Mathematical logic 2016

Instructor : Ashutosh Gupta

Timings : Friday, 11:45-13:15 and 14:15-15:45
Venue : A-203

This is an introductory course for mathematical logic. In the course, we will cover propositional logic, first-order logic, logical theories, and (un)decidablity of various theories. Most of the course is about the theoretical foundation of logic. Additionally, we will use SAT solvers, first order provers, and assisted theorem provers for some hands on experience.

Source material

Evaluation structure

May change later.


The following lecture schedule is tentative

2016-08-03 (Wednesday 9:30-11:00 and 11:30-13:00) : Week 1 - Introduction, Notation, Propositional Logic - syntax and semantics

2016-08-12 : Week 2 - Equivalences, Normal forms, Encoding into SAT

2016-08-21 (Sunday 11:45-13:15 and 14:15-15:45) : Week 3 - Proof methods, Soundness and completeness

2016-08-26 : Week 4 - Proof complexity, and low complexity subclasses

2016-09-02 : Week 5 - Binary decision diagrams(BDDs), DPLL and SAT solvers

2016-09-09 : Week 6 - First order logic(FOL)

2016-09-16 : Midterm

2016-09-23 : Week 7 - Model existence theorem and compactness, and proof systems for FOL

2016-09-30 : Week 8 - Unification, Normal forms and Resolution theorem proving

2016-10-07 : Week 9 - First order theorem provers

2016-10-14 : Week 10 - Logical theories and Sat modulo theory solvers

2016-10-21/11-08/11-11 : Week 11 - Gödel's Incompleteness theorem

2016-10-12: Week 12 - Coq - a proof assistant

2016-11-25 : Final exam

Presentation topics

Student presentation

Student presentations will be held at the end of the last lecuture. Please choose your presentation topic before Week 9. There will be no assignment on week 11 for the preparation for the presentation.

Last modified: Mon Nov 21 12:07:23 IST 2016