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SecNet Workshop Concluded Successfully

SecNet 2006 was conducted successfully. The organizers would like to thank all the volunteers for the excellent work done. The organizers would also like to thank the participants for being so wonderful. Last but not the least, they would like to extend thanks to the sponsors for their support. The workshop was well attended and the feedback from participants was very positive.

General Information

IIT Bombay in association with GS Lab presents SecNet 2006: The 7th Computer and Network Security Workshop, from 3rd to 5th March 2006 at the IIT Bombay Campus in Powai, Mumbai.


The workshop will provide a platform for security practitioners and executives from computer and network technology organizations, academic institutions, associations, and scientific laboratories to discuss and share their security needs, problems, technologies, security systems, plans and much more.

There is an increasing demand for measures that would guarantee the privacy, integrity, and availability of resources. Attacks like DDoS, email viruses and worms, are getting more sophisticated by the day, spreading faster, and causing more damage. Many techniques, algorithms, protocols and tools have been developed in different aspects of cybersecurity, like, authentication, access control, availability, integrity, privacy, confidentiality and non-repudiation as they apply to both networks and systems.

This workshop aims to bring together the technologies and researchers who share interest in the area of computer security. The main purpose is to promote discussions of research and relevant activities in security-related subjects. It also aims at increasing the synergy between academic and industry professionals working in this area.

SecNet 2005, held between 11th to 13th Feb 2005, was attended by over 80 people with representatives from organizations such as IBM, Microsoft, Indian Navy, National Stock Exchange(NSE), TCS, Patni Computers and students & faculty members from IIT Bombay.

The 2006 workshop will consist of:

  • Technical Sessions(Presentations of technical issues and solutions)
  • Tutorials

Who Can Attend?

The workshop primarily targets IT managers, Network managers, Software professionals and System administrators from various organizations like Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Software companies, Banks, Financial and Educational Institutions.
