
My DBLP record is here. My Google Scholar profile is here. This page first contains a list of publications from IITB in reverse chronological order. A topic-wise listing of the various research papers I have written here at IITB and before, appears thereafter.

Publications from IITB in Reverse Chronological Order


  1. Shuvayan Banerjee, James Saunderson, Radhendushka Srivastava and Ajit Rajwade, "Fast Debiasing of the LASSO Estimator", arxiv

  2. Shuvayan Banerjee, Radhendushka Srivastava, James Saunderson and Ajit Rajwade, "Robust Non-adaptive Group Testing under Errors in Group Membership Specifications", arxiv

  3. Sabyasachi Ghosh and Ajit Rajwade, "Compressive Recovery of Signals Defined on Perturbed Graphs", arxiv

  4. Sabyasachi Ghosh, Sanyam Saxena and Ajit Rajwade, "Efficient Neural Network based Classification and Outlier Detection for Image Moderation using Compressed Sensing and Group Testing", arxiv

  5. Sabyasachi Ghosh, Ajit Rajwade, Srikar Krishna, Nikhil Gopalkrishnan, Thomas E. Schaus, Anirudh Chakravarthy, Sriram Varahan, Vidhya Appu, Raunak Ramakrishnan, Shashank Ch, Mohit Jindal, Vadhir Bhupathi, Aditya Gupta, Abhinav Jain, Rishi Agarwal, Shreya Pathak, Mohammed Ali Rehan, Sarthak Consul, Yash Gupta, Nimay Gupta, Pratyush Agarwal, Ritika Goyal, Vinay Sagar, Uma Ramakrishnan, Sandeep Krishna, Peng Yin, Dasaradhi Palakodeti, Manoj Gopalkrishnan, "Tapestry: A Single-Round Smart Pooling Technique for COVID-19 Testing", [medarxiv report],[news article 1], [news article 2], [news article 3]


  1. US Patent #20190303555A1, Method and electronic device for providing image-based CAPTCHA challenge, jointly with Vishal Agarwal, Hc Lalduhbera and Venkatakrishnan Ramaswamy, Granted in March 2021

Book Chapters

  1. Ajit Rajwade, Nir Shlezinger and Yonina Eldar, "AI for Pooled Testing of COVID-19 Samples", invited chapter in the book "Artificial Intelligence for COVID-19", to be published by Springer Nature

Journal Papers

  1. Sheel Shah, Kaishva Shah, Karthik S. Gurumoorthy and Ajit Rajwade, "Signal Reconstruction from Samples at Unknown Locations with Application to 2D Unknown View Tomography", accepted to Signal Processing (Elsevier), arxiv

  2. Shuvayan Banerjee (*), Sudhansh Peddabomma (*), Radhendushka Srivastava and Ajit Rajwade, "A Likelihood Based Method for Compressive Signal Recovery under Gaussian and Saturation Noise", Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2024 [(*) = first authors with equal contribution]

  3. Richeek Das, Aaron Jerry Ninan, Adithya Bhaskar and Ajit Rajwade, "Performance Bounds for LASSO under Multiplicative Lognormal Noise: Applications to Pooled RT-PCR Testing", Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2024, arxiv

  4. Ashutosh Vaish, Anubha Gupta and Ajit Rajwade, "CSR-PERT: Joint Framework for MRI and HARDI Data Reconstruction using Perturbed Radial Trajectory Estimated from Compressively Sensed Measurements", Computers in Biology and Medicine (Elsevier), September 2022.

  5. Preeti Gopal, Sharat Chandran, Imants Svalbe and Ajit Rajwade, "Mitigating prior-bias from sparse-projection tomographic reconstructions", accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2022

  6. Ashutosh Vaish, Ajit Rajwade and Anubha Gupta, "TL-HARDI: Transform Learning based Accelerated Reconstruction of HARDI data", accepted to Computers in Biology and Medicine (Elsevier), April 2022.

  7. Ajit Rajwade and Karthik S. Gurumoorthy, "Two Penalized Estimators based on Variance Stabilization Transforms for Sparse Compressive Recovery with Poisson Measurement Noise", accepted to Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2021

  8. Sabyasachi Ghosh, Rishi Agarwal, Mohammad Ali Rehan, Shreya Pathak, Pratyush Agarwal, Yash Gupta, Sarthak Consul, Nimay Gupta, Ritika Goyal, Ajit Rajwade, Manoj Gopalkrishnan, "A Compressed Sensing Approach to Group-testing for COVID-19 Detection", IEEE Open Journal on Signal Processing (IEEE OJSP), [arxiv report] (recognized as one of the top 20 popular articles of OJSP for 2021)

  9. R. Sudarsanan and Ajit Rajwade, "Analyzing Cross-validation in Compressed Sensing with Poisson Noise", Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2021(accepted in December 2020)

  10. Preeti Gopal, Sharat Chandran, Imants Svalbe and Ajit Rajwade,"Low radiation tomographic reconstruction with and without template information", Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2020, [pdf], Supplemental Material

  11. Himanshu Pandotra, Eeshan Malhotra, Ajit Rajwade and Karthik S. Gurumoorthy, "Dealing with Frequency Perturbations in Compressive Reconstructions with Fourier Sensing Matrices", Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2019, [pdf], supplemental material.

  12. Pakshal Bohra, Deepak Garg, Karthik S. Gurumoorthy and Ajit Rajwade, "Variance Stabilization Based Compressive Inversion under Poisson or Poisson-Gaussian Noise with Analytical Bounds", Inverse Problems (IOP), 2019, here, supplemental material, code.

  13. Sukanya Patil, Karthik S. Gurumoorthy and Ajit Rajwade, "Using an Information Theoretic Metric for Compressive Recovery under Poisson Noise", Signal Processing (Elsevier), 2019, pdf, Code and supplemental material

Conference Papers

  1. Kaishva Shah, Karthik Gurumoorthy and Ajit Rajwade, "Two-Dimensional Unknown View Tomography from Unknown Angle Distributions", ICASSP 2025

  2. Shuvayan Banerjee, Sudhansh Peddabomma, Radhendushka Srivastava, James Saunderson and Ajit Rajwade, "Identification and Correction of Permutation Errors in Compressed Sensing Based Group Testing", ICASSP 2025

  3. Harsh Shah, Kashish Mittal and Ajit Rajwade, "Group Testing for Accurate and Efficient Range-Based Near Neighbor Search for Plagiarism Detection", ECCV 2024

  4. Garweet Sresth, Ajit Rajwade and Satish Mulleti, "Unlabeled Sensing with Priors: Algorithms and Bounds", IEEE ICASSP 2024

  5. Anuj Fulari, Satish Mulleti and Ajit Rajwade, "Unsupervised Model-based Learning for Simultaneous Video Deflickering and Deblotching", IEEE WACV 2024, [pdf].

  6. Ashutosh Vaish, Mihir Chaturvedi, Anubha Gupta, Ajit Rajwade, "FOREST: White Matter Fiber Orientation Estimation using Deep Learning in Diffusion MRI", IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2023.

  7. Pranava Singhal, Waqar Mirza, Ajit Rajwade and Karthik S. Gurumoorthy, "Estimating Joint Probability Distribution With Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition, Radon Transforms and Dictionaries", accepted to EUSIPCO 2023.

  8. Jerin Geo James, Devansh Jain and Ajit Rajwade, "GlobalFlowNet: Video Stabilization using Deep Distilled Global Motion Estimates", IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023

  9. Shaan ul Haque, Ajit Rajwade and Karthik Gurumoorthy, "Joint Probability Estimation Using Tensor Decomposition and Dictionaries", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2022

  10. Jian Vora, Karthik S. Gurumoorthy and Ajit Rajwade,"Recovery of Joint Probability Distribution from One-Way Marginals: Low Rank Tensors and Random Projections", IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (IEEE SSP), 2021.

  11. Shuvayan Banerjee, Radhendushka Srivastava and Ajit Rajwade,"Reconstruction of Sparse Signals using Likelihood Maximization from Compressive Measurements with Gaussian and Saturation Noise", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2021

  12. Chinmay Gurjarpadhye(*), Shubhang Bhatnagar(*) and Ajit Rajwade,"Analyzing cross-validation in compressed sensing with mixed Gaussian and impulse measurement noise with L1 errors", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2021 [(*) = first authors with equal contribution]

  13. Ritesh Goenka, Shu-Jie Cao, Chau-Wai Wong, Ajit Rajwade, Dror Baron,"Contact Tracing Enhances the Efficiency of COVID-19 Group Testing", IEEE ICASSP 2021 (accepted to Special session on "Data Science Methods for COVID-19"). Arxiv version available; part of this work also presented at CISS 2021 as an invited paper.

  14. Jian Vora and Ajit Rajwade,"Compressed Sensing Recovery under Sensing Matrix Errors Combined with Unknown Measurement Gains", IEEE ICASSP 2021

  15. Tobias Doecker, Pranay Reddy Samala, Pranshu Negi, Ajit Rajwade and Thomas Kuerner, "Angle of Arrival and Angle of Departure Estimation Using Compressed Sensing for Terahertz Communications", European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) 2021

  16. Ashutosh Vaish, Anubha Gupta and Ajit Rajwade,"MSR-HARDI: Accelerated Reconstruction of HARDI Data Using Multiple Sparsity Regularizers", International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP), 2020

  17. Jerin Geo James and Ajit Rajwade, "Fourier-based pre-processing for seeing through water", IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (IEEE WACV), 2020 (oral and poster presentation, accepted in first submission round), [pdf], supplemental material

  18. Jerin Geo James, Pranay Agrawal and Ajit Rajwade, "Restoration of Non-rigidly Distorted Underwater Images using a Combination of Compressive Sensing and Local Polynomial Image Representations", International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019 (oral presentation: acceptance rate 4.3%), [pdf], supplemental material

  19. Chinmay Talegaonkar, Parthasarathi Khirwadkar, Ajit Rajwade, "Compressive Phase Retrieval under Poisson Noise", ICIP 2019, [.pdf], Supplemental material

  20. Rudrajit Das and Ajit Rajwade, "Nonlinear blind compressed sensing under signal dependent noise", ICIP 2019, [.pdf], Supplemental material

  21. Dhruv Shah and Ajit Rajwade, "Projection design for compressive source separation using mean errors and cross-validation", ICIP 2019, [.pdf], Supplemental material

  22. Arunabh Ghosh, Ritwick Chaudhry, Ajit Rajwade, "Ab initio tomography with object heterogeneity and unknown viewing parameters", ICIP 2019, [.pdf], Supplemental material

  23. Chinmay Talegaonkar and Ajit Rajwade, "Performance Bounds for Tractable Poisson Denoisers with Principled Parameter Tuning", GlobalSIP 2018 (oral presentation), [pdf].

  24. Pakshal Bohra and Ajit Rajwade, "Poisson Low-rank Matrix Recovery using the Anscombe Transform", GlobalSIP 2018 (oral presentation), [pdf].

  25. Himanshu Pandotra, Rajbabu Velmurugan, Karthik S. Gurumoorthy and Ajit Rajwade, "Perturbed Compressed Sensing Based Single Snapshot DOA estimation", GlobalSIP 2018 (oral presentation) [pdf].

  26. Himanshu Pandotra, Eeshan Malhotra, Ajit Rajwade and Karthik S. Gurumoorthy, "Signal recovery in Perturbed Fourier Compressed Sensing", GlobalSIP 2018, [pdf].

  27. Dhruv Shah, Alankar Kotwal and Ajit Rajwade, "Designing constrained projections for compressed sensing: mean errors and anomalies with coherence", GlobalSIP 2018, [pdf].

  28. Preeti Gopal, Ritwick Chaudhry, Sharat Chandran, Imants Svalbe and Ajit Rajwade, "Tomographic Reconstruction using Global Statistical Priors", DICTA 2017, [pdf]

  29. Deepak Garg and Ajit Rajwade, "Performance Bounds for Poisson Compressed Sensing using Variance Stabilization Transforms", Accepted to ICASSP 2017, [.pdf].

  30. Eeshan Malhotra, Karthik S. Gurumoorthy and Ajit Rajwade, "Stronger Recovery Guarantees for Sparse Signals Exploiting Coherence Structure in Dictionaries", Accepted to ICASSP 2017, [.pdf].

  31. Eeshan Malhotra and Ajit Rajwade, "Tomographic reconstruction from projections with unknown view angles exploiting moment-based relationships", International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016, [.pdf].

  32. Sukanya Patil and Ajit Rajwade, "Poisson noise removal for image demosaicing", Accepted to British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2016, pdf + supplemental materials

  33. Sukanya Patil, Rajbabu Velmurugan and Ajit Rajwade, "Dictionary learning for Poisson compressed sensing", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2016, .pdf

  34. Preeti Gopal, Sharat Chandran, Imants Svalbe and Ajit Rajwade, "Multi-slice Tomographic Projection: To Couple or not to Couple", Accepted to Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 2016 (oral presentation, 12% acceptance rate for oral presentation), [pdf]

  35. Souvik Sinha Deb and Ajit Rajwade, "An Image Analysis Approach for Transcription of Music Played on Keyboard-like Instruments", Accepted to Indian Conference on Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP), 2016 (oral presentation, 12% acceptance rate for oral presentation), [pdf], supplemental.

  36. Chandrajit Chaudhuri, Yellamraju Tarun, Ajit Rajwade and Subhasis Chaudhuri, "Low Bit-rate Compression of Video and Light-field Data using Coded Snapshots and Learned Dictionaries", Accepted to IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Methods in Signal Processing (MMSP), 2015, Pre-print, Supplemental material (oral presentation, aceptance rate 17% for oral presentation)

  37. Preeti Gopal, Ajit Rajwade, Sharat Chandran, Imants D. Svalbe, "A Comparison of Some Methods for Direct 2D Reconstruction from Discrete Projected Views", DGCI (Discrete Geometry in Computer Imagery), 2016, 117-128

    Refereed Abstracts

  1. Preeti Gopal, Sharat Chandran, Imants Svalbe and Ajit Rajwade, Low Dose Tomography: Poisson-Gaussian Convolution-Based Reconstruction, ISBI 2019 (abstract)

  2. Preeti Gopal, Sharat Chandran, Imants Svalbe and Ajit Rajwade, Tomography in Longitudinal Studies: Detecting New Structures from Sparse Measurements, ISBI 2019 (abstract)

Topic-wise Listing of Publications