CS615: Formal Specification and Verification of Programs
(Autumn 2005)

Instructor Supratik Chakraborty
Friendly Teaching Assistant Bhargav Gulavani


  • Final grades have been posted. Happy vacations!

Course Description

This course aims at providing students with a basic understanding of the theory and practice of specifying correctness properties of programs and proving them correct. The primary emphasis will be on the theoretical aspects of specification formalisms, proof techniques and algorithmic verification. There will also be occasion to study some of the issues that arise in deploying these techniques in practice, and solution strategies for them. Techniques covered in the course should be applicable in both software and hardware (modeled as processes) domains.


This is a graduate level course, and good working knowledge (at undergraduate level) of propositional and first order logics, algorithm design and analysis, automata theory and some aspects of programming languages are required for crediting/auditing this course.


What When Where
Lectures Tue 17:15-18:40,
Fri 17:05-18:30
Room A1, Maths Bldg.
Office/Tutorial hour Tue 18:50-19:50 Room A1, Maths Bldg.

Tutorials When Where
Tutorial 1 Tue, Aug 30, 19:00-20:00 Room A1, Maths Bldg.
Tutorial 2 Tue, Oct 4, 18:50-19:50 Room A1, Maths Bldg.
Tutorial 3 Tue, Nov 8, 18:50-19:50 Room A1, Maths Bldg.

Related links ...


Quizzes 30%
Endterm 50%
Term paper 20%

Homework Policy

Homework problems will be occasionally given. These are meant for your practice and your performance in homeworks will not contribute towards your final grade. You are encouraged to solve all problems by yourself on in small groups, in order to gain understanding of the ideas. You are also encouraged to approach the instructor or TA (by setting up an appointment by email) for help with homework problems, if needed.

Term Paper Policy

Each student is required to choose a topic for in-depth study, in consultation with the instructor. After having chosen a topic, the student is expected to read a few key papers on the specific topic (with more readings to clarify related concepts, if needed). Each student is required to write a survey paper based on the topic studied and submit it for evaluation. In addition, a student should be prepared to make a presentation on the ideas studied in the papers, if asked to do so.

A tentative list of term paper topics used in the previous year has been provided. You are welcome to suggest alternative topics in consultation with the instructor.

A suggestive template for term papers has been posted. However, it is not obligatory to follow this template exactly. The purpose of the template is to provide an idea of the depth and breadth to which your term paper must cover the topic that you studied.

Term paper submission

  • Term papers are due latest by Dec 1. For those submitting by Nov 28, there will be no penalty. For those submitting after Nov 28 but by Dec 1, 3 marks will be deducted. For those submitting after Dec 1, your term papers will not be graded.
  • You are required to write the term paper in your own language. Borrowing notation from papers surveyed by you is fine as long as the paper from which it is borrowed is explicitly indicated. However, no copy-pasting of text will be tolerated. Copy-pasting, if detected, will result in 0 (out of 20) for your term paper and an additional deduction of 30 marks from your normalized score for the end-sem exam and quizzes.

Some more logistics ...

  • There will be no midterm examination.
  • Endterm exam and quizzes will be open book, notes and any material brought to the exam hall.
  • If you miss a quiz for a genuine reason, meet the instructor after setting up an appointment.
  • Discussion among students for the purpose of clarification is strongly encouraged.
  • There will be zero tolerance for dishonest means like copying solutions from others in quizzes, term-papers and end-term exam. Anybody found indulging in such activities will be summarily awarded an FR grade. The onus will be on the supposed offender to prove his or her innocence.

Quizzes, Assignments, Practice Problems ...

Prerequisites Quiz Tue, Aug 2  
Quiz 1 Fri, Sep 2 Solution Sketch
Quiz 2 Tue, Oct 11 Solutions
Take-home Quiz Due by noon, Sat, Nov 12 Roll no.-wise constants to be used
Quiz 3 Sat, Nov 12 Solutions
Questions from previous year   Ignore questions on topics not covered this year

Reading Material

  • Papers, chapters and articles to be announced in class.
  • Class notes.

Current Reading List

Propositional and predicate logic prerequisites
  1. Chapters 1 and 2 of Logic in Computer Science: Modeling and Reasoning about Systems by Michael Huth and Mark Ryan, Cambridge University Press
Hoare Logic: Partial correctness proofs
  1. Chapter 4 of Logic in Computer Science: Modeling and Reasoning about Systems by Michael Huth and Mark Ryan, Cambridge University Press
  2. Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (upto subsection 5.2.3 and then subsections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2) and 7 (upto subsection 7.3) of Chapter 15, Methods and Logics for Proving Programs by P. Cousot, in Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Vol B (Formal Models and Semantics), edited by Jan Van Leeuwen, Elsevier and The MIT Press
    Also available from Prof. Patrick Cousot's web page.
    [You need to read the sections on least fixed point formulations of loop invariants to follow what has been taught in class. Be advised that this paper is relatively heavy on notation and requires familiarizing yourself with notations introduced in Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the paper.]
Abstract interpretation, loop invariants, widening, narrowing ...
  1. A wonderful tutorial by Prof. Cousot, explaining in fairly simple language what abstract interpretation is all about. Highly recommended for everybody taking this course.
  2. Slides (in particular Lecture 15) of a course on Abstract Interpretation offered by Prof. Cousot at MIT in Spring 2005.
  3. Automatic discovery of linear restraints among variables of a program by P. Cousot and N. Halbwachs, in Conference Record of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 84-97, 1978. A link to the paper is available from Prof. Cousot's home page. This paper discusses the use of the widening operator for computing linear invariants.
  4. Implementation of an Array Bound Checker by N. Suzuki and K. Ishihata, in Conference Record of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 132-143, 1977. This paper talks about a method for computing loop invariants similar to what we discussed in class.
Boolean programs: A specific case of abstract interpretation
  1. A beautiful introduction to the paradigm of Boolean Programs by Tom Ball and Sriram Rajamani
Temporal logics for specification
  1. A wonderful repository of property specifications using Temporal Logic
  2. Selected chapters of the book titled Model Checking by Clarke, Grumberg and Peled, The MIT Press (CFDVS library has some copies of it -- you can ask your friends in CFDVS to help you access this book)
  3. Chapter 3 of Logic in Computer Science: Modeling and Reasoning about Systems by Michael Huth and Mark Ryan, Cambridge University Press (since our library has a few copies of this book, please consider sharing the book if you have issued it).

References for the more interested ...

  • A good set of slides prepared by Prof. S. Ramesh on material relevant to this course.
  • Prof. Cousot's course on Abstract Interpretation at MIT in Spring 2005.
  • Formal Methods educational resources from the world-wide web Formal Methods page.
  • The Temporal Logic of Reactive and Concurrent Systems: Specification by Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli, Springer Verlag.
  • Temporal Verification of Reactive Systems: Safety by Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli, Springer Verlag.

Lecture Schedule

Date Topics details
Jul 26 Introduction, logistics. A simple imperative programming language, examples of interesting programs in this language, motivation for formal reasoning about programs. Using first-order logic to express transformations effected by program statements.
Jul 29 Bonus class on prerequisites: Basics of first-order logic - syntax, semantics, undecidability, some decidable fragments. Basics of automata theory for finite words - language acceptance, techniques to answer questions about emptiness, universality, language containment.
Aug 2 Prerequisites Quiz
Aug 5 Discussion on program state, and relational semantics of programs (how programs transform states). Introduction to Hoare Logic: syntax, semantics of Hoare triples. Discussion of how assignment statements alter program state. Rules for obtaining weakest pre-condition from given post-condition, and for obtaining strongest post-condition from given pre-condition for assignment statements. Notions of total and partial correctness of programs.
Aug 6 Compensation Class: Proving properties of simple programs with only assignment statements. Rules for reducing proof obligations of Hoare triples involving sequential composition of programs, if-then-else and while control structures to proof obligations of simpler Hoare triples and implications in first-order logic. Notion of a loop invariant and its use in proving properties of while loops.
Aug 9 Proving properties of a simple program with while, if-then-else, sequential composition control structures. Illustration of how knowledge of a loop invariant can significantly simplify proving properties of programs.
Aug 12 Notions of weakest preconditions and strongest postconditions. Illustration of the utility of these concepts in gaining "maximal" information about intermediate program states in simple programs. Rules for computing strongest postconditions and weakest preconditions for assignment statements, sequential composition of statements, and if-then-else control structures. Discussion on difficulty of computing weakest preconditions and strongest postconditions across "while" loops.
Aug 16 Uncomputability of the strongest loop invariant of a while loop in an arbitrary while program: reduction from "halting problem" of Turing Machines. Using a recurrence equation to express strongest pre-condition at the beginning of i'th iteration of a loop. Discussion on the limiting solutions to the recurrence equation. Illustration of use of recurrence equation through a simple program. Discussion on difficulty of obtaining the limiting solution to the recurrence equation, and the utility of weaker loop invariants. Connection of loop invariant computation with computing fixed points in a suitable lattice.
Aug 19 More illustration with examples on what is involved in computing the strongest loop invariant in a given program. Connections to fixed point computation in lattice theory. Continuation of discussion on lattices, monotone functions and Tarski's Theorem on fixed points.
Aug 23 Discussion on two different monotone functions, such that the strongest loop invariant is a fixed point of both, but is the least fixed point (lfp) of one of them. Advantage of formulating the strongest invariant as a lfp. Formulating the lfp as the limit of a sequence of function applications, starting from the bottom of the lattice.
Aug 26 Discussion on upper continuous functions. Computing the lfp of such functions as the least upper bound of a chain of lattice elements. Infiniteness of the chain as an impediment to computing the lfp (strongest loop invariant). Need for techniques to compute weaker loop invariants. Discussion on representing sets of program states as regions in n-dimensional space, and using convex upper approximations.
Aug 30 Illustration of the use of the ConvexHull operator and Widen operator (as used in Cousot-Halbwachs' 1978 paper) to obtain a loop invariant of a simple program. Illustration of the effect of using widening too early (weak invariants) and too late (large systems of constraints). Discussion on representing regions (sets of program states) by finite sets of linear inequalities, their advantages and limitations.
Sep 2 Quiz 1
Sep 6 More discussion on convex regions and regions representible by finite sets of linear inequalities. Comparison of ConvexHull and Widen operators in terms of extraneous states included, no. of linear inequalities used for representation, and termination issues. Importance of both operators in finding loop invariants. Illustration using a simple example.
Sep 9 Computing a post-fixed point (weaker loop invariant) using the widening operator. Tightening the invariant by application of monotone function to post-fixed points. Non-termination of the tightening sequence. Need for a counterpart of widening, aka "narrowing" to ensure termination and yet remain restricted to post-fixed points. Introduction and discussion on narrowing.
Sep 13 Formal definitions of the narrowing and widening operators in a complete lattice. Discussion on two different widening operators and the corresponding narrowing operators.
Sep 14 Galois Connection: definitions, abstraction and concretization functions, retrospective look at what we've done being nothing more than operating with a Galois Connection, relation between lfp in abstract domain and lfp in concrete domain, understanding why the widening and narrowing operators accelerate progress towards lfp in concrete domain. Collecting semantics of programs: a simple example
Sep 20 No class (Mid-semester week)
Sep 23 No class (Mid-semester week)
Sep 27 Discussion on collecting semantics and its use. Abstract Interpretation: a framework for all we have done over the past few weeks. Introduction to Boolean programs. Discussion on term paper
Sep 30 More on Boolean programs: Predicate abstraction, examples. Model checking and reachability on Boolean programs
Oct 4 Location reachability in Boolean programs as state reachability in push-down automata, discussion on how to solve this problem; using abstract traces to construct a system of constraints for checking feasibility of concrete traces. Illustration through an example.
Oct 7 No class
Oct 11 No class
Oct 14 Quiz 2
Oct 18 Counterexample guided abstraction refinement of Boolean programs
Oct 20 Compensation class: Constructing Boolean programs: issues involved, use of assert statements, intuitive translation of assign and assert statements, role of weakest preconditions and their underapproximation for a given set of predicates
Oct 21 Constructing Boolean abstractions of programs without function calls: translation of assign and assert statements, illustration with an example.
Oct 25 Constructing Boolean abstractions of programs with function (including recursive) calls. Summary of Boolean programs. Introduction to LTL: syntax and semantics.
Oct 27 Compensation class: Illustrative examples of LTL formulae used for specifying properties of programs. Identities between LTL operators. Representing sets of paths satisfying an LTL formula as a regular language on infinite words. Introduction to Buchi automata and illustrative examples.
Oct 28 More on the connection between LTL and non-deterministic Buchi automata, problems with a direct Buchi automaton construction, tableau construction for a given LTL formula
Nov 8 More on tableau construction, tableau-based model checking of LTL specifications.
Nov 10 Introduction to CTL and CTL model checking. Summary of topics covered in course.