassifiablehhst_else numeric
State Codestate_code
State Namestate_name
District Codedistrict_code
District Namedistrict_name
taluka Codetaluka_code
taluka Nametaluka name
Village Codevillage_code
Village Namevillage_name
CD Block Codecd_blk_code
CD Block Namecd_blk_name
Gram Panchayat Codegp_code
Gram Panchayat Namegp_name
Reference Yearref_year
taluka Head Quarter (Name)taluka_hq
taluka Head Quarter (Distance in km)taluka_hq_distance
District Head Quarter (Name)district_hq_name
District Head Quarter (Distance in km)district_hq_distance
Nearest Statutory Town (Name)near_stat_town
Nearest Statutory Town (Distance in km)near_stat_town_distance
Within the State/UT (Name)near_stat_town_within_name
Within the State/UT (Distance in km)near_stat_town_within_distance
Outside the State/UT, if nearest one is not within the State/UT (Name)near_stat_town_out_name
Outside the State/UT distance, if nearest one is not within the State/UT (Distance in km)near_stat_town_out_distance
Total Geographical Area (in Hectares)area_ha
Total Households tot_hh
Total Population of Villagetot_popu
Total Male Population of Villagetot_popu_m
Total Female Population of Villagetot_popu_f
Total Scheduled Castes Population of Villagetot_popu_sc
Total Scheduled Castes Male Population of Villagetot_popu_sc_m
Total Scheduled Castes Female Population of Villagetot_popu_sc_f
Total Scheduled Tribes Population of Villagetot_popu_st
Total Scheduled Tribes Male Population of Villagetot_popu_st_m
Total Scheduled Tribes Female Population of Villagetot_popu_st_f
Govt Pre-Primary School (Nursery/LKG/UKG) (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_pre_prim_status
Govt Pre - Primary School (Nursery/LKG/UKG) (Numbers)govt_pre_prim_num
Private Pre - Primary School (Nursery/LKG/UKG) (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_pre_prim_status
Private Pre - Primary School (Nursery/LKG/UKG) (Numbers)priv_pre_prim_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_pre_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_pre_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_pre_facilty_dist_range
Govt Primary School (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_prim_status
Govt Primary School (Numbers)govt_prim_num
Private Primary School (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_prim_status
Private Primary School (Numbers)priv_prim_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_prim_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_prim_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_prim_facilty_dist_range
Govt Middle School (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_mid_status
Govt Middle School (Numbers)govt_mid_num
Private Middle School (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_mid_status
Private Middle School (Numbers)priv_mid_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_mid_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_mid_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_mid_vil_town_dist_range
Govt Secondary School (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_sec_status
Govt Secondary School (Numbers)govt_sec_num
Private Secondary School (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_sec_status
Private Secondary School (Numbers)priv_sec_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_sec_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_sec_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_sec_vil_town_dist_range
Govt Senior Secondary School (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_sen_status
Govt Senior Secondary School (Numbers)govt_sen_num
Private Senior Secondary School (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_sen_status
Private Senior Secondary School (Numbers)priv_sen_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_sen_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_sen_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_sen_vil_town_dist_range
Govt Arts and Science Degree College (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_artsc_status
Govt Arts and Science Degree College (Numbers)govt_artsc_num
Private Arts and Science Degree College (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_artsc_status
Private Arts and Science Degree College (Numbers)priv_artsc_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_artsc_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_artsc_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_artsc_vil_town_dist_range
Govt Engineering College (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_engg_status
Govt Engineering College (Numbers)govt_engg_num
Private Engineering College (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_engg_status
Private Engineering College (Numbers)priv_engg_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_engg_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_engg_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_engg_vil_town_dist_range
Govt Medicine College (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_medi_status
Govt Medicine College (Numbers)govt_medi_num
Private Medicine College (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_medi_status
Private Medicine College (Numbers)priv_medi_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_medi_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_medi_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_medi_vil_town_dist_range
Govt Management Institute (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_mgmt_status
Govt Management Institute (Numbers)govt_mgmt_num
Private Management Institute (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_mgmt_status
Private Management Institute (Numbers)priv_mgmt_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_mgmt_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_mgmt_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_mgmt_vil_town_dist_range
Govt Polytechnic (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_poly_status
Govt Polytechnic (Numbers)govt_poly_num
Private Polytechnic (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_poly_status
Private Polytechnic (Numbers)priv_poly_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_poly_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_poly_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_poly_vil_town_dist_range
Govt Vocational Training School/ITI (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_voc_status
Govt Vocational Training School/ITI (Numbers)govt_voc_num
Private Vocational Training School/ITI (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_voc_status
Private Vocational Training School/ITI (Numbers)priv_voc_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_voc_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_voc_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_voc_vil_town_dist_range
Government Non Formal Training Centre (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_nonf_status
Government Non Formal Training Centre (Numbers)govt_nonf_num
Private Non Formal Training Centre (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_nonf_status
Private Non Formal Training Centre (Numbers)priv_nonf_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_nonf_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_nonf_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_nonf_vil_town_dist_range
Government School For Disabled (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_divya_status
Government School For Disabled (Numbers)govt_divya_num
Private School For Disabled ( Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_divya_status
Private School For Disabled (Numbers)priv_divya_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_divya_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_divya_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_divya_vil_town_dist_range
Government Others (Status A(1)/NA(2))govt_oth_status
Government Others (Numbers)govt_oth_num
Private Others (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_oth_status
Private Others (Numbers)priv_oth_num
Nearest Facility Status (Govt(1)/Private(2)) near_oth_facility_status
Nearest Village/Town Namenear_oth_vil_town_name
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). near_oth_vil_town_dist_range
Community Health Centre (Numbers)chc_num
Community Health Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)chc_doc_num
Community Health Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers)chc_doc_in_post
Community Health Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)chc_param_num
Community Health Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)chc_param_in_post
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). chc_distance_range
Primary Health Centre (Numbers)phc_num
Primary Health Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)phc_doc_num
Primary Health Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers)phc_doc_in_post
Primary Health Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)phc_param_num
Primary Health Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)phc_param_in_post
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). phc_distance_range
Primary Heallth Sub Centre (Numbers)phsubc_num
Primary Heallth Sub Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)phsubc_doc_num
Primary Heallth Sub Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers)phsubc_doc_in_post
Primary Heallth Sub Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)phsubc_param_num
Primary Heallth Sub Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)phsubc_param_in_post
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). phsubc_distance_range
Maternity And Child Welfare Centre (Numbers)mch_num
Maternity And Child Welfare Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)mch_doc_num
Maternity And Child Welfare Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers)mch_doc_in_post
Maternity And Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)mch_param_num
Maternity And Child Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)mch_param_in_post
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). mch_distance_range
TB Clinic (Numbers)tbc_num
TB Clinic Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)tbc_doc_num
TB Clinic Doctors In Position (Numbers)tbc_doc_in_post
TB Clinic Para Medical Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)tbc_param_num
TB Clinic Para Medical Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)tbc_param_in_post
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). tbc_distance_range
Hospital Allopathic (Numbers)hosp_allo_num
Hospital Allopathic Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)hosp_allo_doc_num
Hospital Allopathic Doctors In Position (Numbers)hosp_allo_doc_inpost_num
Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)hosp_allo_param_num
Hospital Allopathic Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)hosp_allo_param_inpost_num
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). hosp_allo_dist_range
Hospiltal Alternative Medicine (Numbers)hosp_alt_num
Hospiltal Alternative Medicine Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)hosp_alt_doc_num
Hospiltal Alternative Medicine Doctors In Position (Numbers)hosp_alt_doc_inpost_num
Hospiltal Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)hosp_alt_param_num
Hospiltal Alternative Medicine Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)hosp_alt_param_inpost_num
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). hosp_all_dist_range
Dispensary (Numbers)dispensary_num
Dispensary Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)dispensary_doc_num
Dispensary Doctors In Position (Numbers)dispensary_doc_inpost_num
Dispensary Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)dispensary_param_num
Dispensary Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)dispensary_param_inpost_num
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). dispensary_dist_range
Veterinary Hospital (Numbers)vet_num
Veterinary Hospital Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)vet_doc_num
Veterinary Hospital Doctors In Position (Numbers)vet_doc_inpost_num
Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)vet_param_num
Veterinary Hospital Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)vet_param_inpost_num
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). vet_dist_range
Mobile Health Clinic (Numbers)mobile_h_num
Mobile Health Clinic Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)mobile_h_doc_num
Mobile Health Clinic Doctors In Position (Numbers)mobile_h_doc_inpost_num
Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)mobile_h_param_num
Mobile Health Clinic Para Medical Staff In Position(Numbers)mobile_h_param_inpost_num
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). mobile_h_dist_range
Family Welfare Centre (Numbers)fwc_num
Family Welfare Centre Doctors Total Strength (Numbers)fwc_tot_num
Family Welfare Centre Doctors In Position (Numbers)fwc_doc_in_pos
Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff Total Strength (Numbers)fwc_para_tot_num
Family Welfare Centre Para Medical Staff In Position (Numbers)fwc_para_in_pos
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). fwc_dist_range
Non Government Medical facilities Out Patient (Numbers)ngmf_out
Non Government Medical facilities In And Out Patient (Numbers)ngmf_in_and_out
Non Government Medical facilities Charitable (Numbers)ngmf_char
Non Government Medical facilities Medical Prctitioner with MBBS Degree (Numbers) ngmf_mbbs
Non Government Medical facilities Medical Prctitioner with other Degree (Numbers) ngmf_other_degree
Non Government Medical facilities Medical Practitioner with no Degree (Numbers) ngmf_no_degree
Non Government Medical facilities Traditional Practitioner and Faith Healer (Numbers) ngmf_trad_faith
Non Government Medical facilities Medicine Shop (Numbers) ngmf_shop
Non Government Medical facilities Others (Numbers)nfmf_other
Tap Water-Treated (Status A(1)/NA(2))tapwt
Tap Water-Treated Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))tapwtf_year
Tap Water-Treated Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))tapwtf_summer
Tap Water Untreated (Status A(1)/NA(2))tapwu
Tap Water Untreated Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))tapwuf_year
Tap Water Untreated Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))tapwuf_summer
Covered Well (Status A(1)/NA(2))cov_well
Covered Well Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))cov_well_year
Covered Well Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))cov_well_summer
Uncovered Well (Status A(1)/NA(2))uncov_well
Uncovered Well Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))uncov_well_year
Uncovered Well Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))uncov_well_summer
Hand Pump (Status A(1)/NA(2))hp
Hand Pump Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))hp_year
Hand Pump Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))hp_summer
Tube Wells/Borehole (Status A(1)/NA(2))twbore
Tube Wells/Borehole Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))twbore_year
Tube Wells/Borehole Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))twbore_summer
Spring (Status A(1)/NA(2))spr
Spring Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))spr_year
Spring Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))spr_summer
River/Canal (Status A(1)/NA(2))rivcan
River/Canal Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))rivcan_year
River/Canal Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))rivcan_summer
Tank/Pond/Lake (Status A(1)/NA(2))tanpon
Tank/Pond/Lake Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))tanpon_year
Tank/Pond/Lake Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))tanpon_summer
Others (Status A(1)/NA(2))other
Others Functioning All round the year (Status A(1)/NA(2))other_year
Others Functioning in Summer months (April-September) (Status A(1)/NA(2))other_summer
Closed Drainage (Status A(1)/NA(2))clos_drain
Open Drainage (Status A(1)/NA(2))ope_drain
No Drainage (Status A(1)/NA(2))no_drain
Open Pucca Drainage Covered with Tiles Slabs (Status A(1)/NA(2))op_pucca_cov
Open Pucca Drainage Uncovered (Status A(1)/NA(2))op_pucca_uncov
Open Kuccha Drainage (Status A(1)/NA(2))op_kucha
Whether Drain water is discharged directly into water bodies or to sewar plant (For Water Bodies-1/Sewar Plants-2)drain_wat_or_sew
Is the Area Covered under Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)? (Status A(1)/NA(2))cov_tsc
Community Toilet Complex (including Bath) for General Public (Status A(1)/NA(2))ctc_bath_genpub
Community Toilet Complex (excluding Bath) for General Public (Status A(1)/NA(2))ctc_nobath_genpub
Rural Production Centres or Sanitary hardware outlet availability near the village (Status A(1)/NA(2))rural_cen_or_sani
Rural Production mart or Sanitary hardware outlet availability near the village (Status A(1)/NA(2))rural_mart_or_sani
Community waste disposal system after house to house collection (Status A(1)/NA(2))comm_waste_disp
Community Bio-gas or recycle of waste for production use (Status A(1)/NA(2))comm_bio_recy
No System (Garbage on road/street) (Status A(1)/NA(2))no_syst
Post Office (Status A(1)/NA(2))post
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ).  
Sub Post Office (Status A(1)/NA(2))sub_post
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ).  
Post And Telegraph Office (Status A(1)/NA(2))post_tele
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). post_tele_dist_range
Village Pin Code (Status A(1)/NA(2))vil_pin
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ).  
PIN Codepin
Telephone (landlines) (Status A(1)/NA(2))tele_land
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). tele_land_dist_range
Public Call Office /Mobile (PCO) (Status A(1)/NA(2))pco_mob
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). pco_mob_dist_range
Mobile Phone Coverage (Status A(1)/NA(2))mob_cov
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ).  
Internet Cafes / Common Service Centre (CSC) (Status A(1)/NA(2))net_cafe_csc
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ).  
Private Courier Facility (Status A(1)/NA(2))courier
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). courier_dist_range
Public Bus Service (Status A(1)/NA(2))pub_bus
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). pub_bus_dist_range
Private Bus Service (Status A(1)/NA(2))priv_bus
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). priv_bus_dist_range
Railway Station (Status A(1)/NA(2))rail_st
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). rail_st_dist_range
Auto/Modified Autos (Status A(1)/NA(2))auto
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). auto_dist_range
Taxi (Status A(1)/NA(2))taxi
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). taxi_dist_range
Vans (Status A(1)/NA(2))van
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). van_dist_range
Tractors (Status A(1)/NA(2))tract
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). tract_dist_range
Cycle-pulled Rickshaws (manual driven) (Status A(1)/NA(2))pull_rick_man
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). pull_rick_dist_range
Cycle-pulled Rickshaws (machine driven) (Status A(1)/NA(2))pull_rick_mach
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). pull_rick_mach_dist_range
Carts Drivens by Animals (Status A(1)/NA(2))cart_ani
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). cart_ani_dist_range
Sea/River/Ferry Service (Status A(1)/NA(2))sea_riv_ferry
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). sea_riv_ferry_dist_range
National Highway (Status A(1)/NA(2))nat_highw
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). nat_highw_dist_range
State Highway (Status A(1)/NA(2))st_highw
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). st_highw_dist_range
Major District Road (Status A(1)/NA(2))maj_dist_road
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). maj_dist_road_dist_range
Other District Road (Status A(1)/NA(2))oth_distt_road
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). oth_distt_road_dist_range
Black Topped (pucca) Road (Status A(1)/NA(2))black_top_road
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). black_top_road_dist_range
Gravel (kuchha) Roads (Status A(1)/NA(2))gravel_road
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). gravel_road_dist_range
Water Bounded Macadam (Status A(1)/NA(2))wat_bound_md
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). wat_bound_md_dist_range
All Weather Road (Status A(1)/NA(2))all_weath_road
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). all_weath_road_dist_range
Navigable Waterways (River/Canal) (Status A(1)/NA(2))navi_ww
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). navi_ww_dist_range
Foothpath (Status A(1)/NA(2))footpath
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). footpath_dist_range
ATM (Status A(1)/NA(2))atm
Nearest Facility Distance (in Km) nearest_ATM_dist
Commercial Bank (Status A(1)/NA(2))comm_bank
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). comm_bank_dist_range
Cooperative Bank (Status A(1)/NA(2))co_op_bank
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). co_op_bank_dist_range
Agricultural Credit Societies (Status A(1)/NA(2))agri_cred_soc
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). agri_cred_soc_dist_range
Self - Help Group (SHG) (Status A(1)/NA(2))self_help
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). self_help_dist_range
Public Distribution System (PDS) Shop (Status A(1)/NA(2))pub_distr_sys
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). pub_distr_sys_dist_range
Mandis/Regular Market (Status A(1)/NA(2))mndi_mkt
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). mndi_mkt_dist_range
Weekly Haat (Status A(1)/NA(2))haat
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). haat_dist_range
Agricultural Marketing Society (Status A(1)/NA(2))agri_mkt_soc
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). agri_mkt_soc_dist_range
Nutritional Centres-ICDS (Status A(1)/NA(2))nutri_cen_icds
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). nutri_cen_icds_dist_range
Nutritional Centres-Anganwadi Centre (Status A(1)/NA(2))angan
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). angan_dist_range
Nutritional Centres-Others (Status A(1)/NA(2))other_nutri_cen
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). other_nutri_cen_dist_range
ASHA (Status A(1)/NA(2))asha
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). asha_dist_range
Community Centre with/without TV (Status A(1)/NA(2))comm_cen_tv
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). comm_cen_tv_dist_range
Sports Field (Status A(1)/NA(2))sport_field
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). sport_field_dist_range
Sports Club/Recreation Centre (Status A(1)/NA(2))sport_club
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). sport_club_dist_range
Cinema/Video Hall (Status A(1)/NA(2))cine_vid
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). cine_vid_dist_range
Public Library (Status A(1)/NA(2))pub_lib
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). pub_lib_dist_range
Public Reading Room (Status A(1)/NA(2))pub_read_room
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). pub_read_room_dist_range
Daily Newspaper Supply (Status A(1)/NA(2))daily_news_supp
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). daily_news_supp_dist_range
Assembly Polling Station (Status A(1)/NA(2))ass_pol
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). ass_pol_dist_range
Birth and Death Registration Office (Status A(1)/NA(2))b_d_registration
(If not available within the village, the distance range code of nearest place where facility is available is given viz; a for < 5 Kms, b for 5-10 Kms and c for 10+ kms ). b_d_registration_dist_range
Power Supply For Domestic Use (Status A(1)/NA(2))ps_dom
Power Supply For Domestic Use Summer (April-Sept.) per day (in Hours)ps_dom_summ
Power Supply For Domestic Use Winter (Oct.-March) per day (in Hours)ps_dom_wint
Power Supply For Agriculture Use (Status A(1)/NA(2))ps_agri
Power Supply For Agriculture Use Summer (April-Sept.) per day (in Hours)ps_agri_summ
Power Supply For Agriculture Use Winter (Oct.-March)per day (in Hours)ps_agri_wint
Power Supply For Commercial Use (Status A(1)/NA(2))ps_comm
Power Supply For Commercial Use Summer (April-Sept.) per day (in Hours)ps_comm_summ
Power Supply For Commercial Use Winter (Oct.-March) per day (in Hours)ps_comm_wint
Power Supply For All Users (Status A(1)/NA(2))ps_all
Power Supply For All Users Summer (April-Sept.) per day (in Hours)ps_all_summe
Power Supply For All Users Winter (Oct.-March) per day (in Hours)ps_all_wint
Agricultural Commodities (First)agr_com_1
Manufacturers Commodities (First)mfd_com_1
Handicrafts Commodities (First)hcarft_com_1
Agricultural Commodities (Second)agri_com_2
Manufacturers Commodities (Second)mfd_com_2
Handicrafts Commodities (Second)hcarft_com_2
Agricultural Commodities (Third)agri_com_3
Manufacturers Commodities (Third)mfd_com_3
Handicrafts Commodities (Third)hcraft_com_3
Forest Area (in Hectares)forest
Area under Non-Agricultural Uses (in Hectares)area_non_agri
Barren & Un-cultivable Land Area (in Hectares)barren_uncult
Permanent Pastures and Other Grazing Land Area (in Hectares)perm_graze
Land Under Miscellaneous Tree Crops etc. Area (in Hectares)misc_crop
Culturable Waste Land Area (in Hectares)cult_waste_land
Fallows Land other than Current Fallows Area (in Hectares)fallow
Current Fallows Area (in Hectares)curr_fallow
Net Area Sown (in Hectares)net_area
Total Unirrigated Land Area (in Hectares)tot_unirri
Area Irrigated by Source (in Hectares)area_irri
Canals Area (in Hectares)canal_area
Wells/Tube Wells Area (in Hectares)well_tube
Tanks/Lakes Area (in Hectares)tank_lake
Waterfall Area (in Hectares)water_fall
Other Source (specify) Area (in Hectares)other_sorce
Nearest Town Namenear_town
Nearest Town Distance from Village (in Km.)near_town_dist

Part of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Main office : Kanwal Rekhi Building. Tel: +91-22-2576 7901/02. Fax: +91-22-2572 0022