Sridhar Iyer

Center for Educational Technology
former Head: Educational Technology and CDEEP
former faculty: Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai - 400 076 
Tel: (+91-22) 2576-4820
e-mail: sri [AT]
Career Outline: 
B.Tech (CSE, IIT Bombay): 1985 - 1989 
M.Tech (CSE, IIT Bombay): 1989 - 1991 
Grad Student (PennState): 1991 - 1992 
Ph.D (IIT Bombay): 1992 - 1997 
Lecturer (IIT Guwahati): 1997 - 1998 
Asst Professor (IIT Guwahati): 1998 - 1999 
Asst Professor (IIT Bombay): 1999 - 2003 
Asc Professor (IIT Bombay): 2003 - 2014 
Professor (IIT Bombay): 2014 - date 

(Anandamayi Chaitanyamayi Satyamayi Parame)
Here are Links to: My Calendar Talks Students Publications Computer Masti ET@10 Book LCM Model EdTech Society Brief Bio

I have been a faculty member at IIT Bombay since 1999. I am a Professor in Educational Technology (ET) since July 2021.
I joined KReSIT in June 1999, which was merged with CSE in 2006. I was full-time with CSE from 2006-2015, and on deputation from CSE to ET from 2016-2021.

Teaching (Recent Courses)
Educational Technology Computer Science MOOCs
ET 617: Educational App Design CS 101: Computer Programming and Utilization NPTEL: Demystifying Networking
ET 614: Instructional Systems Design CS 716: Introduction to Communication Networks NPTEL: Software Conceptual Design
ET 613: Introduction to Human-Computer-Interaction CS 348: Computer Networks NPTEL: Designing Learner Centric MOOCs
ET 604: Research Methods in Educational Technology ET 601: Introduction to Educational Technology OTeach: Self-paced course on Online Teaching

See my Students page and Publications page, for details.

  • TELoTS: Technology Enhanced Learning of Thinking Skills - Develop Pedagogies and Environments for teaching-learning of thinking skills that are applicable across multiple disciplines.
  • TUET: Teacher Use of Educational Technologies - Develop Models and Pedagogies for effective use of educational technologies in classroom and online environments.
  • CSER: Computer Science Education Research - Learning science based studies on teaching of CS topics
  • EmerG:Emerging Technologies in Education - Explore applications of emerging technologies for learning and teaching, in the Indian context.

  • Previously [2000-2015], I have worked in various aspects of Networking, with the SynerG Group at the Dept of CSE, IIT Bombay.
    Even earlier, I worked with CFDVS and did my PhD in program analysis.

  • For students: Here are some of my Talks on various topics that might be useful to you.
  • For students seeking projects: I get a lot of 'project request' mail. It is not possible for me to respond to everyone, especially if your request is of the generic type 'doing a project in your field of research'. If you send me a Research Proposal in the areas of Educational Technology mentioned above, then I am likely to respond.

  • Other info: I am the President of the EdTech Society, in India, since it was founded in 2022. I am an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies since 2020.

    See my Students page for various learning environments, ET tools, and CS systems developed.

  • Learner-Centric MOOCs Model: Design guidelines and activity constructors for MOOC creators.
  • ET Handbooks: Resources for ET researchers and Engineering teachers.
    Templates on Planning conducting and reporting studies (for ET researchers) and Implementing Active learning strategies (for Instructors).
    Course videos on Research Methods in Educational Technology and Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education.
  • Next Education Research Lab: Exploring emerging technologies, teacher training and other activities.

  • Computer Masti: A Series of eBooks (levels 1-8), for teaching Computer Science in Schools.
    This work started in 2006 and was released for free download under the Creative Commons license.
    In 2009, it evolved into a company InOpen Technologies, incubated by SINE-IIT Bombay. In 2016, InOpen was acquired by Next Education.
    See Computer Masti Animation Movie, a brief [~4 minutes] introduction to the product, and Computer Masti Video, a brief [~7 minutes] description of our efforts.
    Google Analytics Statistics [2009 to 2016]: Approx 77,000 page views, 25% returning visitors, from 140 countries.
  • Project OSCAR: Interactive visualizations for teaching various subjects.
    This work started in 2004. In 2009, it became part of the National Mission on Education through ICT, funded by MHRD.
    The repository has 457 Interactive Learning Objects (320 for higher education + 137 for schools), available for download in 2014.
    Google Analytics Statistics [2006 to 2016]: Approx 70,000 page views, 45% returning visitors, from 120 countries.
  • WiFiRe: WiFi-based system for long-range broadband wireless connectivity for rural India.
    This work was carried out during 2005-2008, as part of the Center for Excellence in Wireless Technology (CEWiT).

  • See my R&D Projects page for details of previous projects.


  • Short biography: Use this if I am a speaker at your event.
  • Awards: ACM India OCCE Award 2020, AECT International Contribution Award 2019, Excellence in Teaching Award at IIT Bombay, 2016 and 2013.
  • Editorial: Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies since 2020; Program Committee Chair of International Conference on Computers in Education 2022, and IEEE Conference on Technology for Education 2015 and 2013.
  • Societies: President EdTech Society (India); Executive Committee Member Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education; Member of ACM, IEEE.

  • ET@10 Book: An informal way to get to know the Educational Technology Programme.
  • Timbaktu Wireless: Video of some of my students doing practical work in rural wireless connectivity.
  • Jantar-Mantar articles: Here are some fun-oriented articles on networking concepts, written for a children's science magazine.
  • Consultancy: Information on ongoing/past consultancy projects and honorary activities.
  • Personal: Some personal information from my student days.
  • SSRVM: (June 2006 - June 2012) Managing Committee of Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir, Mulund, Mumbai.
  • Previous Courses
    Educational Technology MOOCs Computer Science Information Technology
    ET 617: Educational App Design NPTEL: Demystifying Networking CS 101: Computer Programming and Utilization IT-601: Mobile Computing
    ET 614: Instructional Systems Design NPTEL: Software Conceptual Design CS 716: Introduction to Communication Networks IT-605: Distributed Systems
    ET 601: Introduction to Educational Technology NPTEL: Designing Learner-Centric MOOCs CS 348: Computer Networks IT-612: Wireless Networking and Applications
    ET 604: Research Methods in Educational Technology IITBombayX: Educational Technology for Engineering Teachers CS 213: Data Structures and Algorithms IT-641: Advanced Internet Technologies
    ET 605: Adaptive Tutoring Systems IITBombayX: Effective teaching of CS in schools CS 152: Abstractions and Paradigms of Programming IT-619: Foundations Lab
    ET 606: Educational Technology Tools Lab IITBombayX: Effective integration of ICT for school teachers (IITG) Operating Systems (IITG) Compilers

    Last Updated: July 2024