About Mysore Park Workshop series
The Mysore Park Workshop series is a forum to promote research discussion in Computer Science and Engineering in India, through workshops on contemporary topics modeled after the
Dagstuhl Workshop series. These workshops are envisioned to invite leading researchers from various related disciplines to promote cross-fertilization of ideas, and inter-disciplinary research. To keep the quality of discussion high, participation is limited to experts from academia and industry. For more information visit the
Mysore Park Workshops homepage.
About this workshop
The purpose of this meeting is to bring together researchers who focus on modelling and verifying quantitative aspects of a system. The quantities could be in the form of either timing constraints (time taken between the application of brakes and its actual implementation by the hardware is 3 micro-seconds), or presence of continuous variables (physical quantities like velocity, acceleration), or probabilistic behaviours (there is 0.1 probability that the system will go into the idle mode). Moreover, the requirements for these systems could involve quantitative information as well e.g., will the system respond in 99 % of the cases within 3 seconds? In this workshop, we wish to concentrate upon models for such timed, hybrid and probabilistic systems.
There has been a large body of research over the past 25 years on these topics around the world. Further, the past five years or so have seen a faster pace of research on these topics than ever before and many of these, once purely theoretical, ideas have now found applications in industry as well. Our agenda in this workshop is to get updated with the recent advances in the theoretical properties and algorithms for the various quantitative models from experts in the world; to know the state-of-the-art in the tools for quantitative verification; and finally, to identify challenges in theory and applications of quantitative verification.