S. Ramesh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai - 400 076
e-mail: ramesh[AT]cse.iitb.ac.in
FAX: (+91-22) 579 4290 (Dept.),(+91-22) 578 3480 (IIT)
Tel.: (+91-22) 576 7722 (CSE), 576 8700 (CFDVS), 576 8722(Res.)
A Brief biodata.
Recent Publications. For a full list, see
here .
A PDF version of the full CV is available here
Past and Present Students
- Ph.D. Students:
- Ambar Gadkari, Thesis Title: Formal High Level Specification of
Verification of GALS, In progress.
- M.G. Nanda, Thesis Title: Slicing Concurrent Java Programs: Issues and
Solutions, November 2001, ( ps.gz file ).
- Sridhar Iyer Thesis Title: Efficient Reachability Analysis of Concurrent
OO Programs, April 1998.
- A. Sowmya, Thesis Title: Autonomous Robot Motion in Complex
Environments: Specification and Verification,
Sept. 1991 (jointly with Prof. J.R. Issac).
Current Projects:
- Design and Verification of Distributed and Reactive Applications
- Slicing Concurrent and Reactive Programs
- UML based Specification and Verification of Distributed and Reactive Systems
- Testing FPGAs
Some past projects
Some Recent Talks
Some important Links
Web Count maintained from 31st March 1999