Milind Sohoni Home Page

Something New

  • Prof. Vora Memorial Lecture, 4th April, 2024, Pune. Announcement link. Presentation link.
  • Working Paper in Geometric Complexity Theory: Stabilizer Limits and Intermediate G-varieties link.
  • The IIT Bombay - Unnat Maharashtra Abhiyan 1-week Rural Drinking Water - Ratnagiri district - Live Mapathon is here! Dates: 1 May - 21st May, 2023. Details link.
  • New project: Moderninzing village maps for the Dept. of Land Records, GoM, the project in brief link, and the MoU link.
  • MSRTC Data Sharing MoU renewed, link.

    Recent Courses

  • Monsoon 2024 Semester: CS 782 Alegbraic Techiniques in Complexity Theory (in slot 6). Prerequisites: Familiarity with basic alegbra. Registration: Instructor Consent Required. link.
  • CS 213 Minor, Spring Semester 2024. Course Plan. link. Resources link.
  • Monsoon 2023 Semester: Apale Prashna Apale Vidnyan, CEP Course link.
  • Past Courses

  • Discrete Structures taught at IIT Goa (Monsoon, 2019), course notes pdf.
  • Development Engineering at IIT Bombay (July 2018) link.
  • Data Structures taught at IIT Dharwad (Spring, 2017) link. IIT Dharwad CSE students map Dharwad city bus routes. link. And Charu Agrawal cleans up the data link, makes a Applet, writes a report link, makes a presentation at IIT Goa (10th April, 2018) link.
  • New. Case-study based analysis of public transport, link.

    Newspaper Articles

  • How Are We As A Democracy in Indian Express, 9th April 2024, pdf., full version pdf.
  • What You Don't Ask and Don't Get in Indian Express, 28th December 2023, pdf.
  • The Maratha Andolan - Jobs and Higher Education in Loksatta (marathi), 5th November, 2023, pdf.
  • Why Am I a Hindu but not a Sanatani? in Indian Express, 14th September, 2023, pdf.
  • Apley Prashna Apley Vidnyan gets coverage in Loksatta. Article by Harshad Tulpule, UMA staff in Loksatta, 10th September, 2023. pdf.
  • Why do IIT Graduates not take up Engineering Jobs? in Indian Express, 15th June, 2023, pdf.
  • Karnataka - Did the People Win in Indian Express, 19th May, 2023, pdf.
  • The Empathy in Science a version appeared in in Indian Express, 19th April, 2023, pdf.
  • The Fall of Vikasvaad in Indian Express, 24th February, 2023, pdf, the full version pdf.
  • Analysing the Professor's Job as in Loksatta (marathi), 5th February, 2023, pdf, the original version pdf.
  • ST versus Railway (budgets, investments and social returns ) in Loksatta (marathi), 30th October, 2022. pdf
  • The Chiplun Imperative (on India's Trash Problem) in Indian Express, 28th September, 2022. pdf
  • The Importance of Regional Parties in Loksatta , 5th September, 2022. pdf
  • The sordid state of Center-State Relationship in Deccan Herald, 30th July, 2022. pdf
  • Is the double engine serving the people? in Loksatta (Marathi), 29th May, 2022. pdf
  • Job and Education: The Great Exodus in Indian Express, 25th February, 2022. pdf
  • The Outcomes of Education, in Loksatta, 15th February, 2021. link
  • Measuring Outcomes of Infrastructure Investments pdf Maps version of article which appeared in Indian Express on 18th March, 2021. link. .
  • Why is our Science not able to meet Societal Needs, in Loksatta, 15th February, 2021. link
  • A Diconnected Pedagogy (on India's National Curricula) in Indian Express, 5th March, 2020. pdf
  • Punha Ekadaa Vikaasvaad (Marathi), Op-ed in Loksatta, 21st December, 2019. link.
  • The Right To Science a version appeared in The Indian Express, 16th October, 2019. link.
  • The National Education Policy - Where is the vikasvaad? a version appeared in The Indian Express, 18th July, 2019 jpg (with Oshin Dharap).
  • The Real Vikasvaad Manifesto - the democratization of knowledge and power in Indian Express, 19th April., 2019 jpg.
  • Real Vikasvaad and Elite-vaad. in Indian Express, 25th Dec., 2018 jpg.
  • The Artificial Shortage of Jobs in Indian Express, jpg and in Loksatta (marathi). Aug. 2018 jpg.
  • Stunted Development-Who is to blame? Politics or Bureaucracy? appeared in Loksatta, 27th May, 2018. jpg. A variation has now appeared in Indian Express, jpg. And also Vivek (in Marathi) pdf.
  • The artificial shortage of facts, Op-ed in Indian Express, 22nd December, 2017. jpg.
  • Science and technology for a Developing Country in Indian Express on 5th August, 2017. clip. link.

    Whats New

  • Vikasvaad and the role of knowledge. Invited Lecture at the Gokhale Institute, Pune, 12th August, 2022. presentation(pdf).
  • CS 213 M within IITB
  • My Manifesto as "Aaj Ka Kshudra", November 20, 2021, Hindi. pdf.
  • Vikasvaad as Advocacy Lecture is Prof. Subodh Wagle's Policy for Engineers and Scientists course in IIT Bombay. 22nd October 2021. presentation(pdf). video link.
  • Hon. Health Minister, GoM, claims that there were no O2 deaths. Letter requesting details. 23th July, 2021. pdf.
  • Submission to Hon. Justice D. Y. Chandrachud, Supreme Court of India, on 28th June 2021 on computing oxygen requirements and provision of health care. pdf.
  • Submission to Shri Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, MoHFW, GoI, on 15th May 2021 on computing oxygen requirements. pdf.
  • Presentation collecting facts in view of Maharashtra Covid-19 situation as on June 1, 2021. pdf.
  • A Covid Ready-Reckoner for ICU-O2 Beds pdf. Letter to Secretary, MoHFW, 16th April 2021 on Ready Reckoner, pdf. May have worked...see new MHA Order of 24th April, and highlighted parts, pdf
  • Higher Education, Jobs and Development A workshop organized by Mumbai University of the Case-Study Approach (26th April, 2021). My presentation: pdf and implementation details pdf. The Rice Production in a Village Case Study Description. pdf, and in marathi pdf. Now more case studies - A Cashew Factory, pdf, a Flour Mill pdf, and a village-level drinking water assessment, pdf.
  • Letter to UGC on Outcome Based Curricula Framework, 14th August, 2020, pdf.
  • Letter to Hon. Minister of Railways, GoI on metrics for Corona, 26th May, 2020, pdf.
  • Letter to Hon. Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GoI on metrics for Corona, 19th May, 2020, pdf.
  • Competitive Exams, Science and Society , Institute Colloquium at IISER Pune, 1st November, 2019. poster, presentation pdf, video of talk link and Q/A link.
  • Geography, Engineering and the City- exploring North Goa's water supply and a way of doing engineering. , talk at Goa Engineering College, 15th April, 2019. link.
  • Vernacular Science - The Science of Delivery , IITB TeDX talk, 19th Jan., 2019. link, the presentation pdf, and the script, pdf.
  • Development, Science and Higher Education Talk at North Maharashtra University, 14th July 2018, Jalgaon (marathi). pdf. pdf.
  • Development, Science and Higher Education Talk at North Maharashtra University, 14th July 2018, Jalgaon (marathi). pdf.
  • The Crisis in Higher Education and a way out. Talk at various Universities in Maharashtra. pdf. Also see report: pdf and simplified suggestions: pdf. IIT Ropar version: pdf.
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Engineering: The Unnat Maharashtra Abhiyan, Talk at various colleges of Maharashtra. pdf, video of a version link.
  • The Development Agenda and the Progress of Science and Technology in India, article in Confluence, a blog of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 11th January, 2018, link
  • Unnat Maharashtra Abhiyan, a short introduction prepared for various occasions. pdf.
  • Water Supply: Problems and Solutions, invited talk at the Unicef Workshop on Innovations and Equity in WASH, Lonavla, June 16-17, 2017, pdf.
  • Towards a Material Society: Development as Engineering, at the Workshop on Studies on Science and Technology Education: Culture, Imaginaries and Economy, JNU, 2-3 March, 2017, pdf.
  • The Regional Engineering Proposal to MHRD and various IITs to engage with regional engineering problems pdf. Supporting UG course Development Engineering (approved by IIT Bombay UGPC) to prepare students for undertaking case-studies and field-work in development sectors pdf.
  • CTARA Convocation Day Talk 2016 pdf, CTARA Convocation Day Talk 2015 pdf,
  • Khoj Foundation Talk (2nd April, 2016, New Delhi) pdf, video clip, audio clip,
  • A NEU version (18th May, 2016): pdf, you-tube,
  • Talk in Nasik on Irrigation (February). pdf,
  • Field visit to Parbhani District in April, 2015 to study Jal yukta Shivar villages. prabhani JYS. A more thorough analysis of Pedgaon is planned and here is the letter of authority. pdf,
  • Talk at TISS-Rajasthan-Livelihoods Workshop, Feb. 26th, 2015. link, Indrayani's M.Tech. thesis, link, and presentation link.
  • The University and The Development Agenda, A note to define a new role for the university, October, 2014 (in EPW, March 2015). (pdf) .
  • Knowledge, Society and Global Order, Talk at the Zakir Hussain Center, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 26th September, 2014. (abstract) (presentation)
  • The Elite University-Are We Too Selective? Joint CTARA-CSE talk given at IIT Bombay on 31st January, 2014. (abstract) (working paper) (presentation) (video)
  • Market Games-an analysis of markets from a game theoretic viewpoint. (abstract) (presentation)
  • A philosophy of knowledge and practice for India as a developing nation (manuscript). (pdf) shorter version which appeared in Seminar (pdf)

    Society and Engg., UMA and UBA

  • The Technology and Development Consultancy Cell proposal (link) and its mini-governing-note (pdf)
  • The TEQIP Water Workshop, A meeting of 17 institutions of Maharashtra to (i) discuss the role of the new engineer, (ii) to establish drinking water as a research area. September, 2014. (link)
  • Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, a related program from MHRD. link. framework.
  • Unnat Maharashtra Abhiyan is launched by GoM (13th January, 2016), GR in marathi pdf, Unofficial english translation pdf, model GR as proposed in August 2015 (easier to decipher) pdf, presentation for HoD's meeting pdf
  • Article in Lokrajya describing UMA, April 2017. link,
  • Recent GR on M&E of rural drinking water by colleges. GR (in marathi), GR (unoffical english translation),
  • CM meeting on 23rd March, 2015: concept note, CM meeting presentation and resulting GR. CMO concept note, CM's meeting presentation, GR, English version,
  • Meeting at COEP with other college representatives. coep,

    Formal Submissions

  • Presentation made at IITB Senate meeting of October 6, 2016, on JEE and its lacunae. pdf.
  • Proposal to reform engineering pedagogy at IITs/IISERs/NITs pdf. Based on the AICTE presentation below and the AICTE review committe submission (note) .
  • Presentation before AICTE on reform of UG engineering education (17th September 2016): pdf. Includes data on development outcomes.
  • AICTE set up a committee in October 2014 to review its working and to recommend reform. My submission to the AICTE Review Committee (which has now appeared in Current Science), (note) , a brief presentation, if you dont want to read the note, (pdf) , (The ACT itself) , (The Terms of Reference of the review) . You may send in your own submissions to
  • Comments and inputs to the Misra committee on reform of the JEE (30th November 2015). pdf.
  • Comments and inputs to the Maharashtra State School Education Department(23rd November 2015). pdf.
  • Presentation at CAPART review and reform meeting. (5th November 2015). pdf.
  • Meeting of UBA cell coordinators in IIT Delhi (September 17th). presentation. Related article on the role of higher education and the development agenda (appeared in the Economic and Political Weekly, (pdf) . Also see submission to AICTE review committee on problems in engineering education (which has appeared in Current Science) (note) .

    Newspaper articles and supporting notes- 2017 and before

  • Open letter to Director, IITB and Director IISc on the nature of Science and Technology for Developing Country. pdf. A version appeared as an op-ed in Indian Express on 5th August, 2017. clip. link.
  • Response to a typical one-sided editorial lamenting funding cuts to Big Science in Loksatta and explaining that Big Science and Science are two different things. image.
  • Opinion piece at the 50th Sammelan of the Marathi Vidnyan Parishad Mumbai (16th January, 2016) Presentationpdf Loksatta version link, Longer essay (many typos, marathi)pdf
  • India's Development needs and role of higher education institutions. Marathi article in Anubhav magazine, April 2017. pdf. (download and open in a pdf-viewer if it looks funny in your browser).
  • Are only private institutions to blame? , Article in Loksatta, 30th April, 2017, pdf. clip.
  • The NEET business and the political economy of "national" knowledge systems, pdf. Appeared in Financial Chronicle link. In marathi, pdf. Loksatta (slightly abridged and garbled) version link

    CTARA and development stuff

  • Presentation on Engineering, Society and Research, 3rd July and then on 14th July, 2012. pdf. and on You-tube here. Knowledge society version (12th August 2012) pdf.
  • Review of the July 2012 World Bank Urban Water Report (EPW December 2012) (pdf)
  • The "Research in Rural Development Fellowship" Concept Note (Feb. 2013) pdf and presentation pdf . pdf The MoU between CTARA and MoRD, GoI.
  • The "Development Professionals" Concept Note. pdf and presentation pdf
  • My water research page has been re-organized. link,
  • Temporary Home for Thane Drinking Water project link , a sampler pdf and a presentation intended for GoM pdf
  • CTARA Vision/Values, August 2011, IIT Bombay. and ITRA/Media-Labs Asia, New Delhi, 29th Sept. 2011
  • The M.Tech/Ph.D Admissions 2012 admissions day presentation. and welcome presentation (2011).
  • CTARA now offers projects for UGs. Details. A manual on Why and How to do TDSL is here.

    Engineering Education

  • Submission to TEQIP Gujarat on extension, curricula and R&D suited for national and regional needs (August 2013). pdf
  • Presentation on Engineering, Society and Research, 3rd July and then on 14th July, 2012. pdf
  • Opinion: Engineering R&D at the IITs and its impact on India, appeared in Current Science, June 2012, pdf
  • Head's Meeting presentation (5th Feb. 2011)
  • Institute Faculty Meeting Presentation (14th Nov. 2007)
  • Letter to graduating students (2000 batch) in department magazine.

    Mathematical Modelling (New Course)

  • 2016 version
  • 2013 description
  • official proposal to Senate
  • link

    Data Analysis and Interpretation (part I of TD604)

  • link

    Water Resources R&D

  • Part II of TD 603: Water Science
  • Various presentations on current research link, and old link: link

    Game Theory R&D

    (with B. Adsul, J. Garg and Ruta Mehta and others)

  • Exchange Markets-Strategy meets Supply-Awareness, with Ruta Mehta, In WINE 2013 pdf.
  • Rank-1 Bi-matrix Games: A Homeomorphism and a Polynomial Time Algorithm In the proceedings of STOC 2011.
  • Nash Equilibria in Fisher Market, In the proceedings of SAGT 2010.
  • A Simplex-like Algorithm for Fisher Markets.
    In the proceedings of SAGT 2010.

    IC 102: Data Interpretation and Analysis

  • Web Resources

    Course TD 608 : Development Project Formulation and Analysis

  • Lecture 1
  • Lecture 2
  • Lecture 2.5
  • Lecture 3
  • Discussion
  • A Water Story
  • Jal-Swarajya review
  • Lecture 4
  • Lecture 5
  • Lecture 6
  • Lecture 7
  • Lecture 8
  • Discussion
  • The MWRRA 2009 tariff document summary.

    CS407 Digital Signal Processing

    Check dams in Karjat Taluka

  • Presentation to CSE MTech Admissions 2010

    Some Research Papers

    Computer Aided Geometric Design and Graphics Lab

  • BTP allotments (latest)
  • BTech Students needing help with fixing PT
  • DD Students doing mini-P in summer as well

    CS207 Discrete Structures
